There's a lot of misinformation and misgivings to unpack here. Ethnic tension exists even in what you consider homogenous societies---its human nature that cannot be solely ascribed to a Black characteristics.
Africans do and should care about their Diaspora because whether you like it or not, our fates are intertwined. One can't rise up without the other--this has been historically true for every diaspora from the Irish, Italians to the Arabs, Japanese etc.
Its strange to find issue with the idea of Black unity even if its based on skin color. Why is that a problem? Why is it ok for Whites to unite and dominate the world but bad if Black people do it? Just strange.
Democratic Republic of Congo has the world largest reserve of Coltan crucial for
cellphones, chip manufacturing etc. As well as countless other strategic minerals. US involvement there dates back to the days of King Leopold of Belgium when it was a major source of rubber for the automobile industry in the United States.
Ronald Regan had the CIA draw up a plan on how to better maintain control over the whole country/region. The US has been funding this destabilization for decades.
Why are you so adamant about denying the role of Wh*te supremacy here? US,EU-Gulf countries all sponsor terrorism on the African continent. The idea that African countries are so wealthy that they can afford to sponsor terror groups or any idealistic militias is laughable.