Hama DIDNT start it though. They’re literally living in concentration camps where Israel controls every aspect of their lives and even then Israel continues to build more settlements. They have a human right to resist colonialism and oppression. If Russia built a settlement on some remote island in the carribean off of American waters and The United States attacked the island, nobody would be saying the United States ”started it” You would say that the United States responded to a russian act of aggression. Hamas did the same thing.I was talking with my pops a moment ago about everything in life. This topic came up and something finally hit me:
The IDF has the Iron Dome, world class military training, backing/funding from the US and beyond-- yet they still haven't placed a footprint in Gaza. Meanwhile Hamas has little to nothing and LITERALLY put boots on the ground.
The shyt came to mind cause he was saying how Hamas started it/beheaded babies etc. And yes Hamas DID start it, but they pushed thru all your security systems and contingency plans to take your victims HEAD UP but you're wary about actually doing the sameHow are people still defending indiscriminate bombings and attacks from the air?
This idea that a normal human response of defending yourself from white colonialism and oppression is wrong goes as least as far back as slavery when the same white people that are defending got Israel also claimed black American slaves had a mental disorder called “Drapetomania” for running away/resisting the humane brutality of American slavery