And now the news is corrupt. Long lost is respectable and honest journalism. And it aint a left or right thing with the stations covering this genocide, they all got blood on their hands. Propaganda in real time. Its like they pretend we arent watching social media or live streams or something. They just go on with their bull shyt lies and its so blatant.
It truly makes me wonder about past history, even recently. Seeing these bytch mafukkas on every station just sit up there and lie. Seeing the president lie about multiple shyt. Like damn what else yall been lying about?
It’s frustrating, cause my parents are in their mid 70s. They arent on social media, at all. So the only thing they see is the Israel bias on the news. So having a honest discussion with them about whats going on is near impossible because thats all they see. They dont get the option to see the Palestine side, because its never shown on the news. Thats not my parents fault, that falls on the news channels being biased. Theyre supposed to give the info to spread awareness to the public about whats going on.
CNN, Fox, MSN, ABC, they have all failed America
Here's the thing. Social media ain't THAT much better. It's just not filtered. But there's plenty of fukked up unverified stories out there. The whole "beheaded babies" thing was proliferated by social media. For as much as media has an agenda, I think its folly to think that people on social media don't as well. Especially on X. You just gotta cross-reference your shyt. Just because MSNBC is lazy doesn't mean you have to be.
But I get that people want to hate "the media" but also understand that they have processes to get access and verify information. They can't just waltz into Palestine and get interviews (mostly because Israel won't let them). Now I get that they SHOULD report that. But some of it isn't that simple. Not to mention, when so much information gets shared on X and Facebook and what not, and it's nearly impossible to verify. Being a journalist in war time is some of the most difficult shyt. Especially when one side is working hand in hand with your government specifically to spin the sentiment. The fog of war will never be lifted here. But I've personally seen journalists press IDF officials, question their talking points and bring up the legality of their tactics. But because they aren't screaming on TikTok people think that they aren't "doing their jobs."
What I WILL criticize them for is being lazy. That woman that got stabbed in Detroit is a perfect example. They tried everything in their power to make that fit the wartime narrative, but it didn't. Even after investigators told them FROM DAY ONE they had no evidence of Anti-Semitism. It's trying to take a lazy angle. Meanwhile, that old dude who stabbed that woman and her kid were a blip. It's not so much "lies" as it is laziness.
Best advice I can give? Stop watching the networks. Go DIRECTLY to the Wire services like AP and Reuters or specifically world politics outlets like Politico.
"Don't trust your lying eyes".