It all makes perfect sense once you realize you're only supposed to listen to what they're saying/doing in the current moment. Anything prior that conflicts isn't true.Israel
1. They took credit for it before the international community created an uproar
2. They deleted the tweet the posted footage from last year claiming it was proof Hamas was responsible
3. They posted a fake audio recording of Hamas militants blaming themselves
4. Israeli ALWAYS bombs hospitals and have no problem killing women and children
5. Most importantly, Israel refuses to allow international independent journalists to investigate the impact site
And honestly this is the best resolution...for now. Hopefully a cease fire resolution comes about soon and a solution can come about before the end of the year.
Goddamn, you're really showing your ass here. Do we need to start off at the beginning? I already posted this once, why didn't you read/watch then?
Why nonviolent resistance beats violent force in effecting social, political change
Harvard Professor Erica Chenoweth discovers nonviolent civil resistance is far more successful in effecting change than violent
For the next two years, Chenoweth and Stephan collected data on all violent and nonviolent campaigns from 1900 to 2006 that resulted in the overthrow of a government or in territorial liberation. They created a data set of 323 mass actions. Chenoweth analyzed nearly 160 variables related to success criteria, participant categories, state capacity, and more. The results turned her earlier paradigm on its head — in the aggregate, nonviolent civil resistance was far more effective in producing change.
They broke down literally every successful rebellion between 1900 and 2006, and nonviolent rebellions were far MORE successful than violent rebellions. Like I pointed out earlier, you haven't studied this issue at all and don't know anything about it. Why did you even call yourself "Nkrumah was Right" if you don't realize that he led a nonviolent revolution because he KNEW it would have the greatest chance of success?
All the data is here. Where are they wrong?
Why Civil Resistance Works: The Strategic Logic of Nonviolent Conflict
Maria J. Stephan and Erica Chenoweth
International Security, Vol. 33, No. 1 (Summer 2008), pp. 7–44
Quick question maybe someone can dive deeper because from what I'm seeing Palestinians are pretty similar to Jewish people when it comes to genetics.
If so, then wouldn't it make sense for Israel to not kill those people then and negate her argument?
Further, a lot of Jews are not even ethnically/genetically Jewish/Palestinian.
Nkrumah supporting armed insurrections across Africa such as in Algeria. Really, you are the one who knows nothing.
Nkrumah wasn't a dolt. He knew that armed rebellion against colonizers was sometimes necessary.
Imagine if the Algerians were listening to someone who was a dullard like you. They'd still be under French rule with millions more French settlers in Algeria today if they had a coward like you in charge.
You're a fukking idiot if you think nonviolent rebellion is more "cowardly" than violent rebellion. Once again, you have no substantive argument beyond the same catchphrases repeated everywhere by people who have zero study or experience in the subject.
Notice that you ignored ALL the data in the post yet again to cherry-pick one sentence in the middle, and you can't even answer the actual question I posed in that sentence. I responded to your false claim that nonviolence had barely ever worked compared to violent rebellion. I posted the exact data proving that wrong. If you have to ignore reality, don't you think that might be a flaw in your argument?
When Russia annexed Crimea and invaded Ukraine, they didn’t go on a world wide media spin. Their objective was simple and they didn’t care what people thought.
I’ve never seen a country go to great lengths to justify actions against someone else if they felt they were right.