Israeli intelligence services is supposed to be top tier , how did they let this massacre catch them off guard like this 

What sentiment?Unfortunately the masses of Palestinians must suffer for the actions and sentiments held by a minority of Palestinians
You are clearly uninformed on the topic.But tell me what about all the Palestinians living good out side Gaza amongst Jews peacefully and reaping the benefits of Israel?
Again this is not true & makes no sense.Meanwhile there’s plenty of rich and thriving Muslim countries in the world they (devout Muslims) would be comfortable living in
You’re painting all Palestinians under one broad brushstroke, breh
Israeli intelligence services is supposed to be top tier , how did they let this massacre catch them off guard like this![]()
What sentiment?
Please specify
You are clearly uninformed on the topic.
They living good outside Gaza you say?
West Bank:
Between 2.1 million and 3 million (sources vary) Palestinian Arabs live in the West Bank under both limited self-rule and Israeli military rule.
The vast majority of the international community considers the settlements illegal under international law
Explainer: Israel, annexation and the West Bank
Key questions about Israel's plan to annex parts of the occupied West Bank
Again this is not true & makes no sense.
You are implying here if Gazans are not happy there they should leave & go to another Muslim country. Is that what you are implying here?
Let’s see your response so we can assess of this is true
"We" sold each other into slavery for hundreds of years we are just not one big family.
It’s an inaccurate reduction to say we sold each other into slavery. Do you think Caucasians armed to the teeth gave coastal Africans a choice on providing slaves? It was provide slaves or be the slaves. Europeans gave Africans an ultimatum.This is fair. Africa absolutely has to atone for that in the healing process. But the continent lacks a strong& decisive leader with vision.
No you don'tCanada was so quick to take in Ukrainians . I hope they do the same for Palestinians![]()
whenever relative peace comes to Ukraine , every american citizen should be offered 10 women just based on how much ofeverytime i see that cac hes begging for money
fakkit hurry up and pay us back our tax dollars
Sometimes in our own bubble we forget how wicked the world is. I remember being in Rwanda and visiting the genocide museum and seeing skills and clothing and reading stories and it makes you sick.
Even reading stories of what Hamas militants did to old Jews or kids shakes head and even what Israel is doing dropping massive bombs killing innocent kids sickening. How do these people just commit these crimes and go to bed like it's nothing.
everytime i see that cac hes begging for money
fakkit hurry up and pay us back our tax dollars
That’s my point, our tribalism is why we can’t unite but left to our own devices, we would not destroy ourselves because our culture doesn’t actually revolve around fighting and violence.Anglo-Saxons are legendarily ruthless in getting everyone to tow the line--colonized the Irish, jacked Greek culture and civilization while excluding them from "Whiteness"
And it has worked for them, and even more spectacularly well since 1945. They've basically shaped the world with that as their core doctrine and this is how they've had British Empire----> US Empire-----> ?
Black people tend to be a bit more welcoming of Foreigners than our own kind. Tribalism is our Achilles heel and its why slavery, colonization, Apartheid was so "easy" to execute. We have tribes that hate each other so much, they'd rather everybody suffer under European rule than see another tribe reign over them.
Agreed. The U.S. is not perfect, but the struggles people go through over there is insane.
The attack on the innocent people in Israel was horrible, but the wrath that thousands of Palestinians are going to face in incredibly sad. People keep saying things like "give em' hell", "Bomb the hell out of them", and "turn it to dust". It's easy to say that type of shyt when you're in a country where you don't have to deal with that those people have dealt with and will continue to have to deal with. It's not Call of Duty. These are real people, and millions of INNOCENT people.
Life is much better in West Bank than Gaza. It's not perfect but it's much safer, wages are higher, alot of tourists go to Bethlehem, Jericho, Ramallah. The wall is ridiculous and the checkpoints suck. But it's better as a Palestinian to live in Westbank than Gaza or even east Jerusalem where you treated like a dog