Is there any one super hero more popular than Spider-Man at this point?


May 7, 2012
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Black Panther the most anticipated which equates to most popular on these polls streets:mjlit:

@Primetime won:shaq:

Bryan, brother,

You're an objective poster (within the parameters of the MCU :smugbiden:) so let me ask you this, honestly:

  • If one character does a billy without any guest features or gimmicks, outperforming every other character in history (up until a week ago.. usurped by a character with an absurd amount of guest features and circumstances)
  • Was assessed as:
  • most popular halloween costume in 2018
  • most popular halloween costume in 2019
  • #6 most popular halloween costume among kids in 2020 (#1 amongst superheroes)
  • And now has the most anticipated movie in hollywood for 2022
  • All amidst controversy and turmoil and the innatenz ablaze with recast petitions and debates
How popular is that character?

Bonus questions (keep your answer to the above in mind):

How much more popular would that character then be if he had the luxury of an ensemble 1992 Saturday morning cartoon? :wow:

Or a buncha neckbeards advocating he be included in a buncha 16 bit side scroller arcade and capcom games? :lupe:

(because Cyclops, Gambit, Beast, etc aren't popular to anyone but the 30+ yr old man-children who grew up in the 90s.. as dictated by the neckbeards suits)

Put another way:
How should we measure true "popularity" when certain characters weren't going to get the platform or investment to be popular until... 6 years ago? or until Feige in 2008?

Is the MCU not now to hipster children in 2021, what the Saturday morning cartoons were to 35+ yr old man-children, 30 years ago?

Speaking of '92 cartoon shows
Is Wolverine more popular than Ironman bc of Google clicks, altho RDJ washed Hugh Jackman in box office receipts each and everytime? Do we juelz that it's Fox's fault, even tho RDJ had some badly reviewed IM flicks while Hugh had some good to great reviewed Wolverine/Logan flicks? Do we say its an MCU thing, even tho I Am Iron Man fathered the MCU?

Is any cac hipster child born in 2010 really going to pick Cyclops over Captain America in 2021? Or in 2031?

I don't know the answers to any of these questions.. nor do i care until T'Challa is recast. But if he ever is, let's revisit this ok buddy?

God bless

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
Bryan, brother,

You're an objective poster (within the parameters of the MCU :smugbiden:) so let me ask you this, honestly:

  • If one character does a billy without any guest features or gimmicks, outperforming every other character in history (up until a week ago.. usurped by a character with an absurd amount of guest features and circumstances)
  • Was assessed as:
  • most popular halloween costume in 2018
  • most popular halloween costume in 2019
  • #6 most popular halloween costume among kids in 2020 (#1 amongst superheroes)
  • And now has the most anticipated movie in hollywood for 2022
  • All amidst controversy and turmoil and the innatenz ablaze with recast petitions and debates
How popular is that character?

Bonus questions (keep your answer to the above in mind):

How much more popular would that character then be if he had the luxury of an ensemble 1992 Saturday morning cartoon? :wow:

Or a buncha neckbeards advocating he be included in a buncha 16 bit side scroller arcade and capcom games? :lupe:

(because Cyclops, Gambit, Beast, etc aren't popular to anyone but the 30+ yr old man-children who grew up in the 90s.. as dictated by the neckbeards suits)

Put another way:
How should we measure true "popularity" when certain characters weren't going to get the platform or investment to be popular until... 6 years ago? or until Feige in 2008?

Is the MCU not now to hipster children in 2021, what the Saturday morning cartoons were to 35+ yr old man-children, 30 years ago?

Speaking of '92 cartoon shows
Is Wolverine more popular than Ironman bc of Google clicks, altho RDJ washed Hugh Jackman in box office receipts each and everytime? Do we juelz that it's Fox's fault, even tho RDJ had some badly reviewed IM flicks while Hugh had some good to great reviewed Wolverine/Logan flicks? Do we say its an MCU thing, even tho I Am Iron Man fathered the MCU?

Is any cac hipster child born in 2010 really going to pick Cyclops over Captain America in 2021? Or in 2031?

I don't know the answers to any of these questions.. nor do i care until T'Challa is recast. But if he ever is, let's revisit this ok buddy?

God bless

A lot of people not gonna like this powerful post:whoo:

I’m gonna let it marinate in here before I give a response :mjgrin:

Chris Cool

Jun 22, 2014
So Cal
You also gotta remember that movies weren’t often crossing 1B in the box office when the original spider-man trilogy came out. It was titanic and maybe a couple other movies.

Spider-man at the time was breaking record after record when it came out, it was unprecedented at the time
You mean like Batman? :ohhh:


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 2, 2012
Only because of inflation and worldwide expansion. The Raimi films adjusted for inflation dwarf the MCU ones domestic by a wide margin.

Venom just did close to $900M under the Sony banner as well.. that wasn't exactly a "great" movie by most metrics. Spider-Man with inflation is almost guaranteed these days as long as there's no pandemic restrictions.

Sure.. it sounds good that the MCU "saved the character" or whatever but it's nonsense.

To add to my earlier post.. @hex the 1st Sony "MCU" Spider-Man Homecoming did nearly $900M. The two Garfield movies both went over $700M. You adjust those two for inflation and the box office revenue compared to Homecoming is virtually identical + there's also ww theater expansion to factor.

The 3rd Spider-Man No Way Home is heavily reliant on the Sony universe based characters.

There's nothing to go on that says there was a significant bump because of MCU. The character is just globally loved no matter what..

The Raimi films, even adjusted for inflation, aren't going to do what "No Way Home" will, when all is said and done. Which is why I said "it won't just be a billion".

As far as the Garfield real time nobody cares about eventually adjusting for inflation.

Sony wasn't like :ohhh: "but if we adjust for inflation 8 years from now....these numbers are good!" :mjlol:

C'mon now man.

I're adjusting all these numbers for the previous Sony Spider-Man movies....while ignoring the fact that "No Way Home" had to deal with a global pandemic.

And as far as "Spider-Man didn't receive a significant bump from the MCU" and "this movie is reliant on Sony characters"....

Sony reached out to Marvel for help, not the other way around. Amy Pascal had a meeting with Kevin Feige, he told Sony their ideas were trash and to just let him take over. And they did. :manny:

'Spider-Man' Executive Was Initially "Super Resentful," Threw a Sandwich at Kevin Feige Over MCU Crossover Idea

So it's a bit disingenuous to downplay Marvel's role in Spider-Man's current success.

May 1, 2012
So it's a bit disingenuous to downplay Marvel's role in Spider-Man's current success.

How so? Breh i gave you the numbers... if you don't wanna respond to them that's fine but the fact is Homecoming didn't do better than the Garfield movies. At best it's a wash..

No Way Home crushed the buildings for sure... but you are going to credit that to Feige and not the clear interest people have in the Sonyverse Spider-Mans and villains?

That's now downplaying what Sony actually accomplished with the character.


May 1, 2012
So much that it's one of the lowest grossing MCU movies. i'd give that a pass because of the pandemic maybe if we didn't see Spider-Man crush it just now.
I mean it was pandemic and day one on Disney plus. Not even possible with Spider-Man cause of Sony

for instance people care about her much more then captain marvel. She was a major player and people cared when she scarified herself

and the movie was dope


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 2, 2012
How so? Breh i gave you the numbers... if you don't wanna respond to them that's fine but the fact is Homecoming didn't do better than the Garfield movies. At best it's a wash..

No Way Home crushed the buildings for sure... but you are going to credit that to Feige and not the clear interest people have in the Sonyverse Spider-Mans and villains?

That's now downplaying what Sony actually accomplished with the character.

If it were solely a numbers game and Sony was happy with "what they accomplished" then there's no reason to ask Marvel for help.

Again, Amy Pascal reached out to Kevin Feige and damn near begged him. He shot down her ideas and told her "let my team handle the character."

After getting emotional, she did. Which is why Spider-Man is in the MCU.

Yes the Sony characters are in "No Way Home" but people were excited to see them in the MCU.

I have no idea why but it seems practically impossible for you to give Marvel credit for anything.

"No Way Home" is an MCU movie, written by MCU regulars, directed by an MCU regular, overseen by Feige, featuring Dr. Strange and the multiverse....which was set up by previous MCU movies....

And your major takeaway is "but people are interested in the Sony characters."


Also keep in mind the Sony email hack thread exposed how clueless they were about the future of the character.

Had Sony been allowed free rein, Spider-Man would've been "Batman Forever" status. The MCU basically saved the character.

May 1, 2012
If it were solely a numbers game and Sony was happy with "what they accomplished" then there's no reason to ask Marvel for help.

Again, Amy Pascal reached out to Kevin Feige and damn near begged him. He shot down her ideas and told her "let my team handle the character."

After getting emotional, she did. Which is why Spider-Man is in the MCU.

Yes the Sony characters are in "No Way Home" but people were excited to see them in the MCU.

I have no idea why but it seems practically impossible for you to give Marvel credit for anything.

"No Way Home" is an MCU movie, written by MCU regulars, directed by an MCU regular, overseen by Feige, featuring Dr. Strange and the multiverse....which was set up by previous MCU movies....

And your major takeaway is "but people are interested in the Sony characters."


Also keep in mind the Sony email hack thread exposed how clueless they were about the future of the character.

Had Sony been allowed free rein, Spider-Man would've been "Batman Forever" status. The MCU basically saved the character.


1. They weren't happy with those numbers from the Garfield movies because Batman was doing over a billion. Homecoming didn't fix that.

2. Yes... anyone with a clue can see that the Sony characters are the main driving force behind the interest here. That's why there's such a huge jump in B.O. from the previous two... you are smart... you should be able to see that.

3. it's still a Sony project. The studio is Sony despite who directed it they have say...

4. They didn't cave to the MCU's demand for B.O. returns... instead Sony said fine.. we'll have Spider-Man then. Marvel came to the table to get the deal done and renew the contract.

5. They've proven they can do exceedingly well with the character. Your statement is hyperbole. Spiderverse is probably the most well received project for the character and that's ALL Sony with no MCU involvement. it won awards/they green lit a second one right away.

6. Even the side characters do well. Venom went near $900M at the B.O. with no MCU involvement. Did all those people say "nope... not MCU... not going" :mjlol: