My wife and I have an 18 month old daughter and I 6 week old son. I firmly believe most people shouldn’t have kids the way western society is set up. In other cultures the whole community raises your child. In America, you’re out here solo.
I've seen a lot of people moving in that direction:
The Nuclear Family Was a Mistake
The family structure we’ve held up as the cultural ideal for the past half century has been a catastrophe for many. It’s time to figure out better ways to live together.
- It’s expensive AF
- You won’t sleep for the first 3 months
- Your time and mental capacity is no longer yours
- You have to cut most hobbies
- Young kids are a nightmare to travel with
- Whatever issues you and your significant other have will be magnified 10x
- The highs are some of the highest highs you’ll ever experience. Watching your child learn new skills is really a blessing
- To add to the first point, seeing a toddler full sprint toward you because they haven’t seen you for a while is 🥹
- They bring your family together. You’ll see a side of your parents you’ve never seen before
- Of course, you have someone to take care of you when you’re old
I'd agree with most of those except the expense (there are plenty of ways to do it without the expenses if you don't fall to peer pressure) and the travel (maybe it's because we've been traveling since she was super little, but our daughter travels really well).
Little kids almost never wear their stuff out cause they grow out of it so fast. If you share clothes, books, and toys with other families then you practically never have to buy anything, especially cause friends/relatives will occasionally gift your kid stuff too. We did natural birth, breastfeeding instead of formula, and cloth diapers instead of disposable. I'm trying to think of any major expense we've had and not really coming up with one.
The time is a BIG thing though. Kids take up a ton of your time, there is no doubt about that at all. And you have less freedom with your time than you used to. How well you can work shyt out with your spouse and other family members plays a big role in how much time you will still have to yourself.