Is there a book that destroys White Supremacy more thoroughly than this???


May 3, 2012
In the Silver Lining
Also for those that don't believe Europe was colonized by black people, look no further than Rita Ora.


She's supposed to be a full blooded European woman from Albania. However, we can see the clear African features in her face.

White Europeans know that they came from us and that we ruled over them as recently as the last 1,000 years.


Well Genghis Khhan and the Horde have a lot of DNA in Eastern Europe/Russia, but in this pic she definitely looks Afro Latino.


Jun 15, 2018
Planet Earth
Also for those that don't believe Europe was colonized by black people, look no further than Rita Ora.


She's supposed to be a full blooded European woman from Albania. However, we can see the clear African features in her face.

White Europeans know that they came from us and that we ruled over them as recently as the last 1,000 years.

Bruh, they just found out this lady who was the first Black Briton of Afro descent

The Beachy Head Lady is the first ever known Black British in history. She was given the name Beachy Head Lady because her remains were discovered at Beachy Head, Eastbourne, South Sussex. She is identified to originate from Sub-Saharan Africa and lived between 200- 245AD, in the middle of the Roman British Era which lasted between 43-410 AD.

First discovered in 1953, her remains were in perfectly good condition together with about 300 sets of human remains excavated from an Anglo-Saxon cemetery.


Nothing else was made out of her remains until in recent times, Archaeologist and Eastbourne Museums Heritage Officer, Jo Seamen, decided to re-examine the 300 excavated human remains as part of the Eastbourne Ancestry project.

In an interview, Officer Jo Seamen explained that his interest in the remains was because hers looked different and were in good shape. Huge sums of money were invested into finding out as much information about the remains.

The facial reconstruction of the Beachy Head Lady was done by Caroline Wilkinson from Dundee University, one of Britain’s best reconstructors.

Through examination, the Black-British of Sub -Saharan African descent, Beachy Head Lady, was estimated to be about 5.f ft tall and very healthy, having her teeth still in excellent condition. She is believed to have died in her late 20s living a life far from being a slave, servant or low-class citizen.


It is possible that the Beachy Head Lady was the mistress of a powerful Roman British or the wife of an official. It is also possible that she could have been the daughter of a successful sub-Saharan trader or a trader herself finally settling in Europe after a few years.

Her presence in history dating as far back as 1,800 years ago in 245AD indicates the presence of Africans in Britain centuries before slavery.



This is not the first time the remains of an African has been found in Britain. In 1901 in the city of Sycamore Terrace in York, the remains of the Ivory Bangle Lady was found buried in an expensive stone coffin with several pieces of jewellery and pricey grave goods including jet and elephant ivory bracelets that gave her the nickname The Ivory Bangle lady. She lived in the 4th century years after the Beachy Head Lady.

Both ladies were found in luxurious towns in Britain, and this goes a long way to demonstrate that Africans from Sub Saharan Africa travelled extensivly through trade and were living more prosperous lives than many locals in their day.

The restructured face and remains of the Beachy Head Lady was put on display for the general public as part of an exhibition by the Eastbourne Museum.

It’s fascinating that the former Duke of Sussex, Prince Augustus Frederic supported the abolition of the slave trade in the 19th century. In 2018, after marrying Prince William, Megan Markle, who is of African descent also became the Dutchess of Sussex.

('Beachy Head Lady' is the first Black in British history from Sub-Saharan Africa who lived in the 3rd century - Face2Face Africa)
May 16, 2012
Didn't Ivan Van Sertima come out with a book that refuted his critics?


I haven't read this book. And honestly the first book was so through I don't think he needed to refute anything. Every claim he made in THEY CAME BEFORE COLUMBUS was sourced with primary source materials.

His critics were the same as those that argue against Ancient Egypt being black. To them it comes to one simple theory: "they couldn't possibly be nikkas". PERIOD. They never present any evidence to the contrary. They just deny, deny, deny.
Last edited:
May 16, 2012

Good find.

Black people are the original source population of every place on earth.

I just find it funny how they like to suggest every time they find the remains of a black person in Europe or Asia that they were possibly a slave. In this article they at least argue she wasn't. But why was that the first thought when they found her?

These cacs refuse to believe we actually went to Europe and other parts of the world on our own accord.
May 16, 2012

Well Genghis Khhan and the Horde have a lot of DNA in Eastern Europe/Russia, but in this pic she definitely looks Afro Latino.

Genetically a lot of Southern and Eastern Europeans especially in the Balkan regions have about 10-20% African ancestry. What's interesting is the DNA is only from African males (haplogroup E1b1b). These Europeans don't have any African female ancestry.

This suggests that the black ancestry in these Europeans came as a result of conquest. Because when armies go to war, they don't take their women with them. What happens is the conquering men procreate with the native females.

The DNA is telling us that's exactly what happened in Eastern and Southern Europe. Black men from Africa (most likely the Moors) procreated with so many white women in those parts of Europe that they changed the face of the population creating the likes of Rita Ora.


Oct 11, 2017
K'lal Yisraʾel
Genetically a lot of Southern and Eastern Europeans especially in the Balkan regions have about 10-20% African ancestry. What's interesting is the DNA is only from African males (haplogroup E1b1b).
Southern Europeans do exhibit the highest proportion of African lineages, but your figures are a far cry from reality.

(Reich et al., 2011)
We analyze genome-wide polymorphism data from about 40 West Eurasian groups to show that almost all Southern Europeans have inherited 1%–3% African ancestry with an average mixture date of around 55 generations ago, consistent with North African gene flow at the end of the Roman Empire and subsequent Arab migrations.

Iberia (Southwest Europe) shows the highest affinity:

(Cruciani et al., 2007)
Considering both these E-M78 subhaplogroups (present study) and the E-M81 haplogroup (Cruciani et al. 2004), the contribution of northern African lineages to the entire male gene pool of Iberia (barring Pasiegos), continental Italy, and Sicily can be estimated as 5.6%, 3.6%, and 6.6%, respectively.

The Balkan populations (Southeastern Europe), not so much:

(Kovacevic et al., 2014)
The analysis of the population structure based on the autosomal variation of the studied Western Balkan populations revealed that their genetic profiles agree well with their geographical position in between the Middle East and the rest of Europe, being closest to the Eastern Balkan and South European populations (Figures 2) . . . The African component is absent and the East Asian component can be seen only in trace amounts in Western Balkan populations.

These Europeans don't have any African female ancestry.
Yes they do.

(Richards et al., 2003)
Haplogroups L1–L3A in the Near East reach their highest frequency in the Yemen Hadramawt (∼35%). Other Arab populations—Palestinians, Jordanians, Syrians, Iraqis, and Bedouin—have ∼10%–15% of lineages of sub-Saharan African origin. These types are rarely shared between different Arab populations. By contrast, non-Arab Near Eastern populations—Turks, Kurds, Armenians, Azeris, and Georgians—have few or no such lineages, suggesting that gene flow from Africa has been specifically into Arab populations. For comparison, southern European mtDNAs include only ∼2% of these lineages, and northern Europeans <1% (Richards et al. 2000). The only European region to stand out is Iberia, where ∼4% of mtDNAs belong to these clusters, probably a trace of the medieval Moorish conquests (Côrte-Real et al. 1996; Richards et al. 2000).

Frequency of African Haplogroup L (mtDNA)

(Achilli et al., 2007)
Spain, Northwestern: 3.70%
Spain, Central: 0.68%
Spain, Andalusia: 1.75%
Spain, Northeastern: 1.68%
Spain, Basque Country: 0.64%

(Alvarez et al., 2007)
Spain, all regions: 2.90%

(Pereira et al., 2005)
Spain, all regions: 1.61%

(Casas et al., 2006)
Spain, Córdoba: 0.9%

(Picornell et al., 2005)
Spain, Balaeric Islands: 2.20%

(Brehm et al., 2003)
Spain, Canary Islands: 6.60%
May 16, 2012
Southern Europeans do exhibit the highest proportion of African lineages, but your figures are a far cry from reality.

(Reich et al., 2011)

Iberia (Southwest Europe) shows the highest affinity:

(Cruciani et al., 2007)

The Balkan populations (Southeastern Europe), not so much:

(Kovacevic et al., 2014)

Yes they do.

Frequency of African Haplogroup L (mtDNA)

(Achilli et al., 2007)
Spain, Northwestern: 3.70%
Spain, Central: 0.68%
Spain, Andalusia: 1.75%
Spain, Northeastern: 1.68%
Spain, Basque Country: 0.64%

(Alvarez et al., 2007)
Spain, all regions: 2.90%

(Pereira et al., 2005)
Spain, all regions: 1.61%

(Casas et al., 2006)
Spain, Córdoba: 0.9%

(Picornell et al., 2005)
Spain, Balaeric Islands: 2.20%

(Brehm et al., 2003)
Spain, Canary Islands: 6.60%

Obviously across all of Southern Europe it ain't 10-20%. What I meant was cerfain European ethnic groups in the Balkans especially have that much.

Cobalt Sire

All Star
Nov 22, 2016
There was no 'discovery'. Your point has been disproven by actual archaeology, history, and genetics and pretty much every science known to man.

There was NO African or 'Black' presence in the Americas before the 15th Century CE.

If you wish to argue the point, I'll make a Ban Bet: You take a permanent vacation if I prove you wrong. First, you have to define 'Black' and it can't be 'Well, they look Black to me.', since that is neither objective nor accurate. Rachel Dolezal disproves that.


I will not argue the point further in this thread. I'll make another one and you bring your 'evidence' there.​

How is this guy in the green?

King of Creampies

Hop in. You coming too!
Feb 18, 2017
Wild Hunt
The Invention of the White Race by Theodore W. Allen

Written in 1995 in 2-parts. Utterly destroys the idea of a 'White race' and with it, 'White Supremacy'.
Spoilering this book to hide it from cacs and c00ns and lurking agents


Tariq put me on to this book in 2011 when I called into his show one time.

This book is Gold. I have it in my own collection.