The same people who don’t care about 4k (which has pretty much been standard since 2017) are suddenly gonna care about playing games in 60fps with minor graphical upgrades, no disc drive, and non-existent internal memory ? I doubt it.
Its people buying it as gifts out of desperation because theres no other consoles on the shelves.
I will also put money on it that half the people that bought a series s completely forgets about it in two years or upgrades to an X or PS5. You put the S and the X next to each other and 9/10 a consumer will choose the x, The s isn’t being bought because its such a good value and people are desperate to save 200 dollars, they are buying it because its whats available.
4k was the standard in 2017? On which console? Infact most people debating about 4k didn't have true 4k TV's.
And 4k being the standard on PC is also false, it was reserved for people with crazy graphics cards and monitors.
Now 4 years later it is closer to the standard across all platforms...
And the same will happen again.

So yes people with series S will probably be looking to upgrade, but that shouldn't matter since people with series x and ps5 will probably looking to upgrade to the next model as well.
And those that aren't looking to upgrade can still enjoy there series S no problem