i hope it stops. i work for an e-waste recycling company and the money we have been getting for items from big recyclers have damn near been cut in half.
Phyiscal gold is very liquid
No spot price cause high demand u dont get apple I pad for sale at what it cost to produce u are paying hihger than spot cause ur paying the stores rent
Gold has value in that it will always be traded for whatever currency is the main dog for he last 100 years u could say its the dollar but it wont be the case forever
Gold is a fear teade but what ppl dont understand is that fear is real and justifed
Ppl dont buy gold for that reason they buy gold to hedge agaimst the collapse of their currency go ask ppl from mex in the 70 or 80 or argentina in the 90 about that shytty feeling of having ur bank account cut in half over night
Yeah no shyt gold is liquid...for half the spot price. From what I can gather from the rest of your misspelled post, im American and I'm usually not worried about the dollar collapsing. Like I give a shyt what Argentinian currency does. There's like six currencies that actually matter and whatever Argentina uses isn't it.
Yeah no shyt gold is liquid...for half the spot price. From what I can gather from the rest of your misspelled post, im American and I'm usually not worried about the dollar collapsing. Like I give a shyt what Argentinian currency does. There's like six currencies that actually matter and whatever Argentina uses isn't it.
If gold is overpriced, would you rather have $5000 in dollars right now or $5000 in gold?
the reason is, i know the economic fundamentals behind the dollar are not sound
If you're a long term investor, and invested back in the late 1990s, you'd be sitting on a 500%+ profit. A safer bet you won't find anywhere. It's only ridiculous if you're a short term investor and expect to make a 500% profit in in a very short time span. Can you point out something I can invest in and expect a 500% in a relatively short period?this is the biggest misconception about it. gold is not the hedge against inflation it used to be.
and for you guys in here saying it's a safe bet, it's one of the most volatile things you can invest in. and i would argue it's the most ridiculously overvalued thing out there.
Palladium is a good investment, too. So are fossil fuels. Investors have made a killing on oil investments dating back to the 1990s.oh it's rare and old. that's also true of palladium and dinosaur fossils breh
this is the mutual confidence version of a ponzi scheme. the value of gold is essentially in speculation because other people are assuming it's worth something special to someone else. that's what I'm saying. this is true of any other priced item. its value is set by whatever vague ideas are going on in the heads of buyers and sellers in the market
We're lightly treading on Keynesian economics, not macro economics.:goldusure: this is what happens when you pretend to understand macroeconomics.
Yes, but you don't measure investments by 2 day perforances, you measure them in the long term runs, like years. Also, gold recovered 1% the day after the so called crash.It lost more in two days than it has in 30 years. If the stock market did the same thing, it would be considered a
But it does. China, Russia, India, etc are hoarding gold for a reason.Gold being used as currencies for thousands of years means absolutely zero.
But inflation is real, and it's not low, and the dollar is weak.Gold's only use nowadays is really as a hedge against the fear of inflation. Inflation is low, the dollar is strong, so naturally gold is declining now. Its value is speculative.
So does that apply to gold as well? IS gold not worth anything today? Remember that gold's rarity is that you can't make gold. You can make all the black pepper you want, producing it at an industrial level, but not gold. All the gold in the world was made by exploding stars billions of years ago. The same principal applies to fiat paper money. You can pretty much create it out of thin air by printing it at an industrial level. So like black pepper, it pretty much becomes 'not worth anything' because there's so much of it in circulation.If you mean literal spice, a perfect example is Black Pepper. It used to be something only Kings could afford, and now it's not worth anything.
I can sell my gold right now for spot price
All u need to know is that any govt at any time can devalue ur currency whenever they want why do they devalue thier currency u ask prob cause they owe a lot of debt so u should give a sh1t about countries like argentina and mex cause thats what will happen to us or how do u think our govt plans to pay bk all the money they are printing growth yeah right lok at the growh weve got with the 4 years of printing weve done
U being american doesnt mean sh1t cause we are in a global economy
What happened to argentina and mex was they basically pushed a reset button on their currency ex u have 5k in the bank but now u magically overnight have 2500 cause ur paper currencies value is set by our central bank now in that scenario wouldnt u like to own gold
But they're not managing it correctly, this is why China and other countries are hoarding gold now, they're getting ready to dump the dollar. Even 3% inflation is scary because we had ZERO job growth for that same decade.likewise if they ever started to manage the dollar properly there would be no need to hedge against it...dollar would lose its place as the global reserve currency; USD inflation over the last decade would be a lot higher than the 3% a year its been. The only metric backing gold's price is gold's price
For fukks sake gold took an 84% L from 1980 to 2000... meanwhile the dollar took a good 50% loss over that period... govt debt also increased by about 200%... so why is gold a hedge now all of a sudden for shyt that was going on during its slide? The #s dont add up
People dump on Bitcoin... can a gold head explain how gold is any better?
I'd rather carry a gold or silver coin for a loaf of bread than bricked dollars for that same loaf of bread. Inflation, man.so you'd stock it as an alternative currency basically? you gonna barter your gold for some wheat breh?
Wait a sec... are you comparing bitcoin to gold?People dump on Bitcoin... can a gold head explain how gold is any better?
so you'd stock it as an alternative currency basically? you gonna barter your gold for some wheat breh?
even then it doesn't make sense to buy now if it's priced too high compared to its future value
Im @ the groupieing for gold
Gold is a fear index... fear is partionally rational but largely emotional/irrational....if the situations people hedging with gold ever came to be reality gold would be worthless... likewise if they ever started to manage the dollar properly there would be no need to hedge against it... its only now, with the combination of an economy stable enough to operate in the short term with enough mismanagement to worry about the long term in which gold fear can be entertained enough to sustain its high prices. Treasuries would not be priced like they are; dollar would lose its place as the global reserve currency; USD inflation over the last decade would be a lot higher than the 3% a year its been. The only metric backing gold's price is gold's price
For fukks sake gold took an 84% L from 1980 to 2000... meanwhile the dollar took a good 50% loss over that period... govt debt also increased by about 200%... so why is gold a hedge now all of a sudden for shyt that was going on during its slide? The #s dont add up
People dump on Bitcoin... can a gold head explain how gold is any better?