this is the biggest misconception about it. gold is not the hedge against inflation it used to be.
and for you guys in here saying it's a safe bet, it's one of the most volatile things you can invest in. and i would argue it's the most ridiculously overvalued thing out there.
Gold alone won't do it. A 'smarter' hedge looks more like a basket of commodities (gold, silver, platinum, palladium, copper, crude, etc). Either way, gold alone is still better than FIAT currency.
All the glass in the world? All the glass in the world? Breh even if I started collecting the output just from today, in 50 years I'll have more worth in glass than all the gold that's ever mined in history. This is what I'm saying, this is very sloppy thinking
Sure, but only because glass can be mass produced artificially, though. Gold can't. All the gold that in the earth was made billions of years ago in the cores of stars. This is another advantage of gold over the dollar: rarity.
How long do u guys think gold will keep falling? I want to buy but not until its near the bottom of the valley.
I doubt it will fall below $1200/oz, and probably not below $1000/oz. Gold gained 1% today, inching closer to $1400/oz. There's going to be more gold on the market after Cyprus sells it's reserves.
"crashed"... to and value are looked at over years, decades even. not the last 10 months...everything fluctuates...
This right here. The dollar never gains value, it only steadily decreases over the long run so much so that the central bank has to keep printing more and more every year to slow down the decline. But the more the central bank prints, the more value the dollar loses, so it slows it down temporarily, but really hurts it in the long term.
While Gold sometimes "crashes" (e.g. 1980), it always stabilizes and recovers, and increases in value. Gold never approaches $0 value. The dollar on the other hand is headed for $0 value.
It hasn't fallen that much, large banks are still hoarding gold.
I hope it falls back to 06' levels.
China, India, Russia, Germany all are hoarding gold right now. They know what's up. They know fiat currencies only go one direction (down).