Am I the only one who really liked Miracle At St. Anna?
Yes he is....he's resurrected more acting careers than most directors you can name. He takes chances with no-name or low level actors most directors wouldn't even give a chance. He has great vision, dialogue and music to the point you can almost instantly recognize that it's a QT movie or influenced by him or his screenplay. Look at the list of shyt he's done on IMDB...most directors wish they had a resume like that.
at Tarantino not being top level. I wish Spike would do more movies like Inside Man though.
Am I the only one who really liked Miracle At St. Anna?
No, he's not overrated at all. If anything, Spike doesn't get enough credit.
I think Spike Lee is one of the best directors of the last 30 years. With movies like "Malcolm X", "Do The Right Thing", "School Daze", "She's Gotta Have It", "Mo Betta Blues", "25th Hour", "Get On The Bus", "He Got Game", "Jungle Fever", "Bamboozled", "Inside Man", and "Clockers".
His documentaries are great as well. "Jim Brown: All-American", "When The Levees Broke", "4 Little Girls" and "Bad 25" are all excellent documentaries.
Nobody has a legitimate argument for QT being the best director of all-time or even of his generation or any decade. He's not in the elite class.
There's no shame in it; he's still a very good director, has made his mark, has a classic, etc., etc.
Those are great movies but the only one I did not enjoy was Clockers, and that was because I watched the movie after reading the book(way more superior).
The problem is that he couldn't do it that today anymore unlike other directors. He was once a great director who've lost his touch, it seems to me that Spike Lee forgot who he is.
WTF I just gave a legitimate argument. It's all opinion and art is subjective. You saying he's not elite is your opinion, not fact...just like my opinion is to me.
Am I the only one who really liked Miracle At St. Anna?
I'm a huge Spike Lee fan but when I read the script and I thought it was pretty good until I watched the movie and it was terrible cause the way Spike directed this movie was that bad andHe lost his touch on this one. The picture was a big dissapointment, etc.