it was really answering the title but what I was trying to say was that spider-man is not entirely unique himself.
but I got another one that copied him
Black Spider
Yeah the only connection is in the name for Black Spider for the majority of his existence. I can't think of one real parallel with Parker, even his personal struggles don't match up seeing as they're 90% self inflicted and he tends to either kill or go right up to the edge of it in all the character's incarnations. Even in the animated side of things when he was with Suicide Squad and went up against Batman his skills were just terrible.
There just aren't many characters off top that share the intellect, abilities, character qualities, and struggles even in the most broad strokes that you can say "This guy reminds me of Peter Parker." and that's Marvel, DC, Image, etc. I'd actually say Static, young version, was the closest I can think of.
Had a freak accident, genius intellect, built tech out the mud, hectic personal life, consummate good guy who's always underestimated and undervalued in his universe but held in high esteem by the locals.