Is Red Dead Redemption 2 fun to play

Is RDR2 fun to play

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/ SOHH /
May 8, 2012
Golden State
Nah. Will be the most divisive GOTY candidate of this gen, though this year’s honors will probably go to Spiderman or GoW (pretty certain this will win it). Rockstar needs to take cues from CDPR and go back to the drawing board. All of that detail is meaningless if the core gameplay is this poor. :francis:

I really wish they would cut some of the production on the world/atmosphere and essentially re-boot the core controls/gameplay of RDR/GTA ... but the way each game sells (GTA still printing money ... RDR just did 725M first week out) ... it looks like their formula really won't change anytime soon.

It's a shame because these huge atmosphere/worlds they create deserve a much better control scheme.

At Chapter 5 in RDR2 and I'd say ...

Physical World - 10+/10 - Massive, expansive, varied, it's amazing what they accomplish here
Atmosphere - 10/10 - I don't know much about cowboy culture, but all the details add up to insane immersion
Ambient missions/storylines - 9/10 - As usual, the side stories and random missions shine in such a big world. When something you randomly do early in the game has consequences later down the line, it's an amazing payoff.
Controls/Interface - 7/10 - Same ole GTA/RDR clunkiness. Nothing has changed or improved ... running/trotting in town and accidentally tapping someone is still one of the most dangerous things you can do.
Main mission/storyline - 6/10 - People won't really admit it, but every mission just starts with a fetch/follow quest and then the main "action" is a glorified quick time event. Even shootouts are just basically hitting cover, spamming auto-aim bumper, and then hitting the trigger. Also, the storyline is on rails, there's more dynamic decision making in the side missions/stories.

The good outweighs the bad so the game is somewhere in the 8.5 to 9.5 range based on your fandom ... but it's a shame the world/atmosphere is bogged down by mediocre controls and a story on rails.


All Star
Nov 7, 2014
Its paced out to be realistic but playable so its slow, just like the old west was. i find myself wanting to just things but thats just immediate gratification im used to in games. This game is damn near a simulator mixed with gta. when online hits should really see some cool new stuff. honestly if you have responsibilities and a life this may not be the game due to the time you gotta put in. i give it 10/10 so far

Brief Keef

May 6, 2012
I really wish they would cut some of the production on the world/atmosphere and essentially re-boot the core controls/gameplay of RDR/GTA ... but the way each game sells (GTA still printing money ... RDR just did 725M first week out) ... it looks like their formula really won't change anytime soon.

It's a shame because these huge atmosphere/worlds they create deserve a much better control scheme.

At Chapter 5 in RDR2 and I'd say ...

Physical World - 10+/10 - Massive, expansive, varied, it's amazing what they accomplish here
Atmosphere - 10/10 - I don't know much about cowboy culture, but all the details add up to insane immersion
Ambient missions/storylines - 9/10 - As usual, the side stories and random missions shine in such a big world. When something you randomly do early in the game has consequences later down the line, it's an amazing payoff.
Controls/Interface - 7/10 - Same ole GTA/RDR clunkiness. Nothing has changed or improved ... running/trotting in town and accidentally tapping someone is still one of the most dangerous things you can do.
Main mission/storyline - 6/10 - People won't really admit it, but every mission just starts with a fetch/follow quest and then the main "action" is a glorified quick time event. Even shootouts are just basically hitting cover, spamming auto-aim bumper, and then hitting the trigger. Also, the storyline is on rails, there's more dynamic decision making in the side missions/stories.

The good outweighs the bad so the game is somewhere in the 8.5 to 9.5 range based on your fandom ... but it's a shame the world/atmosphere is bogged down by mediocre controls and a story on rails.

exactly what kind of missions u expect in a western breh ? you're a cowboy in an outlaw gang...all you're gonna be doing is hittin trains/banks robbing/killing ppl...what u expect some COD/Metal gear shyt ?


May 9, 2014
some youtuber said the attention to detail seemed a bit unnecessary. Like there's realism, and then there's RDR2. I saw you had to a whole lotta shyt just when it came to hunting. And there's a control and animation for almost everything you do?

idk, game looks visually stunning as fukk.


The Fire Rises 2023
Feb 2, 2014
some youtuber said the attention to detail seemed a bit unnecessary. Like there's realism, and then there's RDR2. I saw you had to a whole lotta shyt just when it came to hunting. And there's a control and animation for almost everything you do?

idk, game looks visually stunning as fukk.

I hate these muthafukkas complaining about the amazing details... Realism....:what: nikka Rockstar pushes the envelope with these games... as a top tiered game company that's your fukking job...:what: Either go hard or go home!!!


May 9, 2014
I hate these muthafukkas complaining about the amazing details... Realism....:what: nikka Rockstar pushes the envelope with these games... as a top tiered game company that's your fukking job...:what: Either go hard or go home!!!

He actually thinks the game is fantastic, but... I guess you have to hear him out, and counter the points made because I never played the game, but I think this detail isn't all too bad since the game seems like a slice of life.



The Fire Rises 2023
Feb 2, 2014
He actually thinks the game is fantastic, but... I guess you have to hear him out, and counter the points made because I never played the game, but I think this detail isn't all too bad since the game seems like a slice of life.

I know all bout the jimquisition... :comeon: that's besides the point...

I'm glad we're moving forward in the design of the video games... :ld:


May 2, 2012
great game so far, only 15% done but i wish the controls were smoother


/ SOHH /
May 8, 2012
Golden State
exactly what kind of missions u expect in a western breh ? you're a cowboy in an outlaw gang...all you're gonna be doing is hittin trains/banks robbing/killing ppl...what u expect some COD/Metal gear shyt ?

The repetitiveness of the theme of the missions isn't really a problem, that's perfectly fine.

The repetitiveness of what you actually do with the controller on every mission is ... and I'm not asking for some out of scope re-work of how the GTA/RDR engine works, just asking them to use the in-place, change-of-pace things they can already do pretty easily more often.

Like 95% of missions are ride out with or ride out to a person. Get told to walk around and press X/A in certain areas. Sometimes a gun fight occurs. Take the loot somewhere and press X/A.

But, they could make super simple changes that introduce branching decisions and new controller mechanics more often.

For example, the bank mission (although this might have been pre-order only)?

Starts and ends the same as most missions, so it felt repetitive. BUT, in the middle of the action they gave you a branching decision of either blowing up the safes or cracking the locks. So you can just bust your guns and get to clapping OR try to be quiet about it. Selecting cracking the locks was dope because it introduced the simple, but fun safe-lock-cracking mini game that felt like a breath of fresh air in the middle of the repetitive quests.

Something like that is so small, but it breaks up the monotony because it makes you think about a decision for a second and has you play a new mini-game as well. If they threw these is in for 1 out of every 3 missions ... it would break up the repetitiveness.

Or even just swipe some of the ambient/side missions which were varied a bunch and make them main line missions and kick back some of the straightforward fetch quests to side missions. If someone is specifically doing every side mission ... they wont mind repetitiveness ... but having the repetition in the main line just feels like a weakness to me since it's what everyone will have to go through.

But again, the game is great and this is just feedback/nit-picking because it feels like the game could be even better. It's the equivalent of saying "KD shouldn't fall into his ISO game so much because it's not necessary on this squad until the Finals." He's already undisputed top 2, but this is one of the few things someone might notice as something that can be improved with little effort.
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Oct 17, 2015
Hate to derail thread but i gotta

Not a game person, as games don't grab my attention for long

But off entertainment/fun would y'all reccomrec me buying this game or Soul Calibur 6

I don't pay attention well or long enough with fighting, but I really like SC. I'm conflicted

Dushane Hill

Mar 8, 2015
Squamish, British Columbia
Well first and foremost the game world is absolutely stunning, it's by far the most impressive game world I've seen in an open world game. The lighting in some parts of the map is simply incredible to look at. The detail is astonishing, theres parts of the map where you can see oil/pollution in the water and the art design in some of the interior locations is top notch. For me Saint Denis is the most alive city I've seen in a game by Rockstar.

Mission wise I cant see how people are complaining about having to do go and fetch missions and then having shoot outs :what: what do you expect it's a game about being an outlaw. I thought the missions were interesting and varied....some of the were flat out epic and had he gripped to my TV screen in a way a game has never done before - the Guarm part of the game was Uncharted on steroids. I've barely done any of the stranger missions as I wanted to save them until after the story - but I kinda just wish I did them during my first play through. It also seems some become unavailable if you don't don them by a certain time which is annoying. But the ones I did do were really fleshed out and had unexpected twists, in GTAV they just acted as a way to introduce you to shytty side activities like searching for submarine parts :comeon:

The shooting however can still be problematic....this is where the whole 'realism' thing comes into play. Theres times when some guns are super effective and I'm able to clear enemies with not too much hassle, but then other times with the same guns my shots are doing barely any damage or just not having any kind of accuracy, then I'm looking at the condition bar and realising I've forgotten about cleaning my weapons. If you don't clean them it effects there performance and makes them less effective. Part of me thinks it's a cool feature but then I also think is this a bit too realistic for a game? Also shooting on horse back can be annoying, I just feel it's not as fluid as RDR1. Having said all of that though I still find the gun mechanics more satisfying than GTAV and in some ways RDR1 as well.

My biggest gripe with the game though is how certain times during the day are rushed and theres not a gradual transition from say evening to night kinda just abruptly changes. Sunsets will last for about 10 seconds and it's like time speeds up then all of a sudden its dark. It's a really strange flaw and a shame considering they've gone to the effort to make a slow paced game and this incredible rural open world that would perfectly compliment stunning sunsets.