Drake is the most successful pop rap plant
Kendrick is the most successful "conscious" plant
Kendrick's whole story is perfect
-From Compton, a city with a lot of hip hop history behind it, as well as being known as a rough city to grow up in
-Got a Dre cosign
-"goes against the grain" of the mainstream while simultaneously being a part of it
-"Gets signed" after being indie when in reality he's been signed for years
-Critically acclaimed no matter what he does, like Kanye, even for subpar records like Section.80
-Section.80 his breakout record received shyt tons of critical acclaim at a perfect time
-Major label backing
-Massive debut of GKMC (which is really a good record), tons of guests from the industry, Dre cosign
-Critically acclaimed crew when they're all pretty subpar, Ab-Soul especially
-Schoolboy Q receiving critical acclaim for not good records
-came from a group that was buzzing in the undergound, likely completely manufactured as a group
-Released hipster bait "jazz" hip hop and some kind of overarching concept that people can't seem to agree on
-Make it slightly more difficult and inaccessible so people can pat themselves on the back for liking it
-Enlist industry legends such as George Clinton
-Got more critical acclaim
-Connected himself to 2pac in one of the most corny moves in hip hop history, trying to solidify his "GOAT" narrative
-Buzz over an alright verse in Control simply because he called people out
-Conveniently connected to interscope and aftermath, a group known for manufacturing "GOATs" (Eminem anyone?)
And does Kendrick ever really say anything controversial? Is anyone paying attention to what Kendrick is saying besides the fans? I doubt it. He's no household name.
To me this is like Eminem's story. They just made a pop star into a GOAT rapper by having a dude with some talent. Em has no real classics, Kendrick, well time will tell. TPAB is damn sure no 9/10 though. It's all marketing, and you know they're invested heavily into Kenny and the whole narrative they have going. They have SO much money in this. It's not Drake vs Kenny and the people, it's Drake's McDonald's vs Kendrick's Burger King. Two manufactured icons.