Can’t move with me in this digital space
Wait my breh this bytch got smashed by the crew and you ate her ass, pussay, and kissed her neck
Finish the story and redeem yourself cause right now it's 

Trains are weird. You can be overcome by your homie's passion. When he nut, that shyt arouses u and makes u wanna nut
Trains are weird. You can be overcome by your homie's passion. When he nut, that shyt arouses u and makes u wanna nut
I remember I was at the University of Wisconsin with my older cousin who played football there. These nikkas ran the campus. They had a group of 10 girls they called "The runners" not for their track and field abilities either. They would call like 3 or 4 of them over at a time and Hulk smash these skeezers, on the regular
I was only 16 at the time so I was in total awe. These dudes were smoking weed running trains, just living a lifestyle beyond my wildest dreams at the time. One day I randomly woke up on the couch to some Mexican chick undoing my pants....I was like WTF then I noticed the star DE (6'4 250 monster nikka *pause* who later got drafted first round NFL) pounding her from the back as she was bent over playing with my balls
I hear "OKAY LIL CUZ!" and look over and see my cousin on the computer chair with this big booty black girl riding him. Its like 4am I literally just woke up I'm 16 barely not a Virgin but I know what time it is I'm ready to goThis is what life is about The second she actually puts her lips around my dikk I BUST
Seriously like a second after
She gives a lite half giggle moan (she's still getting pounded) and I slip off the couch and go to the bathroom to shower off my embarrassment. My cuz and his roomie are still going to work and I'm noodle mode and shytty I misfired that nut
So I'm taking a long shower when I hear someone walk in the bathroom. I figure whoever it was would be in and out, until the shower curtains ruffle, and the black chick just hops in there with me
I'm likeI had never spoken a word or even looked this woman in the eye, but now she's in the shower with me. She s like "Oh hey lil cuz
" and starts washing off like we re best buddies and this is normal. Then she turns around and starts playing with my
dikk with her washrag......I'm likethank u for another opportunity on this day.
I briefly get out to lock the restroom door (which I'm glad I didnt at first) Then I officially became a man whore. I ate ass for the first time in a shower.....got my dikk and balls sucked while sitting on a toilet....Ate her Beaver as I sat on the toilet...I was doing new things
Next thing I know there's knocking at the door...then my cuz saying "You in there making love?" She laughs and I yell out "2 minutes PLEASE" She looks at me likeWe haven't even started fukking....but I know 2 minutes is about all I'll have in me...so I bend her over the sink for 20 minutes eating more p*ssy and ass
The knocking starts again.. This time its the roomie "AYE I GOTTA shyt" * BANG BANG BANG* but I'm not ready. I'm in the middle of the feast of my young life. I stand up ready to give up....but then she pushes me on the floor and hops on the dikk....RAW.....I
'm like....... I literally had to separate my mind from my body to keep from blowing my load. I'm biting my tongue...clinching my fists.....picturing doodoo stains....anything to momentarily take my mind off this big booty college girl bouncing like a hydrolic powered see saw on my 16 y/o dikk
I hear more knocking and then laughing "YOU HOGGING THAT CUZZO" "YOU LOVING THAT THANG" I push her off me then go in missionary... Like slow stroking honeymoon style...I'm kissing her neck, really making love to this hoe.....when the door crashes open.
To be continued........(it gets worse :damn ) Too much typing for now