Here we go again huh? LOL. He didn't, I showed you on the other thread he didn't but you wanted to run off, make a new thread to play these games. I don't know how you can write out decades of artists and claim one person invented a music form with roots going back to jazz, blues, scat, r&b/soul, written word, that coalesced into what it is today? But I guess all those people were Jamaicans to right?
We going to have to do this again?
Here comes the judge
1968 (funny...sounds just like early 80s hiphop)
Who got the number?
Markham was born in Durham, NC April 18, 1904; died December 13,
1981 Bronx, NY (coincidence?)
However, Kool Herc himself denies this link (in the 1984 book Hip Hop), saying, "Jamaican toasting? Naw, naw. No connection there. I couldn't play reggae in the Bronx. People wouldn't accept it. The inspiration for rap is James Brown and the album Hustler's Convention.".
- "Hip Hop: The Illustrated History of Break Dancing, Rap Music, and Graffiti", by Steven Hager, 1984, St Martin's Press, p.45
Hustler's Convention 1973
James Brown 1959
Louis Armstrong from movie "New Orleans" 1947- Since you wanted to take it back to see "rapping" (rhyming).
So let's see.
Herc came to the Bronx in 1967. A year before Markhams's "Here comes the Judge" in
1968 is on wax. Then the "creator" of rap claims it's James Brown was his inspiration for RAP. Who was doing that easily in 1959. Hustler's Convention came out in 1973. Louis Armstrong was doing it back in
1947! Other groups as well.
Herc also suggests he was too young while in Jamaica to get into sound system parties: "I couldn’t get in. Couldn’t get in. I was ten, eleven years old,"
[42] and that while in Jamaica, he was listening to
James Brown: "
I was listening to American music in Jamaica and my favorite artist was James Brown. That's who inspired me. A lot of the records I played were by James Brown."
Creator-a person or thing that creates.
Creates-to evolve from one's own thought or imagination ,as a work of art or an invention.
Catalyst-a person or thing that precipitates an event or change.
So he
DIDN'T CREATE RAP which I've shown you twice now! Nor did it come from his imagination. People were
RAPPING before he was even born 1955. How did he create something before he was even created? So people claim he invented something, then he states was inspired by JAMES BROWN and Hustler's Convention? He didn't create rap. Period.