Is it possible that the devil tricked us?

Cabbage Patch

The Media scene in V is for Vendetta is the clue
Feb 11, 2014
The Last Frontier
Theres a Youtube video about the story of Yakub and they showed the cats in Ethiopia/Somalia with big foreheads. They say majority of the NOI stuff is allegory so don't take it in the literal sense, but its crazy the type of knowledge they dropped in the 40s and 50s that is coming full circle today.

Nation of Islam was started by a white man. It's duck tales -- but it's better duck tales than Mormonism.


Dec 11, 2015
Christianity continued...

we have identified the ancient pagan deities as being dissembled within the modern religions of our time, with the symbols for pluto/hafes and posiden/Neptune easily found in Hinduism and the symbols for Saturn found in islam and Judaism. These ancient deities have also been irrefutable demonstrated to be the fallen angels depicted in the bible, through careful analysis of the old and new testaments. One may argue if the ancient deities are depicted in there entirety, then where is the supposed 'king of the gods' jupiter/zeus? if all the religions are mere replications of ancient pagan culture, even represented by name, then all these deities should be present and visible in our modern era, including the ancient 'king of gods' jupiter. This is where we find the most heinous deception of the Christian church. The name jesus Christ is a false name, and with that false name comes a false doctrine and a false image. the worship of jesus Christ is as non biblical as the worship of allah or shiva, even through the use of biblical terminology, the doctrine of jesus is contrary to the entire bible. jesus Christ is the literal anti Christ, the signs and symbols are the signature of satan using the bible and manipulating its contents. jesus is jupiter.

The name jesus is derived from a greek name iesooce. as is widely known, the name jesus was not the name used in Hebrew or greek and did not exist until the seventeenth century. The Hebrew name of the Messiah is Yahusha and the Messiah Yahusha presented Himself with the doctrine upholding the law of Moses, not annihilating it.

Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil Mattityahu 5 17

The followers of jesus whole heartedly destroy all of the commandments of Yahuah and set their own law, based on love, in replacing the actual law. In their doctrine, faith in jesus supercedes all commanded doctrine, so that through faith in jesus it is now ok to, worship using idols, worship on pagan holidays, worship on a day that is not the Sabbath and denounce Alaheim's commanded laws for the church. This deception is completed when we analyze the name jesus

the name jesus is an amalgamation that represents the name 'zeus', the ancient greek deity worshipped all throughout the greek world, concurrent with the early church true worship of the messiah. As has been previously stated, the devil uses language tricks and phonetic associations to fool followers into incorrect worship, with this knowledge we find the name of jesus contains an obvious greek reference to the god zeus. The suffix -sus, in the name jesus refers to zeus and is used in the greek names Dionysus, Ephesus, Pegasus, thesius, persius etc. Upon superficial analysis the connection may not be as evident, as their is a different spelling for the name jesus in greek than zeus, the phonetic equivalent however is the deception used here.

Phonetic equivalents work from language to language and even within languages to promote the worship of false deities. In ancient times the deity worshipped by the nation will invariably be placed in the names of the people associated with these nations. A quick example of this function is evident in the name Jezebel (Isabel in Hebrew). The suffix -bel, denotes the god she worshipped, baal, but here it is spelled and pronounced slightly different, as to hide its true meaning. so baal = bel = bale = belle, just as we learned earlier geometric equivalents work by hexagram = hexagon = cube. This is how the -sus suffix works, the name zeus is pronounced in greek as soos, so it can be transliterated in several differing ways that all have equal pronunciation and meaning. These examples are even prevelant in pop culture, alongside the name jesus. the phonetic equivalents are as follows: zeus = soos = sius = sus = seus = seuss = saos = sos etc. So the name jeSUS, spelled in Poland jezus, pronounced in Spanish he-soos is a phonetic equivalent for the ancient god zeus. Learning also that the Name of the Messiah, correctly pronounced in Hebrew is Yahusha, the difference in the rendition is quite obvious as deception on a grand scale.

Another reference in Christianity, if one is needed at this point, is the depicted image of jesus/zeus as a long haired bearded white male often holding a sign of two fingers and a thumb in the air. This image is universally assigned to jesus in all cultures around the world, even though historically the entire nation of Israel were known to be people of color. The hand sign used in these renderings is evidence of the false messianic presence, as this symbol is also a pagan tradition. The use of secret hand signs and gestures goes back in the ancient world to pagan worship. The hand symbols were used as teaching tools to represent in secret a satanic doctrine, in ancient Judaism, the worship of deities other than Yahuah was met with death, so a secret satanic hand system was developed too undermine the true ancient Judaic worship of Yahuah. The book of proverbs specifies this language as being wicked in nature and incredibly well hidden.

12 A naughty person, a wicked man, walketh with a froward mouth. 13 He winketh with his eyes, he speaketh with his feet, he teacheth with his fingers;
14 Frowardness is in his heart, he deviseth mischief continually; he soweth discord. Proverbs 6 12 -14

We find examples of this method of teahching with fingers in a buddist/hindu hand position called the vitarka mudra:

The Buddha statues and the iconographic representations of other Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are often depicted with their hands performing a number of different poses and ritual postures. These hand gestures and postures are commonly known as the Mudras. Among various mudras we can see in these sculptures,Vitarka mudra is one of the much commonly found mudra or poses. Vitarka Mudra is the mudra or a gesture representing the discussion and transmission of the teachings by the Buddha. It is also taken as the hand gesture which induces the energy of the teachings and discussions of the spiritual principles which may also involve the arguments of the ideas. These discussions may also feel like the transmission of a particular teaching without the use of words.

These gestures are even today used in the pagan community outside of hindu or buddist belief structure in order to secretly display their allegiance to a satan, as well as depicting a satanic parable, through an elaborate subsystem of sign language, seen here in these depictions of jesus.







Notice that in all four pictures that jesus is making the same two finger + thumb hand gesture, but also notice his other hand, which appears to be touching the exposed heart. jesus here is not actually attempting to touch the heart, he is pointing to the other hand sign. The outstretched finger pointing to the other hand is a subconscious slight of hand trick, drawing your subliminal attention to the handsign, thus the trick, thus the parable. This is the way these hand signs work as sort of a magic trick, relying on an individuals attention system and level of occult knowledge to fool and subdue mentally. Notice here the bapomet demon presenting the same hand sign. why would the demon and jesus show the same hand gesture in exactly the same manner? because they are one in the same. notice also that in every picture the sun is represented behind the head of jesus, this also connects back to the hindu god shiva and symbolic sun worship. In one final picture, we will identify narasingh, the lion headed reincarnation of Vishnu in Hinduism, making the same hand gesture, also with the sun fixed behind his head. This is a universal religion that appears different in each culture, based on the metamorphic qualities of the demons they represent, but maintaining a heiroglyfic, symbolic sublanguage prevelant in each incarnation, in each culture.

the bible, along with the book of enoch, predict this behavior specifically.

And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. 2 Corinthians 11 14

1. And Uriel said to me: 'Here shall stand the angels who have connected themselves with women, and their spirits assuming many different forms are defiling mankind and shall lead them astray into sacrificing to demons ⌈⌈as gods⌉⌉, (here shall they stand,) till ⌈⌈the day of⌉⌉ the great judgement in which they shall be judged till they are made an end of.
Book of Enoch chapter 19






Aug 1, 2012

this is a lot to digest, i am going to pick at it a little later. i know MMS will have the data.

I will say there was no christ in the western world and the man we call Soter aka. Serapis he is actually the image of Christ since he was the first ever white Pharaoh.


i will look into other parts of what you quoted, but i am a man of faith so all revelations i take with love and understanding first.

ie. the allegory about Noah Ark, was actually written in Eygpt well before the christian event. there is the actual boat in an African Museum.


The King Of Power
Jun 18, 2014
Yea ,like i told u in a previous post Jesus of christianity is in fact the anti christ..its a mind f **** i know but once u compare what the biblical Yeshua said and how he is described( and his people) vs this White man lol its clear.

What really caused me to take that leap was that the translation chi xi stigma should have never been translated to 666 but left alone

John was sending a coded message.

Like i've told u rome is the beast,they gave us christianity and this jesus saying
he's the saviour of the world,no more law love love etc
I agree with this poster 100% about these ancient deities been fallen ones etc...

Buddha is the christ and also baphomet ..


Intensity Integrity Intelligence
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Auburn, AL
got nothing to do with me :hubie:consider the title of the thread

those who believe in the devil, will get the devil

God is better to me than I am to myself, that is my input.

Ghost Utmost

The Soul of the Internet
May 2, 2012
the Aether
That's what Gnostics believe. They believe Yahweh is the Demiurge.

I share similar sentiments. The snake in the garden of Eden offered humanity knowledge and freedom. The God in the Bible would've preferred us to remain docile and ignorant.

Gnosticism really struck a logical nerve with me.

Makes sense


All Star
Aug 3, 2017
this is a lot to digest, i am going to pick at it a little later. i know MMS will have the data.

I will say there was no christ in the western world and the man we call Soter aka. Serapis he is actually the image of Christ since he was the first ever white Pharaoh.


i will look into other parts of what you quoted, but i am a man of faith so all revelations i take with love and understanding first.

ie. the allegory about Noah Ark, was actually written in Eygpt well before the christian event. there is the actual boat in an African Museum.
Noah ark is based on the epic of gilgamesh, it's not even that original as every river valley based civilization had such a myth.

And Christianity was codified and spread by the greeks and the romans, the bible was originally written in Greek for example.

Alexander the great was actually the first ever white Pharaoh, you could even add the Achaemenid Persians.


Aug 1, 2012
Noah ark is based on the epic of gilgamesh, it's not even that original as every river valley based civilization had such a myth.

And Christianity was codified and spread by the greeks and the romans, the bible was originally written in Greek for example.

Alexander the great was actually the first ever white Pharaoh, you could even add the Achaemenid Persians.

props on all this, i will obviously look up some things.

anyway ill shyt you want to throw out there. please feel free to put me on.