Is it possible that the devil tricked us?


Maximized Potential
May 1, 2012
Parc fermé
I know the devil in the devil on a first name basis. He's looks nothing like that.
Sep 12, 2013
The devil would be championed as a hero in today's age.

Thinking for oneself - check
Opposing unchecked power - check
Believing in oneself - check



the devil is a loser. he came at the gawd and lost.

i don't have sympathy for the devil, i pity him.

:ufdup:do yourself a favor and keep the devil way down in the hole where he belongs.


May 21, 2012

the devil is a loser. he came at the gawd and lost.

i don't have sympathy for the devil, i pity him.

:ufdup:do yourself a favor and keep the devil way down in the hole where he belongs.
The devil doesn't exist, but as a literary character, he's kind of a hero. He fought unchecked power, came out alive, and got his own dominion to rule.

Chez Lopez

Nov 22, 2014
@Chez Lopez whats the math on this
All religions of this world are denominations of satanism. This seems hard to believe and wildly inappropriate, but to understand how we have all been tricked by the devil we must understand ancient languages and religion in general. We will use the three most populous religions of this world as an example: Christianity, islam and Hinduism.

11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6 11-12

The devil is an actual entity, a real being who is both supernatural and natural, understanding his methods is knowing the secrets behind the world in general. The devil works through deception, signs, symbols and language tricks. In the hindu religion we see there are a pantheon of deities, of whom each person has the ability to choose and worship. It is important to understand that this is how all religions work, and that monotheism itself is a major deception. In reality monotheism does not exist and is a modern mythological term to provide a mental dissimilarity between religions that are exact in nature and application. All religions work based off more than one 'god' figure and the pantheon, dating back to prediluvian times, are the fallen angels of the bible. The example most often used is that of the greek mythological deities, of whom society is keenly aware of. these deities are numerous and ubiquitous in our society because they are the ancient fallen angels, who have names, characteristics , personalities, symbols and specific worship techniques. these deities cross over in all ancient religions, including Hinduism. we will examine one of the major deities


This is the deity shiva, the most popular hindu deity, worshipped by millions and venerated for thousands of years. this is a picture of the devil and the proof comes from analyzing the symbols within it. The first symbol, which is the most obvious tell, is that there is a serpent around his neck. The serpent represents ancient wisdom, knowledge and divine authority, but esoterically this symbol always represents the devil. satans natural form is that of a snake and any depiction of this creature associated with a deity is proof of their satanic affiliation.

another symbolic association with the devil is located on the left side of the picture, the pitchfork. Known under a variety of names, the pitchfork, or trident is always used in association with demonic entities or fallen angels. another ancient deity that uses this symbol is posieden/neptune, the ancient sea god worshipped in Greece/rome. It is important to understand that all ancient deities are the same deities, just with different names in different countries. the ancient Judaic name for this entity is Dagan and is located in the bible in 1 Samuel 5, Joshua and judges. another deity that uses this symbol is pluto/hades, the ancient deity of the underworld and death. shiva is known as the deity of death, destruction chaos and creation in hindu mythology.

the last symbol discussed will be possibly the least obvious. The depiction of the 'halo' effect behind this deities head represents ancient sun worship, as the sun is emanating from his head. This symbol is used to depict sun worship as commanded against in the bible, it will be noted that Christianity also uses this halo imagery, but it is not to be confused with the worship of the Son of Alaheim, rather the sun god. There also is a crescent moon symbol on the left side of the picture, also associated with the deities head, with another sun situated on the right side of the deity's head. The crescent moon and star, symbolically associated with islam in the modern era, is actually an ancient symbol which represented the demonic worship of the host of heaven, the sun, moon and stars. These ancient symbols, the halo and the sun/crescent moon, connect this ancient worship of demonic entities to the modern worship of demonic entities in the islamic mosque and Christian church.

Understanding and interpreting the meanings behind symbology, mythology and etymology is the key to understanding how the devil manipulates the world. In proper context we know that the devil is able to 'morph' into whatever kind of being in appearance it wants, as can its angels. So then wouldn its speech and application take on the same morphologic qualities, especially throughout time? Wouldn there then be a hidden subtext which connects these appearances just by definition? This is what we see, upom careful examination, that there is an ancient hieroglyphic language, present in all societies for thousands of years even in this the modern era, that is centered around the knowledge of the sun moon stars and snake.

will update with islam and Christian interpretation.

Dr. Sebi Jr.

Trust Me
Mar 3, 2013
Not Technically a "Doctor"
Thats ceser borgia, jesus had white hair and dark skin. he werent no damn edomite
Look at this fugazi Jesus, brehs :mjlol:


This inherently evil Italian CAC was born in the 1470's. White paintings of Jesus are modeled after him. You know it's true because it was in a Wu song.

Compare that demonic imagery to this painting of Jesus from the so-called 6th century, hundreds of years before Cesare Borgia was born!


:whoa:The white skin is because he was an Asiatic Blackman, brehs. The straight hair comes from his Indian side. You know Jesus da Gawd had good hair.

Or maybe that image was transmogrified by the devils. Let's look at Jesus in the 4th century.


:whoa:The long nose is symbolic of the long journey of the BLACKman under oppression. The red hair significates the redness of the embarrassed CAC devils.

Let's go back further and look at Jesus da Gawd in the 3rd century.


:whoa:Young Jeezius was a lightskin breh like Master Fard. He had to pass so the Khazars wouldn't deport him.

OP is referencing a line from the Wu and from others that say the current likeness of Jesus known to most of the world is really a portrait of Borgia. Some people accept this as fact even though it is not. This isn't true since the similar likeness can be found in much older artwork from various regions. There are some early depictions that vary drastically. He most likely resembled a Sephardic Jew.
Op is masterful troll. First he makes a case for Jesus's image being based on Cesare Borgia, he even appeals to your Hip Hop knowledge by alluding to a GZA song on the album Liquid Swords B.I.B.L.E.(Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth), then soon after he posts pictures of Jesus again that are from centuries before Cesare Borgia was born and they all look the same. You can then conclude that Cesare Borgia wasn't basis for the image of Jesus.

Mar 12, 2013
Catch me in the safari zone
All religions of this world are denominations of satanism. This seems hard to believe and wildly inappropriate, but to understand how we have all been tricked by the devil we must understand ancient languages and religion in general. We will use the three most populous religions of this world as an example: Christianity, islam and Hinduism.

11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6 11-12

The devil is an actual entity, a real being who is both supernatural and natural, understanding his methods is knowing the secrets behind the world in general. The devil works through deception, signs, symbols and language tricks. In the hindu religion we see there are a pantheon of deities, of whom each person has the ability to choose and worship. It is important to understand that this is how all religions work, and that monotheism itself is a major deception. In reality monotheism does not exist and is a modern mythological term to provide a mental dissimilarity between religions that are exact in nature and application. All religions work based off more than one 'god' figure and the pantheon, dating back to prediluvian times, are the fallen angels of the bible. The example most often used is that of the greek mythological deities, of whom society is keenly aware of. these deities are numerous and ubiquitous in our society because they are the ancient fallen angels, who have names, characteristics , personalities, symbols and specific worship techniques. these deities cross over in all ancient religions, including Hinduism. we will examine one of the major deities


This is the deity shiva, the most popular hindu deity, worshipped by millions and venerated for thousands of years. this is a picture of the devil and the proof comes from analyzing the symbols within it. The first symbol, which is the most obvious tell, is that there is a serpent around his neck. The serpent represents ancient wisdom, knowledge and divine authority, but esoterically this symbol always represents the devil. satans natural form is that of a snake and any depiction of this creature associated with a deity is proof of their satanic affiliation.

another symbolic association with the devil is located on the left side of the picture, the pitchfork. Known under a variety of names, the pitchfork, or trident is always used in association with demonic entities or fallen angels. another ancient deity that uses this symbol is posieden/neptune, the ancient sea god worshipped in Greece/rome. It is important to understand that all ancient deities are the same deities, just with different names in different countries. the ancient Judaic name for this entity is Dagan and is located in the bible in 1 Samuel 5, Joshua and judges. another deity that uses this symbol is pluto/hades, the ancient deity of the underworld and death. shiva is known as the deity of death, destruction chaos and creation in hindu mythology.

the last symbol discussed will be possibly the least obvious. The depiction of the 'halo' effect behind this deities head represents ancient sun worship, as the sun is emanating from his head. This symbol is used to depict sun worship as commanded against in the bible, it will be noted that Christianity also uses this halo imagery, but it is not to be confused with the worship of the Son of Alaheim, rather the sun god. There also is a crescent moon symbol on the left side of the picture, also associated with the deities head, with another sun situated on the right side of the deity's head. The crescent moon and star, symbolically associated with islam in the modern era, is actually an ancient symbol which represented the demonic worship of the host of heaven, the sun, moon and stars. These ancient symbols, the halo and the sun/crescent moon, connect this ancient worship of demonic entities to the modern worship of demonic entities in the islamic mosque and Christian church.

Understanding and interpreting the meanings behind symbology, mythology and etymology is the key to understanding how the devil manipulates the world. In proper context we know that the devil is able to 'morph' into whatever kind of being in appearance it wants, as can its angels. So then wouldn its speech and application take on the same morphologic qualities, especially throughout time? Wouldn there then be a hidden subtext which connects these appearances just by definition? This is what we see, upom careful examination, that there is an ancient hieroglyphic language, present in all societies for thousands of years even in this the modern era, that is centered around the knowledge of the sun moon stars and snake.

will update with islam and Christian interpretation.


Chez Lopez

Nov 22, 2014
The Islamic faith, with its origins centered around Judaism, the Hebrew language and the biblical patriarch Abraham, is also a denomination of satanism. The first symbol that can be associated directly to satanic worship is the sun and crescent moon. Historically this symbol has been associated with islam, but for centuries earlier the sun and moon symbol was known for its roots in the pagan worship of the moon and sun. The city of Jericho, destroyed by the biblical patriarch Joshuah (Yahusha in hebrew) was a city named after the hebrew word yarach, for moon. Lunar, solar and stellar worship is the basis behind all pagan religions, and this symbology will be apparent in them all, from their modern day incarnations, to their ancient original manifestations.

Deuteronomy 17:3

3 And hath gone and served other gods, and worshipped them, either the sun, or moon, or any of the host of heaven, which I have not commanded;


the faisal mosque in Islamabad


ancient roman coin


ancient Canaanite carving


ancient Egyptian carving

This is the depiction of an ancient symbol that spans from the caananite empire, to the Egyptian empire, the roman empire all the way up to the modern Islamic empire today, encompassing four different religions, four different epochs and four different areas of the world. The religion isn't what is being depicted neccesarily, but the underlying actual deity that is being worshipped, manifesting itself in a single symbolic language throughout all areas of cultural time and space. Modern day pagans, wiccans and satanists also revere this symbol as a sign of witchcraft, the star and crescent is omnipresent in the modern religious environment, just as the ancient.

the next link to satanic worship in islam is the name of their deity alah. This is an ancient Hebrew word that predates the Islamic community and the Arabic language by thousands of years. Arabic in itself is a Semitic language, whose roots extend back into Hebrew, being transformed gradually from Hebrew to Aramaic to the now widely used Arabic. the word alah is a contracted word for the term אלהים or alaheim which means the Highest exalted Yahuah of ancient Judaism in its singular/plural form. The term alah on its own can be found in the book of Isaiah 14:13 as a description of Lucifer's ambition to reach heaven.

Isaiah(Yahshayahu) 14
12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! 13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of Alaheim: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:

The word ascend used here is the Hebrew word alah, used in the only place where the bible uses the term lucifer. The devil will use specific Hebrew words that mean other, more common things as a name for himself, especially in ancient times. For instance the word baal means lord or sovereign in Hebrew, but it is also the name of an ancient false deity associated with demon worship, another example is the demon moloch or malach, which also means angel or messenger. This technique of using existing Hebrew words as a proper name for the devil is used extensively and is the reason why today the ancient Hebrew term for ascending, alah, is the term used for the name of satan in a modern religion.

the last connection to the devil in islam is the city of mecca and the Hajj to the kaaba. The Kaaba is a large black cube located in mecca that every devote muslim must once in their lives journey to, in order to circle it and bow down to it. This is known biblically as idol worship.

Leviticus 26:1
Ye shall make you no idols nor graven image, neither rear you up a standing image, neither shall ye set up any image of stone in your land, to bow down unto it: for I am the YAHUAH your Alaheim.

The symbology for the black cube dates further beyond the faith of islam, to ancient roman, greek and Canaanite worship of the planet Saturn. The explanation for how Saturn is depicted as a cube is a bit involving, the hexagon shape is the 2 dimensional representation of the cube. In symbology there is a concept know as analogous symbols, where two or three symbols may look completely different upon surface interpretation, but mean the same thing geometrically. three symbols that are interpreted identically are the six pointed star, the hexagram and the cube, which all represent the planet Saturn. this analogous representation is achieved starting with the six point star, removing the outer triangles leaving a hexagon, and then creating a z-axis mid point to create a cube. thus cube = hexagon = hexagram. The importance of this combination comes into play with the ritual involving the kaaba, where the faithful must encircle the cube to worship. Thousands of 'hajji' journey to the kaaba to encircle it, representing the rings of Saturn, thus literally symbolizing the planet encompassed by rings of worshippers. the hexagram/six point star also dates back to ancient Judaism, through the worship of remphan, which is another name for Saturn.

Acts 7:43
43 Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.