Is it possible that the devil tricked us?

Mar 12, 2013
Catch me in the safari zone
Break this down for a young African
Constantine, who claimed conversion to Christianity, called for a meeting of bishops to be held in Nicea to resolve some escalating controversies among the church leadership. The issues being debated included the nature of Jesus Christ, :sas1: the proper date to celebrate Easter, and other matters. :sas1: The failing Roman Empire, now under Constantine’s rule, could not withstand the division caused by years of hard-fought, “out of hand” arguing over doctrinal differences. The emperor saw the quarrels within the church not only as a threat to Christianity but as a threat to society as well. Therefore, at the Council of Nicea, Constantine encouraged the church leaders to settle their internal disagreements and become Christlike agents :sas2: who could bring new life to a troubled empire. Constantine felt “called” to use his authority to help bring about unity, peace, and love within the church.

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Barrel Brothers.®
Nov 4, 2014
Break this down for a young African
Back when Africa was an advanced civilization, the germ man or european slowly over decades integrated with african cultures and learned everything from them, only to overthrow them, in the same way a virus replicates itself inside of cells, takes control, and eventually destroys them. The same thing they've done for centuries and are doing now. It's their nature. It's only weird if you think human beings are above all other creatures on the planet and take humanity out of the equation instead of looking at the planet as being a cellular organism in of itself, with huemans being it's defense system. Take away all the things we define ourselves with egotistically as human beings such as language, et cetera and look at our behavior patterns, and we're the same as every other organic thing on the planet. Whenever we integrated with europeans our entire way of life is eradicated by way of cultural perversion and then takeover, and the council of nicea is one instance. Here's a quote on the bible i didn't write myself:

It was not written by white folks.

It was written by Black people in cooperation with white people - Black people who had been already colonized by white folks. Aside from just the blatant rip off plagiarism from stories in Ancient Kemet & Kana'an, the melchite copts(traitors to Black people) put together most of this bullshyt.

Militarily, white folk could never sustain a win over us. We had many wars with them in North Africa. They won a couple. We won most of them and the couple of times they won, we always eventually rose back up and kicked them out. The only way they could sustain a win was to corrupt our spiritual system. Every time any particular group of them invaded whether it was the persians, the "hyksos", the greeks or whatever, they always added and took away from our spiritual system. This was most notoriously done by Soter I who shut down all the temples except the one dedicated to Serapis (Ausar & Apis) and he linked his image with Serapis for us to worship - the classic image of "jesus".

We had no separation of church and state, plus we were matrilineal. Power flowed through the woman. So through rape & corruption of our spiritual systems they "legitimized" themselves in the eyes of some of our people. Those of us that wasn't down with that bullshyt would either rebel and kick them out or if the odds were against us, we simply migrated.

That's how the story goes over and over again. They make corruptions. Some of us accept it and will continue to follow that shyt for thousands of years and indeed forever. Others of us completely reject the bullshyt and move somewhere else to build yet another advanced civilization and continue to do things our way.

The council of nicea was an instance of further corruption, where the roman emperor constantine took the bible and incorporated pagan practices, eg. the celebration of christmas, easter, etc.
Mar 12, 2013
Catch me in the safari zone
Back when Africa was an advanced civilization, the germ man or european slowly over decades integrated with african cultures and learned everything from them, only to overthrow them, in the same way a virus replicates itself inside of cells, takes control, and eventually destroys them. The same thing they've done for centuries and are doing now. It's their nature. It's only weird if you think human beings are above all other creatures on the planet and take humanity out of the equation instead of looking at the planet as being a cellular organism in of itself, with huemans being it's defense system. Take away all the things we define ourselves with egotistically as human beings such as language, et cetera and look at our behavior patterns, and we're the same as every other organic thing on the planet. Whenever we integrated with europeans our entire way of life is eradicated by way of cultural perversion and then takeover, and the council of nicea is one instance. Here's a quote on the bible i didn't write myself:

The council of nicea was an instance of further corruption, where the roman emperor constantine took the bible and incorporated pagan practices, eg. the celebration of christmas, easter, etc.
Mar 12, 2013
Catch me in the safari zone
That's what Gnostics believe. They believe Yahweh is the Demiurge.

I share similar sentiments. The snake in the garden of Eden offered humanity knowledge and freedom. The God in the Bible would've preferred us to remain docile and ignorant.
And what this knowledge and freedom led us to? :mjpls:
We'd be better now under god's eyes


Barrel Brothers.®
Nov 4, 2014

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