Is it hard to stay/be in a relationship with a woman...


All Star
May 11, 2012
Well it depends on the woman. I'll expand in a bit.

You see, the common perception is that women who grew up without an identifiable father (Let's not say with a single parent because a mother could be single and the father could still be in the child's life) will gravitate to the wrong kind of men due to her not having a blueprint of what a "good man" really is. That's a myth.

Most of the time if the father is not there it actually benefits the daughter more than if the father was there. Think about it. What is a worse scenario? Having no man influence you at all or having the WRONG kind of man influence you? A lot of times with deadbeat dads they are unfit to teach their daughters about relationships. For one those men usually don't even have the proper mount of resources needed to raise children in the first place and had the deadbeat actually stayed what foundation would he even be able to provide for his daughter?

Let's also get into fighting and domestic violence. The same scenaro applies. What's worse? A young girl seeing her mother by herself OR seeing her mother and father fighting all the time? If a young girl sees her parents arguing or fighting all the time in her mind she thinks that relationships NEED to have some type of drama or else it's "boring." Drama has become normal to her, whereas if she grew up with a single mother she again has no influence as far as that is concerned.

The downside to women who grew up without identifiable fathers is the fact that a lot of times single mothers will have a lot of other men in their lives. THIS is when it becomes a problem. A young girl who grew up seeing her mother having a new man in the house fukking her every few months will equate sex to love as opposed to being in a committed relationship.

TL;DR: It's not simply about the woman growing up with an identifiable father. It's about her growing up with a father who had a positive influence on her.

Having a great father who is there to influence positively= +1
Having no father and no male influence= 0
Having a bad father who is there to influence her negatively= -1

I understand what you are saying but honestly the percentage of men if given the chance to be in their daughters (or child's) life who would be destructive to the daughters life is very very very low, that's one of the biggest myths going, most men will always find a way to support his child. You are overlooking the impact of the mother, even a positive single mother, for example one of the biggest issues for daughters raised by single mothers is the thought they can do and SHOULD do the same thing themselves and that can come from a positive or negative single mother household and it's not a good mentality, when you destroy the foundation and goal of family in a community, you destroy a community, hence the issues you see in the black community. I'm so tired of nikkas giving any kudos to a single parent household, that shyt is not a badge of honor, it had to be done and respect but it's not to be celebrated or admired.


All Star
Feb 27, 2013
The Souf
who comes from a single mother home. Does the effect a woman from truly knowing what it takes to have a strong healthy relationship/marriage?

There probably hasn't been a study done, but I would love to see the success rate of single fathers vs single mothers in terms of their children.

I come from a single father home and I'd say I'm pretty well adjusted. I'm not really that close to my mom but I never felt like I had a void in my life because of it.

As far as having an example of a healthy relationship tbh I think not having a healthy male father figure can be detrimental since girls require more opposite sex validation earlier on than boys. My father is not perfect, but he is the best man I know and he set a great example, if not, a standard of what I would look for in a man.

I'm interested to see a single father study myself because dads don't get enough rep in my opinion because society, especially the court system, always favors the female parent. That's why Mother's Day I was like:childplease::stopitslime: when folks acted like I was supposed to gush over my mom just because. But Father's Day come and I'm like :smugbiden::jawalrus:.


Dec 2, 2012
who comes from a single mother home. Does the effect a woman from truly knowing what it takes to have a strong healthy relationship/marriage?

from my experience, one of the most important things to look out for when dating a chick his her relationship with her father. if there is none or it's messed up than she will be a headache because of the daddy issues. maybe she is too clingy because of insecurities and trust issues, maybe she is constantly seeking approval from other men, maybe she is looking for a daddy and not a partner, and expects you to play that role instead of making her own fukking decisions. most of them will constantly make your actions responsible for their happines and that is a burden that no relationship can survive. yes, in theory they could grow up to be strong independent woman, but as with most signle mothers, it'a an act that hides their inner demons.


Mar 18, 2013
i was with 3 different chicks that grew up without a daddy. first one was confused as hell. when she turned 18 she started sleeping around like crazy and even started dating girls and became a serious man hater. now she is back to guys. she is just a little crazy.

second one was clingy as fukk. one night i was bouncing and i told her i cant text cause we were about to open the club and i had to work the door and she dead got mad at me and said "yea shut me down for the night so u can bag bytches" :aicmon:

3rd was just a huge hoe lol. even slept with her old ass neighbor :aicmon: and alot of older men.

my current shorty had her daddy everyday of her life. they have a super strong bond and she loves and respects him SO much. its really adorable to see. she gets excited when she sees her dad everyday cause they just have such a powerful friendship and father-daughter relationship. she is also the youngest and the only girl.

and yo i honestly couldnt ask for a better girl.

theres also my mom and my aunts, all great women who always had their dad. a STRONG man with strong morals and principles.

my father's sisters who are also great women who love my grandad so much for everything he has done for them and for always being in their lives.

that led me to the conclusion, by experience not theory, that fatherless daughters(97% anyway) are to be stayed away from. thats a deep scar that women almost never recover from. sure there are exceptions, but most of them, nah i wouldnt do it. :manny:

No Sleep

May 5, 2012
Souf Caro
Sad part about the chick I talk to is her pops died when she was like 3 years old. From what she has told me her momma wasn't in her life much during her teenage years and she was raised by her grandmother who was in her 60's during this time and her grand dad died when she was like 8.


Mar 18, 2013
Sad part about the chick I talk to is her pops died when she was like 3 years old. From what she has told me her momma wasn't in her life much during her teenage years and she was raised by her grandmother who was in her 60's during this time and her grand dad died when she was like 8.

theres exceptions and sometimes they have no dad for reasons like that. not ALL of them are to be stayed away from. even if they are a little nutty, they can still be a good girl. just know that you in for hard work if u decide to have a relationship. all relationships are work but those girls can be a serious headache.