According to my girl it is...
I'm fresh out the shower and just finished touching up my goatee and lining. Then I whipped out the body hair trimmers and put in work. Trimmed up the balls, armpits, and completely cleaned off the upper body. My girl walks past the bathroom opens the door, sticks her head in like brotha man from da fif flo, and just watches me. Then she says...
"No straight man should completely shave his body like that"
I told her ass that the balls and armpits are hot spots for a dude and the hair makes it 10x worse. Then I told her I liked the way my chest looks without hair so I shave that too, so kick rocks. She gonna tell me that only gay men and metrosexuals(whatever the fukk that is...) do that. I called bullshyt on that one and said as long as I don't touch the legs I'm good.
She tweeted it and of course within minutes a gang of musty ass simps told her she was right. Now she got this

look on her face and it's pissing me off.
I can't be the only dude who does this right?