Half Baked and only 3 seasons of The Chappelle ShowHow is Dave the biggest disappointment?!?!?!?
He had Comedy Central in the palm of his hands.. Could've done anything he wanted to do even after he walked away from The Chappelle Show
Half Baked and only 3 seasons of The Chappelle ShowHow is Dave the biggest disappointment?!?!?!?
Ok u got a point if u think about it that wayHalf Baked and only 3 seasons of The Chappelle Show
He had Comedy Central in the palm of his hands.. Could've done anything he wanted to do even after he walked away from The Chappelle Show
Half Baked and only 3 seasons of The Chappelle Show
He had Comedy Central in the palm of his hands.. Could've done anything he wanted to do even after he walked away from The Chappelle Show
hmm u have a pointIf we ever get a Friday reunion or another Rush Hour it will be a rare treat as opposed to: this annoying fukker again, like my reaction to a Sandler or Hart movie.