@Poitier, she nailed it.
I attribute alot of this stuff being messy because you have people trying to hustle and come up off being pro black since their degrees are worthless and they need a way to pay the bills, and then you have young people who are in that stage where they are "finding themselves" so they adopt anything that sounds cool in theory (ie. Feminist) but they are young and naive and have not done their due dilligance before giving themselves a title of being part of something.
Im pushing 30 and at this point dont waste my time debating 22 yr olds who think they know it all. Most these young people are dead broke and live with their parents so they feel twitter is their way of contributing to the "cause". IMO social media is amazing for raising awareness and networking, but people nowadays think they earned stripes for using a hashtag, thats what I dont like.
At the end of the day the real movers and shakers of the future are moving in the shadows.