Anyways since Trump has won I have noticed BLM have gone silent. Are they dead now?
It's not just since the election, it's been all of 2016 really.
There was a decent amount of momentum and awareness in 2015 but it was squandered in 2016.
I feel like a lot of these groups and people were told to "quiet down" during the heat of the election. Or maybe, just stopped receiving funding. Or maybe a mixture of both, either way, BLM and black issues were making headlines for a year and a half, then all of a sudden, nothing. It
barely played into the democratic primary, let alone the actual election.
I think that interrupting those Bernie and Hillary rallies was the final straw for the white liberal. Heaven forbid you go against their average ass candidates....
Not only is Trump in office, but the media has gone with the narrative that "blacks didn't vote"...and because people love to roll with the "if you don't vote, you've no right to complain" (Including Obama, ironically, remember "Don't cheer, vote!"), everyone now has an easy, go to excuse to either ignore the issue, or at the very least, it's yet another automatic argument to be brought up every single time we raise our voices.
It seems like that era of activism is mostly over.