just watched iron man 2 for the first time. My body is officially ready 

just watched iron man 2 for the first time. My body is officially ready
stopped after10 minutes quality is horrible
I watched the whole thing. Audio was god awful. Solid movie throughout. Doesn't have as many memorable/iconic moments as 1 or 2. Kind of hard to rate it. I will say that it's a better overall plot than 2. Can't lie I'm slightly disappointed. It's my own fault though, I let the trailers get me hyped.
stopped after10 minutes quality is horrible
same here. i'll wait til it hits theaters
I'll never understand people that watch cam versions of special-effects-heavy summer blockbusters. It's "Iron Man 3", not "Eve's Bayou".
maaan these reviews in here sounding like some ironman 2 shytgettin me a lil upset