You realize that if you want them to stop pursuing nukes, backing out of the iran deal and shyt like this is more likely to make them pursue nukes right?
We were making progress to this end until Trump fukked it up at the behest of Israel.
You can’t blame Israel. Iran is not innocent. They’ve been funding terrorist groups and militias throughout the region in their attempts to destabilize other countries. The Houthis in Yemen. Hamas in Gaza. Hezbollah in Lebanon. They actually bombed oil fields in Saudi. Threatened oil shipments in the Persian gulf. Israel shares a border with Lebanon (Hezbollah) and routinely has problems with them. They know they not built like that so the funding is coming from Tehran...From their POV, Iran has BEEN violating. For obvious reasons they don’t want Iran to get a nuke. The way I look at it is most of the Middle East can’t stand Israel for being a puppet of the US and out of Arab allegiance to Palestine yet they would still rather ally with them over Iran. That kinda says what needs to be said doesn’t it