yeah, i cant believe how misinformed you are about the charter schools, the whole issue around charter schools is how many of them should be and what limits should be placed on it, money is not what is slowing charter schools, there are plenty of foundations and corporations putting money into charter schools
It's not me that's misinformed. You ignore any and everything that doesn't fit your agenda. Most states dont even have caps and ive shown you miltiple sources that say a lack of funds is a big problem. But you will keep ignoring it because it doesn't fit your narrative. If you really wanted to advocate for charter schools you would admit that. But by admiring that you would be contradicting your other agenda so you throw all this nonsense in the way.
School districts have limited money. Some of those districts are operating with much less money than they need to provide a quality education to kids. Switching those schools to charter schools won't change the fact that they don't have enough money.
Your too caught up in this republican democrat nonsense. It's democrats who are fighting for charter schools in a lot of cases. The times when they do fight against them is when they are tied to policies that increase inequality like adding schools without adequate funding, or allowing the schools to choose their students.
Every analysis you can find. Even the one you used to start this thread says that a lack of resources in the places where they are needed is a problem. Yet you still continue with this "money doesn't matter" nonsense.