Too much school is the problem.
If education were equated with success, China and a whole host of European and Asian nations would be at the top of the economic food chain. That is not the case.
School is supposed to train kids for the world, but the world doesn't exist within the 4 walls of a classroom. School is not a place where you think, school is where you get told what to think. The greatest people on the planet had the TIME to do what made them great.
A lot of great inventions came from farmers' sons. Bill Gates had the time to code at a college or somewhere after school. The tyc00ns of the 19th century were child workers, who had time to learn the trades. Beyonce had time to practice, so did Tiger Woods, Serena Williams, and other famous people. The problem with schooling today is that is occupies a great deal of a child's time and mind.
What I am saying is that after a certain level of education, success comes from time spent doing what interests you. Einstein and Edison could not have done what they did had they sat in classrooms from ages 6 to 18 years plus 4 to 8 extra years focusing on a specialty.
The biggest secret is that China knows that their school system doesn't work, while they are desperately trying to make their children like ours, we are trying to make our kids like theirs.
School is too long. School takes up too much of a child's life. It is mental programming. School was created to make good workers that were educated enough to do the job, but also trained enough to
follow orders.
It doesn't take 12 years of language arts to be able to read & write your NATIVE LANGUAGE. Much of what is learned in school can be learned by 13 years old. Why is school so long?
School is organized to waste time. You sit down in the same place all day and follow orders. This creates great workers, but not great innovators. These students will never go against the grain, because doing so is punished. This is how you create obedient worker bee citizens who do not question authority.
The people who do not thrive in this type of environment are labeled misfits or put on medication. Since they cannot thrive within the confines of a school building society labels these people drop outs, and this prohibits them from gaining economic opportunities. Its all a game.
I am not surprised to see Obama jump on these studies, while advocating for earlier childhood education. What do they want to get the children as newborns now? The idea is that the state can do a better job than the parents, which we know is false. Funny how the government creates these problems where kids can't pass their tests, then says in order to fix it we need your kids earlier, for more hours in the day, and for more years of their life.