Yeah you can’t tell me this movie ain’t better
Crystal Skull has its flaws, but I have to admit it gave Indiana Jones a much better sendoff than DOD did.
Yeah you can’t tell me this movie ain’t better
I remember when Last Crusade came out and purists panned that one too.yeah hurts me but that's true. It was the best ending. Movie was trash.
Amazing how such an iconic character only has two good movies (Raiders, Last Crusade)
This movie had a 300 million dollar budget?
Where the hell did it go to, because the CGI was awful in some of the scenes. I mean SyFy channel type of awful
People talked a lot of shyt about Avatar Way of the Water, but at least the budget matched the visualsThat's the thing. Outside of Ford's salary where'd the money go? And it's the same with all these other big budget flops with CGI that's straight from the 1990's.
The money isn't improving the quality of the films.
And it seems that most of these movies are just big budget shell game profit making schemes. Because they know that they're trash but they're cashing out and getting paid before the public finds out that they're trash and letting them flop.
But something has to give so in the future budgets will probably come down even though greed and inflation are driving them up.
I think this movie is worse...but I've been seeing the same shyt on YouTube about Crystal skullThe Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Redemption Tour I’ve been seeing on social media lately is jokes. Still by far the worst of the bunch.
Truth. I might have been the youngest person at the screening I attended, and I'm a 40 year old man lol.Mangold was delusional with this, it's a passion/vanity project with the well known IP and chance to cash out. Terrible idea. The world has no appetite for this kind of content anymore.
The thinking was probably who is an apolitical hero, who is masculine, but not toxic, throw in Phoebe Waller Bridge, a legacy series, something unifying for our divided times, and a July opening, plus a 300m budget, plus Speilberg's approval
pitching it like that, from some emissary of Mangold, or the studio, at some office in Burbank or the Hotel Bel Air it almost makes sense, but even me, relative outsider, people just aren't going for this kind of movie anymore. A PG 13 rated movie starring an 80 year old man? Kids won't go anywhere NEAR this opening weekend. Neither will adults. Compare with something like Independence Day, and how that movie appealed to everyone.
The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Redemption Tour I’ve been seeing on social media lately is jokes. Still by far the worst of the bunch.
Breh, that has to be the worst part of the movie. I can't stand her character. Shia Labeouf may have been annoying in Crystal Skull, but at least he was a good person. Helena is a shytty person. What's even more frustrating is that the movie tries to make her look charming in spite of this.I don’t see why this film flopped or why longtime fans won’t enjoy it. The acting was good. The chemistry between Harrison and Phoebe Waller-Bridges was great. The set pieces were exotic, the action scenes were exciting. I mean it was Indy doing what he does best, fighting Nazi’s, solving puzzles, and being grumpy while doing it.