This seems much more sinister than jokes breh people on here take every chance they get to insult indians. i don't its because of their caste system either since the same people will throw on capes for arabs

The energy isn't the same when insults are thrown at them you will get called all sorts of maga insults but racism towards indians is
Imma speak for myself, I was preparing to move to India for 30 days as part of a Team building initiative.
I had already picked my right hand man. Dude was cool, and he was Brahmin (if that matters)
We hit up a few Indian joints, I learned what I should order when in India, I learned a few words.
Everything was good, I was all for it. No racism no shytting on Indians... nothing was coming from me.
But when they brought some prospects from India for me to meet... and we went to that strip club... breh... my whole perception changed.
And then after that rape shyt... honestly it was the attempted cover-up afterwards that really got to me.
I coudln't trust these people... at all.
Now, is it possible that I happened to run into the worst Indians ever? Yeah its possible. Maybe I got very unlucky.
But all I can do is tell you what I experienced breh, I'm not gonna lie about what I saw with my own eyes.
You can check my post history, I was somewhat excited about living in India for a month. Would be a new experience, look good on my resume, etc.
I'm not shytting on Indians for fun, i'm doing it cuz I 100% feel its deserved