India Strips Kashmir of its Special Status

Apollo Creed

Look at your face
Feb 20, 2014
Handsome Boyz Ent
Dude sent me a PM after my last post here asking why I was spreading bullshyt about South Indians having a fierce independent streak, and having a dislike for northern domination. It was the word he specifically used :mjlol:

I sent him a reply then ignored his reply back. You can't be an Indian and not know about it. It cuts both ways, they don't like us because we're dark skinned and we refuse to speak Hindi, and we don't like them for the same reasons in reverse. To say nothing of the politics. The founder of the DMK, the socialist Tamil nationalist party that dominates Tamil politics, had this to say over 60 years ago: "the north flourishes while the south suffers." (It sounds a lot better in Tamil because it rhymes) The slogan was revived a few months ago when Modi visited Tamil Nadu during the election campaign. His visits always gets met with civil unrest, protests and whatnot. Modi is public enemy number 1 in Tamil Nadu yet he's beloved in north India.

So I would just not pay attention to anything he says about India. If he is unaware of the north/south divide, arguably the most pronounced cultural and political divide in the country after the Hindu/Muslim divide, then there's likely very little that he is aware of.

I got a coworker from Bangalore that seems to big up India as a current, isn't Bangalore in the south? Or are they kinda warped with their views due to them booming because of the tech outsourcing serving as their come up?


Dec 20, 2015
I got a coworker from Bangalore that seems to big up India as a current, isn't Bangalore in the south? Or are they kinda warped with their views due to them booming because of the tech outsourcing serving as their come up?

As a current what?

Bangalore is geographically in the south, but it is the second most cosmopolitan and multicultural city in India after Mumbai, people from all over South Asia live and work there. So their views are indeed 'warped,' if you mean that they are not accurately representative of the north/south cultural and political divide.


This is a map of the results latest 2019 federal election. What you want to look for is places where there's no orange (the colour of the BJP). There's four states in particular that jump out - Punjab in the northwestern corner (dominated by cyan, the colour of the INC), Bengal on the east coast (dominated by bright green, the colour of a local Bengali party), Kerala on the southern tip along the west coast (dominated by cyan, INC), and Tamil Nadu right next to Kerala (dominated by grey, the colour of the DMK, a local Tamil party). You'll also note that Communist parties have a strong presence in the two southern-most states.

Bangalore is located in Karnataka, and is part of the sea of orange that brushes up against the Kerala border; the whole city was swept by the BJP (check the inset to the left - it's spelled Bengaluru). You can clearly see the state borders based on the voting patterns. I would not characterise Bangalore as a southern city because if you speak Hindi you will get by fine in the city, just as you would by speaking English, Tamil, or the local language Kannada. In the two proper southern states TN and Kerala, you won't get anywhere at all speaking Hindi at work. Even those of your colleagues who know Hindi will refuse to speak it to you in a professional setting, because they want you to learn the local language or at least pick English as a neutral corporate language.

One of the big problems facing Tamil people is water shortages. The main river that flows through the state is dammed upstream in Karnataka, and they don't release enough water through the dam to support agricultural needs in TN. There has been a political polarization for a few decades now between the Karnataka and TN state governments over the issue of sharing the river water. The federal government in Delhi is supposed to mediate the issue, but they don't give a fukk about it and prefer to keep the status quo. The reason behind that is simple: whether it's BJP or it's the INC who hold power in Delhi, both parties know they have absolutely no chance of winning the TN state. On the other hand BJP just swept Karnataka and the INC have held the state in the past. It's a winning move for them politically to ignore the needs of a state that will never vote them in and to instead focus on a state that might help them get into office. Tamils understand the equation and also know that they are politically voiceless at a federal level, because the parties they vote for aren't nationwide and will never take the federal government.

Issues like that, as well as the way politics in general is conducted in India, with the importance of local and regional parties in those four states, is why I fear that if Kashmir is granted autonomy or independence, there is a very real chance that the whole union might fly apart. A state like TN has absolutely no benefits from being ruled by Delhi, with the exception of simplified trade relations with the rest of the world and a stronger and larger military with access to nuclear weapons.


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
The New York Times
3 hrs ·
A 16-year-old Kashmiri boy died after security officers hit him in the face with buckshot, several witnesses said. It's the first officially confirmed death linked to protests since the Indian government revoked Kashmir’s autonomy a month ago.

About this website


Teenager Dies in Kashmir Amid Protests After Autonomy Was Revoked
The Indian authorities acknowledged the death of a 16-year-old but they said they did not know the specific cause. Witnesses said he had been hit in the face with buckshot.


I walk around a little edgy already
Jul 1, 2012
The H
Because if the government gives Kashmir up, they give the whole damn union up. One of the things foreigners don't often realise about India is that it's a union of dozens of essentially separate cultures, ethnicities and language groups, which can and prior to independence in 1947 did function as separate nations with separate governments and rulers. India is a country, but it is also a union and not all that different from the EU in terms of how diverse it is.

In previous decades there have been powerful separatist movements in the country's west, east, and south, respectively. The Khalistan movement in western India was crushed by brutal military force - in the aftermath of which Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was assassinated by her own security detail, who were Punjabis and killed her in retaliation. The ongoing Naxalite Maoist insurgency in eastern India is also de facto fighting a guerrilla war against the government. From what I know the Naxalites are losing and have been for some time, but they're still around.

Finally in the south there was and is extreme resentment of the cultural chauvinism of the north. We fukking detest the federal government's imposition of the Hindi language, spoken by most Indians, to a land where it does not belong in the south. We hate how our rich culture and history is constantly marginalized and ignored by the north, and resent it all the more because our cultures and lifestyles in the south are far far closer to how things were done in ancient India - we preserve and maintain what the north claims is its alone, although they make no effort to keep it alive. And in the south our politics is far far more left wing to politics in the north. The BJP has never won a single seat in the two southernmost Indian states. The INC barely manages to win one seat per election in the same states. Instead those two states are dominated by four parties: the Communist Party of India, Communist Party of India (Marxist), DMK and ADMK, which are two left-wing socialist Tamil nationalist parties. We don't have any of the social problems of the north - the poverty, the sex ratio and abortion of female fetuses, the rape, the illiteracy, the public defecation, the sectarian violence between Hindus and Muslims, and the violence and discrimination between Hindu castes. Our people are by far the best educated in the country, our economies are two of the strongest in the country, and our population isn't even 10% of the total national population. And on top of everything, we are the darkest skinned Indian people and we face racial discrimination/colourism in the northern states because of our skin.

To bring it back to Kashmir, if Kashmir is granted independence and secedes from the union, the whole thing is in deep trouble because everybody will demand to leave the union. Kashmiris are not the only Indians with powerful and deep-seated reasons to strive for independence. At the end of the day despite all our tensions between each other, we are stronger together as a military force and an economic force. The British conquered us because we were a region of dozens of small country. If a foreign power is to never again enslave India, we have to stick together and pool our resources into one giant nation-state.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
modi supporters are a cult lol but yet claim to not be fascist, funniest thing ever, its super similar to talking to a trump supporter

Breh, a major Indian newspaper devoted an entire story today to the fact that Modi bent over and picked something up. :mjlol:

Howdy, Modi: PM Modi shows he practises what he preaches on cleanliness - Times of India

Howdy, Modi: PM Modi shows he practises what he preaches on cleanliness

HOUSTON: Prime Minister Narendra Modi keeps an eye for cleanliness even outside India, showing to the world that he practices what he preaches.

On his arrival at the George Bush Intercontinental Airport here on Saturday for the "Howdy, Modi" community event, the Prime Minister was presented with a bouquet of flowers by an American dignitary, reciving him along with US Ambassador to India Kenneth Juster, Indian Ambassador to the US Harsh Vardhan Shringla and other senior officials.

A flower fell off the bouquet and to everyone's surprise, Modi bent down and picked it up himself....

The most-liked comments are straight personality cult:

"This act manifests his personality as a great leader to follow his example"

"This is what makes him greatest of all."

"He maintains good fitness. No smoking, no drinks, yoga and meditation, 9 days fasting during navarathri, no leave taken for 20 years, all time dress so smart, really every thing unbelievable. Great and smart leader."

"Any average person takes 24 to 36 hours to start his normal routine when he travels from India to USA. This man gets off the plane and starts his meetings in a series one after the other. Is he a man or a Superman???"

"This is what a great leader is."

"Everything Modi does is admired."

"Our Peoples PM Modi Ji is the greatest of the great rare jewel. We are proud can safely die for India if need be."

"MODI ji is a great SOUL hidden in a GREAT body."

"our PM our pride"

"Perfect headlines...It's a fact. He is an inspiration for younger generations. Hats off Modiji."

They're straight calling him superhuman and saying they would die for him....because he picked up a flower. :dahell:

Reads like the Onion wrote those. :laff:
Last edited:


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Breh, a major Indian newspaper devoted an entire story today to the fact that Modi bent over and picked something up. :mjlol:

Howdy, Modi: PM Modi shows he practises what he preaches on cleanliness - Times of India

The most-liked comments are straight personality cult:

"This act manifests his personality as a great leader to follow his example"

"This is what makes him greatest of all."

"He maintains good fitness. No smoking, no drinks, yoga and meditation, 9 days fasting during navarathri, no leave taken for 20 years, all time dress so smart, really every thing unbelievable. Great and smart leader."

"Any average person takes 24 to 36 hours to start his normal routine when he travels from India to USA. This man gets off the plane and starts his meetings in a series one after the other. Is he a man or a Superman???"

"This is what a great leader is."

"Everything Modi does is admired."

"Our Peoples PM Modi Ji is the greatest of the great rare jewel. We are proud can safely die for India if need be."

"MODI ji is a great SOUL hidden in a GREAT body."

"our PM our pride"

"Perfect headlines...It's a fact. He is an inspiration for younger generations. Hats off Modiji."

They're straight calling him superhuman and saying they would die for him....because he picked up a flower. :dahell:

Reads like the Onion wrote those. :laff:
America is many things but thank GOD/Whatever its not as sycophantic as this :picard:


All Star
Jun 17, 2012
Anyone heard Imran Khan addressing the UN the otherday?

Bless this man :wow:

Formerly Black Trash

Philosopher, Connoisseur, Future Legend
Aug 2, 2015
Total numbers are meaningless, it's the fact that there's 10% more men than women. You're talking like 100,000,000 men with no partner. So far they've staved off disaster by men waiting longer and longer to get married and women getting married off earlier and ealier, but that solution ain't gonna work very long....shyt could get ugly real real fast. Men who feel they don't have much hope for a future/family are FAR more likely to be radicalized.

I wonder
Whi is that?

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I wonder
Whi is that?
You mean why are there way more men than women?

Boys are culturally favored far more than girls. The biggest issue is a practical one - male children stay with their birth parents and inherit the family home and land and are expected to take care of their parents into old age, while female children are sent away to live with their husband. So if you have a male child you have a future wageearner and caretaker, while if you have a female child you're just going to lose her in the end after you spent all those resources raising her. On top of that, they have this terrible dowry tradition where the husband's family demands an exorbitant gift at marriage that can often be the equivalent of six months or a year's wages. So that turns having a girl into a giant future loss.

Due to that issue, sex-selected abortions are common. Too many families who don't want a girl (either they already have a girl or "too many girls" or they only want 1-2 children so they want them to be boys) will abort the baby if it's a girl. On top of that, girls don't get taken care of as well because there isn't as much invested in their future, so girls are far more likely to malnourished, far more likely to get sick, and their mortality rates at younger ages are high.

All of that adds up to somewhere between 85 and 95 girls for every 100 boys in many of the northern states. It's a massive gap and creating all sorts of social issues.