Formerly Black Trash
Philosopher, Connoisseur, Future Legend
You mean why are there way more men than women?
Boys are culturally favored far more than girls. The biggest issue is a practical one - male children stay with their birth parents and inherit the family home and land and are expected to take care of their parents into old age, while female children are sent away to live with their husband. So if you have a male child you have a future wageearner and caretaker, while if you have a female child you're just going to lose her in the end after you spent all those resources raising her. On top of that, they have this terrible dowry tradition where the husband's family demands an exorbitant gift at marriage that can often be the equivalent of six months or a year's wages. So that turns having a girl into a giant future loss.
Due to that issue, sex-selected abortions are common. Too many families who don't want a girl (either they already have a girl or "too many girls" or they only want 1-2 children so they want them to be boys) will abort the baby if it's a girl. On top of that, girls don't get taken care of as well because there isn't as much invested in their future, so girls are far more likely to malnourished, far more likely to get sick, and their mortality rates at younger ages are high.
All of that adds up to somewhere between 85 and 95 girls for every 100 boys in many of the northern states. It's a massive gap and creating all sorts of social issues.
Why are men with no women/family more prone to radicalization?