In Your House: Hell in a Cell (4 match PPV special)


We Are NXT!
Jun 16, 2013
The NXT Universe
Exactly. Wwe was the ones who went out their way to put NXT on usa and be "against" AEW.
AEW only went to wednesday becuz of the nba on TNT

NXT had an established time slot of Weds. at 8 for years. The USA deal was in the works for 1-2 years HHH said. The Fox SD deal was done for at least a year so USA wanted to fill that void. It just made sense to put NXT on USA in it's well established time and day, with or without AEW.

Francis White

i been away to long, my feeling died.
May 11, 2012
New York, New York
I'd be happier about this tweet if I had faith in Vince but have Asuka and Kairi form a heel faction with Io when they visit NXT with the tag titles. :banderas:

Remember it's across all brands.
No it isn’t. It hasn’t been one team in NXT that challenge for the belts. So no I don’t remember.


aka #DiamondNightmare
May 13, 2012
Bronx (Marble Hill), NY
Watching one of the Youtubers doing his best to describe the booking. It was like a Horror movie. And that he thought it played out well but of course he said if they continue to play out the story moving forward well of course.

The problem is that booking a match like a Horror movie wont sit well with fans since Horror movies always tend to be the ultimate Dusty finish.
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We Are NXT!
Jun 16, 2013
The NXT Universe
No it isn’t. It hasn’t been one team in NXT that challenge for the belts. So no I don’t remember.

They said it, that's all that counts. They just haven't pulled the trigger but now since NXT is on USA it's easy to do.

They even moved the NXT Cruiserweight championship there. Yes they re-named it.

So yes they can have the Women's tag team titles used and defended there as they originally stated. That they were meant to be used across Raw, SD and NXT.

Rell Lauren

Nov 30, 2016
Watching one of the Youtubers 2ho best described the booking. It was like a Horror movie. And that he thought it played out well but of course he said if they continue to play out the story moving forward well of course.

The problem is that a booking a match like a Horror movie wont sit well with fans since Horror movies always tend to be the ultimate Dusty finish.

That's what I said as I watched the match. He kept coming and coming and coming like a monster that wouldn't stay down. Are the fans, the same fans that cry about storytelling, patient to let it all unfold?


Let me work.
Jun 20, 2013
That's what I said as I watched the match. He kept coming and coming and coming like a monster that wouldn't stay down. Are the fans, the same fans that cry about storytelling, patient to let it all unfold?

This is all a valid point. Especially when Bray Wyatt has been established as THE Long Game storyteller in WWE (based on his character evolution) ... but no. Wrestling fans are not patient and there were better ways to do this chapter of the story and force it to keep going.

A well-crafted and well-told story in pro wrestling is about as good as it gets, but I believe that most wrestling fans care about two things:

1. Wins and losses -- as far as their favorites/hated.
2. Being entertained (good matches, angles, logical booking decisions, etc).

This is the average wrestling fan's hierarchy of needs. They'll look past one if the other is ALWAYS being met, but when you tie your entjoyment of a match into the result ... you set yourself up for failure. As I said before the show started, I only watched to see Sasha win. She didn't, and quite honestly I was apathetic to everything else that happened in the rest of the show until Fiend/Seth began. Hell, I skipped the Roman/Bryan match and I've heard it was really good. My expectations and desire to enjoy the show had evaporated until then. And even in the main event, the one prevailing thought I had was "Just get it right, WWE."

The Fiend did not win, and the match took place in a fashion that did not entertain them even though in kayfabe perspective, Seth should have had to go that far to try and win.

The issue is that frankly ... anything that wasn't a full-on brutal mollywhopping of Seth Rollins, who hasn't just beaten, but has literally terminated every "unstoppable" force he's gone up against in his title run -- and if you thought :hhh: reign of terror was bad, please note that Rollins is heading that way -- by The Fiend wasn't going to be universally accepted as the right move.

They didn't.


I'm Everywhere you ain't never there
May 7, 2012
damn that was bad who was the booker and agent of this match man it was as bad as it could be ... if you don't have a world title change, then you should have Undertaker come out and interfere for Super Showdown match ...the fans wouldn't have shytted on undertaker vs the fiend
That’s one idea better than what they did. I mean you know they going to have taker there. It’s actually interesting and would be the ultimate “rub” for bray and it protects his character.

It’ll never cease to amaze me how people still watch even while the show actively does all it can to express nothing but disdain and disgust for its audience. Vince hates the fans and doesn’t want them to watch. I’ve never seen another company treat its customers like this.

Judging by the last year, most people are tuning out for keeps :francis:

I never understood why you dudes say things like this. He doesn’t hate his audience. He is just out of touch

I swear this dude trolling.

This narrative is played out, the and y’all still watch comments are corny, for one the piece of shyt wwe network wasn’t working for the whole show, I had to use the bootleg sites to watch live. I couldn’t get the video to play on my appletv and it logged me out of the websites and kept saying my password was wrong.

It’s like he is saying just shut up and watch, how can anything change if there is no backlash?
They cheered The Fiend at the end of RAW
They cheered Ciampa at the end of NXT
They cheered Valesquez at the end of Smackdown
This was the only show to end in boos and rightfully so, because outside of Asuka & Kairi winning it was the same old shyt. I guarantee you they heard those AEW chants and the boos were too deafening to ignore. That belt has to come off of Seth ASAP because he's just not main event material, but that crowd reaction was the company's fault for putting Bray in a title match too soon with no intention of giving him the title.

bray should have never been put in this match if they never wanted to put the title on him. They tried to protect bray but They didn’t protect Seth. The crowd should never be booing during your comeback. It’s one thing to boo a finish but as soon as the fans saw where it was going the boos started. Imagine if they never restarted Bret vs hbk in 96? That’s what this felt like

the match up until Seth started spamming curb stomps was good but there have been atleast 3 ways posted in here better than what they did. If anything have bray be the one that gets himself disqualified for going too far. This makes Seth hated, and makes the fiend look like a victim, especially when they had him pop back up like he was playing possum the whole time. That should have been justification to restart the match.
They say Vince wanted it to feel like a horror movie but in the end it was just stupid
Doubt this shyt matters in a couple months but they booked themselves into the corner tonight trying to capitalize off the Fiend shyt getting over like it has & booking this early :manny:

Makes no sense to book Fiend vs Lesnar at Survivor Series (which going off recent history would have been the match) because there is literally no good way to get to or out of that match with those 2 characters. They can do Rollins vs Lesnar again at SS (Lesnar can win this time) & then give Fiend the belt after that.
SS smh. I forgot about the champ vs champ thing they do. Yea this makes the Brock title reign make even less sense now. And I guess they were determined to get beck vs Charlotte in that one on one match they never got last year
Vince: "Hear those "Refund" chants? That's the reaction that I want and I know what's best for the fans.
Every writer/producer/executive with the lone exception of Kevin Dunn: :snoop:
I agreed with everything the crowd chanted. For once they their anger was necessary
I'd be happier about this tweet if I had faith in Vince but have Asuka and Kairi form a heel faction with Io when they visit NXT with the tag titles. :banderas:

Remember it's across all brands.

they don’t say that anymore. They just said it’s SD and Raw they don’t even mention nxt or nxtuk. Which makes no sense now the nxt is live but it’s wwe
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