I wish you the best of luck. This area will fill your pockets with cash but will drain you of your life so do what make you happy. Just the rat race attitude of the DMV is something I had to get readjusted to after going to college down south and coming back for career. Let me tell yall southern hospitality is well under rated and I met some really great people just walking down the street down south. Here they'll look at you like you crazy if you say hi to someone you dont know. Like a random friendly gesture is strange here haha I love this area but its flaws
And to the dude who asked about IT; One of my best friends from this area went to Radford for a degree in blowing glass art...
but after graduation he became an IT tech and is caking. Not sure how they break into that field but apparently they are in demand on the job market.
Dude gets offers from other companies like every month and he dont send out his resume or nothing like that.