Im Sorry But the LAST Thing the Black Community Needs Is Yet Another Slave Movie


Did this work
Jun 21, 2012
The thing about movies or just media in general, is that white people think a movie wont appeal to a large audience without a white person as the lead. Because of this, if you are trying to make a mostly black movie you would be hard pressed to get the funding other movies would because they write it off before they even see it. Look at this movie, from the trailers it looks like 99% of the movie is black people except for the lead actor. At this point you just cant expect cacs to suddenly abandon their ways. If we want movies the way we want them we have to support them and boycott the bullshyt
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Aug 17, 2014
they always overcome

they're seen as the victors
and look how the jews turned out
they own the world banks

black people don't own a got damn thing
I disagree. A huge chunk of their population was wiped off the planet in only a span of a few years. They didn't fight off their oppressors. Somebody had to come and save them. Yeah, they made it out. But I seriously doubt anyone would describe them as the "victors".


Feb 2, 2016
they always overcome

they're seen as the victors
and look how the jews turned out
they own the world banks

black people don't own a got damn thing

We own plenty its just not enough of us who do. But dont fall for the hype...we are noy failing as a race. We are excelling and have been for the past 2 decades. A great generation is media and the internet has truly unleashed the boundries of poor education.....more people then ever are woke. Helpless but woke none the less.


Nov 13, 2013
Philly, Norfside
Negged for being a retard....

how the fukk am i retarded. If anything there arent ENOUGH slave movies. Slavery should never be forgotten. There is not enough said about it.

What OP means is... we should other black stories told in addition to slave movies. I agree. But we should never stop telling our story on any level.

I never hear jews say, :francis: "OH BOY ANOTHER MOVIE ABOUT THE HOLOCAUST"

IMDb: The 50 Most Moving Holocaust Films - a list by pklose

The 50 Most Moving Holocaust Films

I dont even think there are 50 movies about slavery. And nikkas want to stop!?!?!? Yall nikkas are fukking brainwashed c00ns.


Feb 2, 2016
how the fukk am i retarded. If anything there arent ENOUGH slave movies. Slavery should never be forgotten. There is not enough said about it.

What OP means is... we should other black stories told in addition to slave movies. I agree. But we should never stop telling our story on any level.

I never hear jews say, :francis: "OH BOY ANOTHER MOVIE ABOUT THE HOLOCAUST"

IMDb: The 50 Most Moving Holocaust Films - a list by pklose

The 50 Most Moving Holocaust Films

I dont even think there are 50 movies about slavery. And nikkas want to stop!?!?!? Yall nikkas are fukking brainwashed c00ns.

Have you seen God's of Egypt? The utter its like this. I agree with you to some extent....nothing wrong with showing that aspect of history. Its not only important to the black American population but a vital period in American history. The problem is there is no balance.

Let hollywood tell it white people ruled Africa long before the caucasoid human even emerged from thier caves. But history shows this to be different. Ancient humans had black skin...the abacus originated in Africa. Civilization..government....hierarchy...Africa. This is our planet breh. Not being cocky or biased.....yes we were slaves but we are also this worlds mothers and fathers. And human history CANNOT exist with out our story. Not the story of slavery...the story of the world....but because that exposes to many holes in the white amnesiac thought process we black Americans are pigeon held to thier version of our orgins. But think about it...we are a spirited....resilient group of people. That reside in the most powerful country in the world. Keeping us a permanent under class insures thier victory world wide. And not just us Hispanics and Arabs as well....

Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
The white mans position in this current world solely relies on money. This is truly the only thing that puts them in positions of power. We are not inferrior to them im fact more superior given our genetics, ancient history, and pigmentation. This is not an opinion but a widely known fact across the world. This is why they have to attempt to show us as weak. Why they must show us as savages, buffoons, porch monkeys etc, etc....its all a mental game to instill dominamce.

Other things might include the lack of access to good education..the prison industry...the police unions across America...the denial of funds to aide extremely impoverished black ran countries like Rwanda, Hatti, and Jamaica......stricter loan requirements for homes...higher APRs and such.

The goal is permanently keep black people world wide down. Why? Becauae of the fear and acceptance of a black planet. Which earth is...The western hemisphere might be majority caucasoid but the rest of the world is not. They are out numbered...out voted...and out classed in a majorty of eastern hemisphere.

To combat this they play games of war and imperialism...all in efforts to extinguish growth. This is the ultimate reason we invaded Lybia, Iraq, Iran, and Syria...all countries whose goal is not attack America...but create new monetary systems that effectively cut out the US dollar. Mainly for thier prized export....oil..natural gas....

Its all a game if you think about it....they keep us dumb as to nevee allow us to gain control over thier prized possesion...America.
Can I rep this 100 times?


#AAGang; formerly Selah
May 8, 2012
If we start getting some of these movies you supposedly want to see I betta not see none of you negus asking for a
lank or saying you gonna watch it on Kodi


God's Grace
Nov 26, 2014
I never liked watching those movies, can't recall seeing any but a few moments of 12 years and Django.

But I remember taking a class at Hunter College and I was ripping the class discussions on Black History and Slavery. That might have been the only time I really cared for the slavery topic, and in 2003 as well, when they had the Affirmative Action situation in Michigan. Other wise I stay out politics or race discussions. If it's not entertaining I'm not going to sit through it.

Stir Fry

Dipped in Sauce
Mar 1, 2015
Here's a movie on Queen Nzinga if anybody is interested. I haven't watched it, but heard it is really good


Luke Cage

Coffee Lover
Jul 18, 2012
I never liked watching those movies, can't recall seeing any but a few moments of 12 years and Django.

That's because those are the only 2 outside of bible or foreign slave movies that have been widely released in theaters nationally.
there really hasn't be a lot of theatrical slave movies. TV movies? Shows ? Mini series ? Yes
But ask your local AMC if they've shown any of those.

That's why I laugh people say yet another slave movie.

Think about all the famous former slaves , Harriet Tubman , Frederick Douglass , Nat Turner. George Washington Carver Etc.

Have you ever seen a movie about any of them?

Guess Who

May 5, 2012
Look at how brave and amazing the people and there stories were.

Henry “Box” Brown

After his wife and children were sold and shipped away to another state in 1848, Virginia-born Henry Brown resolved to escape slavery by any means necessary. With the help of a free black and a white shopkeeper, he hatched a desperate plan to ship himself from Richmond to Philadelphia in a wooden crate. On March 23, 1849, Brown wedged himself into a three by two foot box labeled “dry goods” and settled in for a long journey via wagon, steamboat and railroad to the home of abolitionist James Miller McKim. He only had a few biscuits and some water as supplies, and during one leg of the trip, his crate was placed upside down on the deck of a steamship. Brown was left sitting on his head for 90 minutes, his eyes “swelling as if they would burst from their sockets.” He nearly passed out before two unsuspecting passengers flipped the box over to use it as a seat.

Brown arrived safely in Philadelphia after 27 grueling hours inside the cramped confines of the box. His incredible story made him a minor celebrity in New England, but he was soon forced to flee the country after the passage of the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850. “Box” Brown later spent several years in Great Britain hosting a stage act that documented his escape. He eventually returned to the United States in 1875 and worked as a magician. As part of each show, he would climb into the same wooden crate that had once carried him to freedom.

Robert Smalls

Robert Smalls’ incredible flight to freedom began in 1862, when he was working as a wheelman aboard the Confederate steamer CSS Planter in Charleston, South Carolina. When the Planter’s white crew took an unauthorized shore leave in the early hours of May 13, Smalls and several accomplices sprang into action. After commandeering the ship, the slaves picked up their families at a rendezvous point and steamed into Charleston Harbor with Smalls at the helm disguised in the captain’s coat and hat. Smalls knew both the ship and the mine-infested harbor like the back of his hand, and he was able to give the proper signals to win safe passage by Fort Sumter. Once out of the Confederate guns’ firing range, he poured on the speed and made a mad dash for the Union blockade. Arriving under the white flag of surrender, the crew of runaways joyously offered up their ship to first U.S. Navy vessel they encountered. “Good morning, sir!” Smalls shouted to the astonished captain. “I have brought you some of the old United States’ guns, sir!”

Smalls and his fellow escapees were hailed as heroes in the North, and their courage and cunning were held up as evidence that blacks could make good soldiers. Smalls later helped recruit as many as 5,000 blacks for the Union war effort, and served as the pilot and then later the captain of the Planter after it was refitted as a U.S. Navy vessel. After the war, he returned to South Carolina, bought his former master’s house and went on to serve several terms in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Harriet Jacobs

For Harriet Jacobs, escaping slavery meant hiding for several years in a prison of her own devising. Born a slave in North Carolina, Jacobs spent her teenage years living in fear of a cruel master who refused to let her marry and made repeated and increasingly brutal sexual advances toward her. When the harassment continued even after Jacobs had two children by another man, she resolved to make a break for freedom. In 1835, she fled her plantation and briefly hid in some friends’ houses. Knowing her chances of making it to the North were slim, she eventually holed up in a small attic crawlspace in her grandmother’s home. The rat-infested room was tiny—only nine feet long and seven feet wide, with a sloping ceiling that never reached higher than three feet—and Jacobs later wrote that it offered “no admission for either light or air.” Nevertheless, she would spend an astonishing seven years living in the coffin-like space, watching her children play in the yard through a small peephole and only leaving for brief periods of nighttime exercise.

Jacobs finally made her escape to the North in 1842, after a friend helped her secure passage on a boat bound for Philadelphia. From there, she proceeded by train to New York and reunited with family members. She spent the next few years working in New York and Boston, but remained wary of being captured by her former master until friends helped arrange her purchase and manumission. Jacobs later became an influential abolitionist and published a searing account of her ordeal called “Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl.”

William and Ellen Craft

For sheer creativity and daring, few slave escapes can match the 1848 getaway masterminded by William and Ellen Craft. The two had married in Macon, Georgia, in 1846, but were held in slavery by different masters. Terrified of being separated, they devised an ingenious plan to flee the Deep South for Philadelphia. The light-skinned Ellen cut her hair short, dressed herself in men’s clothing and wrapped her head in bandages to pose as an injured white man. William, meanwhile, assumed the role of her loyal black manservant. On December 21, 1848, the Crafts donned their disguises and boarded a train to begin the long journey North. The scheme seemed doomed from the very start after Ellen found herself sitting next to a close friend of her master, but her elaborate costume prevented her from being recognized.

The Crafts spent the next several days traveling by train and steamer through the South, lodging in fine hotels and rubbing elbows with upper class whites to maintain their cover. Since she could not read or write, Ellen placed her arm in a sling to avoid signing tickets and papers, but her ruse was nearly found out when a Charleston steamer clerk refused to sell the pair their tickets without a signature. Luckily for the Crafts, the captain of their previous ship happened to pass by and agreed to sign for her. The Crafts arrived in Philadelphia on Christmas Day and were sheltered by abolitionists before continuing on to Boston. Fearing slave hunters, the couple later set sail for England, where they wrote a popular account of their escape and raised a family.

These shyts deserve to be told.
Great post.


Mad movements!
Sep 27, 2014
Make films about black inventors or black heroes throughout history....oh wait that would require a strong black male role, and we all know hollywood is adverse to showing that nowadays.

That's our job not theirs. We've already seen what happens when you leave your story and narrative in the hands of demons. You get slave movies. When you gotta ask your opressor for something he gets to decide whether or not he feels like doing what you want him to do. That's why black people over here should start off small like the Nijerians did with Nollywood. It was done with the negro leagues but older blacks gave that up. Build a black majority operation and stop getting dictated to.