I have good memories attached to this album, so I hold it in higher regards than the quality of the music might suggest. But there was some heat on there.
Same for Volume 3.
right, me too.
in retrospect, you can see how unfocused it was and an an attempt to cover every base/weakness, whereas The Blueprint 1 felt very from the heart, in terms of a little more vulnerability, really perfecting a new production style that was soulful and heartfelt, so sonically and lyrically it felt very aligned.
BP2 has that grandiosity to it, it's almost like in movies where a director has that breakout indie movie, and then a huge budget follow up/ Jay had all the money and all the resources, and kind of fumbled. Maybe the ROC being in kind of disarray was part of it. Someone made a great point in here, how the Neptunes beats from the LL album were fire. Imagine Jay over
Luv U Better or
All I Have, even similar song concepts.
You can tighten the album to 12 tracks and it still feels a little hollow to me, big budget but kind of lacking heart or theme.
Poppin Tags is great in a sense, but it's also like what is the purpose of this? or
All Around The World? For me you can hear Jay kind of struggling with how to approach his content and image. There's a sense of trying to redo older material too, a return to form, that doesn't 100% work either.
The Watcher 2, and
U Don't Know. And Meet The Parents having the same sample as Breathe Easy.
the sean paul track is pretty bad, but has this sick beat at the last 2 minutes.
Someone said adding
Early This Morning would help and that's true, but that was recorded for Blueprint 1and it's clear, he had so much heart and soul in just that little 2 minute song.