Black Man of the Nile
All Star
Awesome if true
I know you won't believe but i'm pretty sure this was the plan in the beginning
I know you won't believe but i'm pretty sure this was the plan in the beginning
evans is coming back too
why is this so hard to believe?
I know you won't believe but i'm pretty sure this was the plan in the beginning
evans is coming back too
I knew you wouldn't believe itBreh... come on now. how long u been following hollywood? What happens when a project flops.. u return to the old reliable. The Avengers was supposed to be led by BP/Captain marvel/Thor/Ant-man/Falcon as the new Cap
That was the plan. Problem is they never recast BP and Cap marvel was shown to have done better at the B.O. because it was in between War and Endgame
Yup. They've been teasing Downey and Evans coming back since Endgame plus in secret wars, it's an all out war between X Men, avengers and fantastic 4, basically a soft reset.I knew you wouldn't believe itbut I fully believe the plan was always to have Downy and Evans come back one last time for the regardless of who the main cast would be in the new avengers.
I also believe Kang Dynasty is that event movie starring the new avengers you mention. I just think Downy and Evans are in an after credits sting for that one.
secret wars is a everyone is here type of event.
I bet even Tobey and Andrew are coming back. heck maybe Johansson too
they're trying to get a 3 billion dollar box office you only get that by merging the new fans and old fans
They've been teasing Downey and Evans coming back
Marvel always throws subtle hints and foreshadows plus they wanna keep it close to comics and so if we really gonna keep it buck, Iron Man, Captain America, Aunt Mae and TChalla are all coming back by the time "secret" wars or after.where?