Bryan Danielson
Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
The Russos
Compare how they used Wanda's powers to how it was done in WV. They chose to express them as physical actions, so Wanda was engaged in battle it was a physical battle with kinetic feedback effects rather than her just throwing energy blasts. Each manifestation of her powers resulted in a familiar physical outcome. Even when she buried Vision (at HQ), it was more a case of remote-physicality than "telekinesis" (see jean in the x-men movies for how this is traditionally done).
Even Derrickson got this right, in making Dr. Strange (and the rest) quasi kung-fu sorcerers. Strange even attacked Thanos with a sword. These choices again, made to maintain the physicality of battles.
It augurs well for how Sue Storm's powers will be represented in the MCU.
when you do it right the first time
You don’t need to make a “Cut “