I'm Officially DONE with Marvel.. Delete this thread. fukk the MCU and fukk Disney

Ethnic Vagina Finder

The Great Paper Chaser
May 4, 2012
North Jersey but I miss Cali :sadcam:
Right, it'll be wrong to try to recreate the avengers anyway, marvel is smart enough not to do that unlike DC.

I think with the Eternals, marvel can pretty much introduce every missing piece they have : Xmen, the FF, Namor and Atlantis, shyt they can even fukk with Annilus and the negative zone since they all tie in to each other.

The typical blueprint with superheros in the past was to have a trilogy, the reboot in like 5 to 7 years.

You cant do that with characters like the Avengers.


Extensive Enterprises
Aug 29, 2018
Elizabeth, NJ by way of East Orange
Instead of rebooting, the MCU needs to either just recast characters, or do what should have been done in the comics. Retire characters and bring in new ones. Marvel has enough characters in it's roster to work with. They made a Guardians of the Galaxy movie. Who would have ever thought that would happen? They haven't even touched characters like Nova, Darkhawk, Moon Knight, Power Pack, Beta Ray Bill, Gravity, Blue Marvel, Adam Warlock. They can even dabble with some New Universe characters. They have enough to work with for the next 20 years before even thinking about a reboot.

Norrin Radd

To me, my board!
Jun 9, 2013
'Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3' Production Reportedly Pushed Back to 2021

Despite the firing of James Gunn, Marvel Studios still has plans to make a third Guardians of the Galaxy movie. Unfortunately, it looks like it's going to be a very long time before that film sees the light of day.

The newest update from Production Weekly (via Pursue News) reports that Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is set to begin production in February 2021. If you recall, the film was initially supposed to start filming in early 2019, now it's been pushed back by two whole years.

So it's safe to say the new Guardians of the Galaxy won't arrive in 2020, as was the original plan. In fact, this update suggests that it could be until 2022 before the film sees a theatrical release, perhaps even longer.

At this point, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is still without a director, since Disney has made it clear that the company won't be rehiring James Gunn for the role. However, Gunn's script will likely still be used for the film, and the Production Weekly report lists him as the movie's sole writer. It has also been revealed that production will take place under the working title Hot Christmas.

Gunn's brother, Sean, who portrays Kraglin in the franchise, recently went on record to say that he has been contacted by Disney and assured that the movie would continue, but that he wasn't sure when. Gunn also made it clear that his brother's script would be used for the upcoming sequel.

"I don't really know yet what's going on with Guardians 3," Gunn said. "I know that Disney still wants to make the movie. I know that they have every intention of using the script that my brother wrote. Obviously, that was a very unfortunate situation for everybody, most of all him, but I am also somebody who had been preparing to spend half a year making that movie and now that's up in the air."

"Obviously, I think it's a tricky proposition for them to find another director to step in -- and also the scheduling of a lot of other actors who are incredibly busy can't be easy," he continued. "But I know that they plan on making the movie. I had not been contacted at all for a while, but I was recently contacted by Marvel saying, 'Yeah, we do plan to make this movie. We're just not sure when yet.'"

Norrin Radd

To me, my board!
Jun 9, 2013
EXCLUSIVE: Marvel Studios 2020 Slate is Set - ThatHashTagShow

Kevin Feige has kept his word: while the wheels at Marvel Studios are still spinning, the fans are left to speculate on what films will come when. Black Widow, The Eternals, Black Panther 2 and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 headline a list of projects we know are upcoming, but since it was announced that Vol. 3 would be delayed while the search for a director continued, it’s been unclear and a source of debate among fans which film would take it place. The recent announcement that the studio was dropping one of its 3 scheduled films from its 2020 release slate seemingly confirmed that Vol. 3 would NOT be happening anytime soon and fanned the flames of conjecture even further. So which movies will we actually end up seeing in 2020?

We are told that in addition to dropping the July 31, 2o2o film from their slate, Marvel Studios also settled on the 2 films they’ll be releasing in 2020. As many fans have speculated, we are told the studio plans to release Black Widow on May 1, 2020 and The Eternals on November 6, 2020.

We are told that Black Widow is looking to take advantage of the attractive production incentives available by filming in Croatia. Walt Disney Studios used the beautiful coastal nation to film portions of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, allowing for Black Widow to film their as well in keeping with one of many requirements for the handsome rebate. We were the first to bring you a limited synopsis for the film, one that is in line with a longer synopsis also recently revealed:

At birth the Black Widow (aka Natasha Romanova) is given to the KGB, which grooms her to become its ultimate operative. When the U.S.S.R. breaks up, the government tries to kill her as the action movies to present-day New York, where she is a freelance operative. The standalone film will find Romanoff living in the United States 15 years after the fall of the Soviet Union.

With production set to begin early in 2019, it’s very possible Black Widow is already in pre-production and we expect casting news to begin to leak before the end of the year!

Marvel Studios is also rolling the dice on The Eternals in 2020.


The story of ‘THE ETERNALS’ is set millions of years ago when the cosmic beings known as the Celestials genetically experimented on humans, creating the super-powered individuals as well as more villainous off-shoots known as Deviants. The two groups went on to battle each other throughout history to see which would eventually become the ultimate race. The story involves the love story between Ikaris, a man fueled by cosmic energy, and Sersi, who relishes moving amongst humans.

Chloe Zhao, director of The Eternals, is the big winner in the shuffling of Marvel Studios post-Infinity plans. The studio has a script that they like and when they moved on Zhao, they had hoped things would come together quickly enough to begin production Q4 of next year, which we are told is tentatively planned to take place primarily in the UK, though that’s certainly not been cemented at this point.

Fans of the comics know that The Eternals have two rather diverse interpretations in the comics: the Jack Kirby iteration and the Neil Gaiman iteration. While Gaiman’s turn with the characters held on to some of the key points of the original Kirby work, it was certainly a more modern take. We are told that the script by Matthew and Ryan Firpo was more heavily influenced by Kirby’s 1976 work and will not only introduce the worlds of the Eternals and Deviants, but also connect to several existing characters, leave doors open for the introductions of any number of new ones and establish a deep history of the MCU.

While no further details about who those characters may be were revealed to us, we can certainly speculate. Dating back to the earliest recorded history, the Eternals have direct connections to Thanos, through his father, A’Lars (mentioned in Avengers: Infinity War) and his mother Sui-San; the Greek Pantheon, known as the Olympians, through Zuras, son of Kronos and uncle to Thanos; the Kree and also the malevolent entity known as the Dragon of the Moon. Additionally, the timeless foes of the Eternals, the Deviants, have several interesting connections themselves. Their longtime, underwater capital city of Lemuria could certainly portend some interesting possibilities as could the fact that Skrulls, set to debut in Captain Marvel, are also Deviant offshoots in the comics. Once thought to be a film that could tangentially connect to Thanos and maybe be backdoored via Vol. 3, it’s possible that The Eternals could become a central hub from which many other future story lines emerge.

If we’ve learned anything in the past week, it is that films which seem to have the firmest of release dates (Wonder Woman 1984, for instance) can be shuffled around in an instant so I’m not here to tell you to go get in line for tickets just yet. In a business that’s always in motion, this represents a snapshot of Marvel Studios plans today as I write this, which isn’t even the same day you’ll read it, at which point plans could already have changed.


All Star
Jun 6, 2012
Ranking the Most Influential MCU Movies
Taylor SalanOct 29, 2018
image: https://cdn3-www.superherohype.com/assets/uploads/2018/10/Marvel-Cinematic-Universe-Heroes.jpg


Ranking the Most Influential MCU Movies

Throughout the past ten years, we’ve seen Marvel Studios evolve from what was essentially an independent operation into a $17 plus billion franchise. The Marvel Cinematic Universe has certainly taken Hollywood by storm in this time. As a result, the studio’s influence in the industry has as a whole dramatically shifted the landscape of Hollywood, effectively ushering in the golden age of comic book movies that we find ourselves in today.

In the last two years alone, Marvel Studios has released six films. There’s evidence that the so-called superhero bubble is rapidly growing. However, the fact that two of three Marvel Studios releases in 2018 landed in the top 5 highest grossing movies of all-time is also surely telling. Now that we’ve had a chance to process all three of Marvel Studios’ new releases from this year, we’re taking a trip down memory lane to revisit the most influential movies throughout the first 10 years of the MCU.

10. Avengers: Infinity War
image: https://cdn3-www.superherohype.com/assets/uploads/2018/10/Avengers-Infinity-War-featured.jpg


Even though it may seem blasphemous by some to put Avengers: Infinity War so low on this list in any regard, there’s good justification. It’s too fresh of a movie to definitively rank, and it’s also one half of a movie. While the film is certainly worthy of most the praise that it has received, this is like calling The Matrix Reloaded the most influential science fiction film of all time before actually seeing the second half of the story, The Matrix Revolutions. We’re not trying to compare those films with Infinity War, but the fact remains that it’s difficult to truly understand the influence of this film when we’ve only seen half of the story.

9. Doctor Strange
image: https://cdn3-www.superherohype.com/assets/uploads/2018/10/doctor-strange.jpg


Doctor Strange is often slighted for its similarity to Iron Man’s MCU origin. Part of the reason why Tony and Strange have such an interesting dynamic in Infinity War is the way both their backstories compliment one another, offering two different sides of the same spectrum. Director Scott Derrickson introduces us to the mystical side of the MCU in an unforgettable way. Ultimately, this movie ended up having a massive influence on Infinity War, along everything that we’re sure to see moving forward into Phase 4.

8. Spider-Man: Homecoming
image: https://cdn1-www.superherohype.com/assets/uploads/2018/10/spider-man-homecoming-image.jpg


After Sony’s failed attempt to bring a Spider-Man universe to fruition with The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Marvel’s Spider-Man: Homecoming proved how easy it was to bring the character to life in the proper way. While this is partly hyperbole in the sense that it no film is easy to make, it also proves that Marvel surely had the finger on the pulse of the character in a way that Sony didn’t. Although Spider-Man: Homecoming isn’t the best of the eponymous character’s cinematic outings, it certainly is the most quintessential.

7. Guardians of the Galaxy
image: https://cdn3-www.superherohype.com/assets/uploads/2018/10/guardians-of-the-galaxy.jpg


For many fans, Guardians of the Galaxy is still perhaps the most fresh, daring, and surprising film that the MCU has produced to date. Aside from turning Chris Pratt and James Gunn into household names overnight, Guardians of the Galaxy burst open the doors to the cosmic side of the MCU. In other words, without the success behind Guardians of the Galaxy both creatively and commercially, the MCU might look vastly different than it does today.

6. Captain America: Civil War
image: https://cdn2-www.superherohype.com/assets/uploads/2018/10/captain-america-civil-war-1-640x640.jpg


Often jokingly billed as “Avengers 2.5”, Captain America: Civil War had a very tough job on its hands. Not only did it have to serve as the follow-up to it’s critically acclaimed predecessor, but it also had to fulfill the dual purpose of closing out Cap’s trilogy while introducing both Black Panther and Spider-Man into the MCU. Take into account everything that the film had able to accomplish and it’s amazing that it’s as good as it as. It’s easy to see how important Civil War was in preparing audiences for what would be to come with Infinity War.

5. Thor: Ragnarok
image: https://cdn2-www.superherohype.com/assets/uploads/2018/10/thor_hulk_valkyrie_loki.59fb49c5e1e4f.jpg


Easily the wackiest film on this list, Thor: Ragnarok stands as a true testament to what Marvel studios is really good at: taking risks. While the middling response to Thor: The Dark World was certainly a factor for the tonal change in Ragnarok, the film stands out among other solo outings because of it’s bold and colorful Kirby-esque visual design. Although this aesthetic choice is more vindictive of the movie as a whole, it’s also further proof that you should never bet against Marvel Studios when they gamble big. Because they usually succeed.

4. Captain America: The Winter Soldier
image: https://cdn1-www.superherohype.com/...0/captain-america-winter-soldier-20140222.jpg


2014 was an important time for the MCU, and perhaps no movie was more pivotal than Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Just as Guardians opened the door for everything that was to come, The Winter Soldier closed the door on everything that had passed to that point. Aside from the game-changing revelation in the film that completely upended the MCU at that time; The Winter Soldier remains one of the most personal, crucial, and enduring movies that Marvel Studios have produced to this point.

3. Iron Man
image: https://cdn1-www.superherohype.com/assets/uploads/2018/10/iron-man-2008-1107636.jpg


What is there to be said that already hasn’t about 2008’s Iron Man? Aside from providing one of the all-time greatest singular performances ever with Robert Downey Jr.’s iconic turn as Tony Stark, it’s simply a story that is extremely well told.

Despite how you may feel about how well Iron Man has aged since it’s release, the character work behind its hero in the film remains unrivaled. As a result, Iron Man remains one of the MCU’s most re-watchable films, ultimately carrying great influence toward every entry that has been made thereafter.

2. Black Panther
image: https://cdn3-www.superherohype.com/assets/uploads/2018/10/46O7aT0.png


Out of all the entries on this list, Black Panther is easily the most important of the MCU in terms of its impact on popular culture. It featured one of Hollywood’s most interesting up-and-coming directors and one of the best ensemble casts in recent memory. Black Panther was also able to provide a cure for the MCU’s villain problem thanks to Michael B Jordan’s unforgettable portrayal of Killmonger. From its searing critique of race relations, to its exploration into the effects of post-colonialism, Black Panther ushered in a fresh wave of exciting new ideas, characters, and themes that should reverberate in the next few years.

1. The Avengers
image: https://cdn2-www.superherohype.com/assets/uploads/2018/10/the-avengers-image.jpg


There’s something almost magical about Joss Whedon’s take on Marvel’s greatest super team. Even to this day, The Avengers stands as one of the most re-watchable, crowd pleasing movies of all time, let alone in the MCU. People often talk about how certain movies capture lightning in a bottle. While The Avengers is certainly one of those instances, the film’s crowning achievement is still the impact that it brought upon the film industry after its release: an emphasis on serialized storytelling.

Read more at Ranking the Most Influential MCU Movies

I was surprised to see BP that close to top of the list especially on that site. Reading the comments section you see a lot of :mjpls:that going on.

lol :tachalla:

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
Not for nothing...... it’s crazy how cool calm and collected things have been in the RR since
got on his Thanos shyt and made the snap:wow:

No real tension here, no real beefs or Stan wars. Things actually been peaceful and chill:diamondrejoice:

can co-sign that too.

Just feels good to see how the so called Marvel Stans been vindicated and it’s proven myself , @wire28 @BXKingPin82 @Norrin Radd @jayshiggs @YakSpiller @Ethnic Vagina Finder and MANY MORE were NEVER the problems in these threads.

Not the ones that caused the issues
Not as “annoying” as many used to lie about.


So soooooooooooo many folks need to hold an L cause for YEARS we been trynna tell y’all.:CageUmad:

That’s all I’mma say on the matter..... but vindication feels GREAT!!:cottonmouthking:
