I'm not religious, tell me why I should care about Black people being original Jews..


Jun 22, 2012
In the sky
That’s what I figured.
Interesting. I been reading this book that makes the claim that Igbo language is the origin of Hebrew language. Its rather intriguing.


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Vasectomy Gang
Mar 22, 2015
Do you still subscribe to the earth not being round? I just remember that and I'm curious to your answer.
Thats false breh. You're following christian doctrine by saying that. In the law, flour could cover sin as could incense in the same way sacrifice did. Thats one. Two:

Daniel 4:27
Therefore, O king, let my advice be acceptable to you; break off your sins by being righteous, and your iniquities by showing mercy to the poor. Perhaps there may be a lengthening of your prosperity.”

Psalm 50
14 Sacrifice thank offerings to God, fulfill your vows to the Most High, 15 and call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me."
With nowhere to sacrifice its about obedience and when you sin:

Proverbs 24 16
For a righteous man may fall seven times And rise again, But the wicked shall fall by calamity.
Believe the earth is a round spinning ball with no proof brehs... :mjlol:


Jun 22, 2013
That the beast that gave your people power/land will be losing his power

21 As I watched, this horn was waging war against the holy people and defeating them, 22 until the Ancient of Days came and pronounced judgment in favor of the holy people of the Most High, and the time came when they possessed the kingdom.




Jan 23, 2016
North Little Rock
my girl believe this shyt and at the end of the day it don't mean much if true. like cool we the real hebrews. now what? lmao

What do you mean now what? Practice the instructions for real peace, known as the Ten Commandments, among our people is what. Is it really this hard to understand that we can’t have unity because we don’t value our brother as we value ourselves? Why do you think there’s such a backlash against this knowledge?

We will never unify as a people and come out of this tribulation we’re in as long as we model our communities/economy after the Babylonian/European way which is entirely about individual selfishness, pride, and false idols. Why do so many people make something so simple into a complex issue. YAH didn’t create religion, HE created a guide to life (Ten Commandments) and that guide is the key to our unity and ultimate victory against our enemies.

Otherwise, we can keep trying to mimic the enemies’ “success” which was/is historically/currently gained through bloodshed/unfair practices/usury/dishonesty/craftiness and just continue to practice cannibalism on ourselves in our own communities while our enemies look on and laugh.


Don’t Be Like He-Man
Jul 5, 2012
I appreciate your response. I will show you the truth.

I do not wish oppression on any race of people. I am simply stating that the Bible makes it very clear who the real Hebrews are as mentioned in Deuteronomy.

You're using the Arabs as an example of triumph over tribulations, but do you understand that they were the original slave traders of God's children? In fact, they still enslave Africans today. They're not exactly a shining example of a race of people afflicted, but I concede that every race has overcome some sort of struggle. Yet, every race has not gone through what we, the true Hebrews, have gone through.

Scientifically and physically speaking, black genes are stronger than white genes.

Cornell University did a study and concluded the following, "White Americans are both genetically weaker and less diverse than their black compatriots, a Cornell University-led study finds.

Analyzing the genetic makeup of 20 Americans of European ancestry and 15 African-Americans, researchers found that the former showed much less variation among 10,000 tested genes than did the latter, which was expected.

They also found that Europeans had many more possibly harmful mutations than did African Americans.

The full study can be found here:

Proportionally more deleterious genetic variation in European than in African populations | Nature

In terms of the spiritual gifts that are innate to blacks, there are 7 spiritual gifts that can be found in the Book of Isaiah 11:1-2 King James Version:

1. And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots:

2. And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord;

In the first verse, the rod is a symbol of mastery, a symbol of our Christ dominion. When we have gained the Christ mastery, it is expressed in our thoughts as order and strength and in our body as life.

In Hebrew, the root meaning of the word Jesse is Jah, Jehovah, or I AM, representing eternal existence (Jah exists). When man realizes the eternal existence of I AM, and is firm and strong in this realization, he is in the Jesse state of mind, and out of this state of mind will come God's idea of man, Christ.

The seven gifts listed in the second verse are innate to the real children of Israel: Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Knowledge, Piety, and Fear of the Lord. Because this information is written in our hearts, it's literally embodied in what we do and how we act. We show love, we are love, we think love, we feel love. We are The Christ. That's why we continuously triumph over the wicked people that have tried to bring our people down.

What do you mean if God is great? A statement like that tells me everything that I need to know about you. However, to answer your question, the original people were all one race and color and this is common knowledge that can be found in any elementary school book. Essentially, the original Hebrews migrated, genes began to mutate under different environments resulting in behavioral changes. Basically, man started to believe that he was hindered or in bondage by God because of the laws. Man began to have wicked thoughts and with those thoughts came this feeling of wanting to be separate from God. Thus, man set out to get rid of everything that was associated with God and his original people. Psalm 2:1-3 explains this:

Psalm 2:1-3 King James Version
1 Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?

2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying,

3 Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.

You say that but ignore the peculiar nature of the treatment of blacks. You point to moments in history where others were oppressed. However, you still fail to address how any other oppression falls in line with the Biblical outline of what the real Hebrews will experience. There is only one group of people that fits the descriptions.

The promised land represents a realization of divine substance. It is the foundation of the substratum of the new body in Christ. Basically, the physical manifestation of love in such a manner that all adverse conditions simply fall to the wayside. That is because the mind fully awakens to all capabilities. In Essence, we become the Christ.

Bro first of all what is your major?
You cannot drop a link like that unless you really understand it's content.
My guess is that article was way too scientific for you and you are just reading less than cliff notes.
A Temporal Perspective on the Interplay of Demography and Selection on Deleterious Variation in Humans

And lastly you say blacks are superior to whites but then why blindly follow a white religion?
King James Version is byzantine text written by imperial british church elders, so how can you think yourself as a black militant while believing in white imperial propoganda?
And do you know what the church of england is? It's from the Roman province of Britan.
But there's alot of detail there and it may be debatable however even if you don't believe the chuch of england is an extension of the roman empire it is still white propoganda created by british elites during a time when they practiced incest.

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All Star
Jul 9, 2017
ATL, but rasied in DMV
I ain't mad at yall for believing whatever you want as long as its not hurting anybody, I pray too. But is the plan to wait around for the skies to open up and lighting to strike all the cacs and then we live like kings?

Getting back to my original point I think any changes that happen in the world will be because of our hard work and smart brothas and sistas doing real work out there just like always. Focus on policies, jobs, education things like that, the black jew thing seems like more division to me i guess. But if you want to call yourself that, its fine too.
The word isn't divisive, but the way some of the ones teaching it is, including some of these Israelite camps out here, and the way they bash each other. I'd rather listen to the individual brothers who don't belong to a certain camp. But I have not yet heard anyone out there who teaches and believes these teachings the exact same way I do...maybe one or two. For example, most of these camps believe in the "12 Tribe Chart", something I'm falling more and more away from. Then another camp may or may not believe in the chart, but believe you are who your forefathers are, meaning even if your fathers, fathers, fathers, etc... on up to slavery was a White slave master, who raped or had sex with your great, great, great, etc..., grandmother, then you are Esau/Edon, since the seed is carried by the male. That is true, but you can come back into the Israelite family in the third generation, meaning if your grandfather on your fathers side is White and your grandmother is an Israelite, and your father married an Israelite, then that what make you an Israelite, since you would be three generations down from your White grandfather. However some say your mother don't have to be an Israelite, as long as your father is. Anyway, this teaching about the third generation being welcome back in is in the scriptures, but I don't hear any camps teaching that part. Since about 32% of so-called African-Americans today had a White great, great, great, grandfather through their fathers lineage as a result of slavery, it would mean they are White, and can't be Israelites, according to some of the teachings done by a lot of these camps...smh. I guess this would mean Alex Haley was White according to them...talking about going off. And the few camps who do know the scriptures about the third generation being welcomed back in, act like they don't want to teach that part, even when you ask them to elaborate. You have to hope somebody else answer your question. How do we expect to wake up enough Israelites with camps and certain individuals teaching with that kind of mindset. Then too many of these camps teach that Yahawashi was very, very dark skinned, which is no where near conclusive. Teaching what shade of brown Yahawashi was couldn't be more divisive. Anyway, these are the main reasons I never even joined a camp. I hope I didn't confuse you. Or perhaps you're familiar with these teachings.
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May 31, 2012
Bro first of all what is your major?
You cannot drop a link like that unless you really understand it's content.
My guess is that article was way too scientific for you and you are just reading less than cliff notes.
A Temporal Perspective on the Interplay of Demography and Selection on Deleterious Variation in Humans

And lastly you say blacks are superior to whites but then why blindly follow a white religion?
King James Version is byzantine text written by imperial british church elders, so how can you think yourself as a black militant while believing in white imperial propoganda?
And do you know what the church of england is? It's from the Roman province of Britan.
But there's alot of detail there and it may be debatable however even if you don't believe the chuch of england is an extension of the roman empire it is still white propoganda created by british elites during a time when they practiced incest.


You're definitely trolling. Have a nice day!


Don’t Be Like He-Man
Jul 5, 2012
You are trolling, you are seperating yourself from the whiteman while your entire life revolves around byzantine text in a form of worship.
King James version was written by 40 british church scholars when the country was heavily influenced by roman catholicism, they only broke ties with the pope 50 yrs before.

Your source of worship comes from imperial british white royalty from the 1600s and i'm trolling?
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Jan 23, 2016
North Little Rock
So you are saying slave traders somehow located the specific black jews and rounded them up?


The rituals/customs of the minority “foreigner” versus the majority native rituals/customs of that area would easily be distinguishable to the even the most untrained eye. Israelite Customs such as circumcision, Sabbath keeping, peculiar cloth patterns, different languages, monotheistic beliefs, refusal of certain foods, etc. would clearly expose cultural differences that can be exploited to sew discord between neighboring tribes.

Or other africans identified them and captured them and sold them into slavery?

Yes again.

The first question answers why “Africans” sold “Africans” into slavery. These were tribes that were markedly different culturally which, of course, bred animosity towards the “foreigner” tribes of Israel that arrived after thousands of years of continual Westward migration due to persecution from the local tribes already occupying areas on their journey. They were known to be different from the jump and were therefore targeted by native tribes. Google the Dahomey tribes’ role in the Transatlantic slave trade. They conquered the kingdom of Whydah or Ouida(Judah) aka Negroland, among others formed from the descendants of the tribes of Israel.

History of the Kingdom of Dahomey - Wikipedia

Or, as some claim, the black jews were already in the americas and when native americans/white people arrived they then enslaved them and stole the land?


There were a total of 12 Israelite tribes split into two Hebrew kingdoms, Judah in the South and Israel in the North. Judah contained only the two tribes of Judah and Benjamin (some Levites, too) while Israel contained the other 10 tribes. Over the course of thousands of years these tribes were all scattered by Babylonian, Assyrian, Egyptian, Persian, Greek, Rome and other European heathen nations.

Some went westward and reached the Atlantic Ocean while some went eastward and reached the Pacific. Some of these groups eventually began moving over the waters. Also, we can’t forget that at one time, in the distant past, the continents were one large landmass before breaking up or becoming separated by rising water levels worldwide.

Or all these people were unwitting pawns used by God to fulfill scripture?


They’re too wicked to understand they’re crash dummies. Just like certain people can’t fathom how the Israelites could be Black (Most of Israel has been resistant to righteousness since day one), those same people can’t fathom how conquering the world through extreme violence has identified them as the heathen/enemy even though they read the same prophecy we do, in their own churches

Or are all black/"negroid" people jews? Or only AADOS are black jews?

No, not all.

Hamites (Ham’s descendants) and Japhites (Japhet’s descendants) were Black, too. It’s about lineage, period. You have to fit the prophecies, as a people, to be a part of Israel and ADOS/Carribean/South American “Black” people do. No other groups can fit the prophecies of Deuteronomy, but us. Lastly, You have to be from a tribe of the Southern kingdom of Israel which is the kingdom of Judah (Judah, Benjamin, and some of Levi) to technically be a Jew. The other 10 tribes (The Northern Kingdom called Israel) are not Jews, but are Israelites and were scattered Eastward in the Indian Ocean Slave Trade and earlier exiles/attacks from Israel.

I am not mocking, I genuinely want to understand.
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follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
With all this, it is great to know from a historical perspective and as an indicator of what's to come. The New Testament is VERY valid, and offers salvation to both the Gentile AND Jew through Jesus. I warn to not try to save yourself through your own deeds. Yes, we must live a righteous lifestyle, but we also need to be covered in the blood of Jesus.

Isaiah 64:6
But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.