"I’m not flattered by men simply being physically attracted to me. Thanks, but move." Random girl


Feb 24, 2015
Lots of women still haven't realized this probably also due to the fact that being able to sleep with someone without wanting to be with them is a concept that's still hard to understand for many.

Well often times it goes: guy finds girl he want to have sex with = girl thinks "because he slept with me we have a connection and he wants to be with me" = guy says "uhm, I'm only here for the sex though" = girl thinks "but we have great sex which means we must be super compatible" yada yada

And the girl in the OP is basically saying sex /= a connection so sexual advances aren't flattering her. :manny:
I blame women for that tbh

Sex has never been emotional for a man but we have to be sexually attracted to you for us to begin to like you

The feelings may grow or they will not but women have to understand thats normally the natural process of men and don't think just because yall had sex then yall go together. Sex means nothing for men

Men don't have that same reverence of our bodies like women do and the cold truth is some women have nothing to offer but they bodies

That isnt a mans fault


Aug 25, 2015
Nah, she literally said what she said and it’s true. No chick has to get gassed by every dude that pays them a compliment. That’s facts. That’s how chicks make dumb ass decisions and get played. She didn’t tell a lie and dudes just hate when women acknowledge these dynamics.:snooze:Every woman needs to know this. Dudes wanting to fukk you, ain’t all that. Even as allegedly unattractive as she is, dudes still try her probably thinking that her self esteem is low so she should be humble and be happy to be used sexually. There are PLENTY who think that way. I’m glad she ain’t fallin for the nonsense.


I'll be more succinct this time cuz I dont think you understood me.

You are focused on the literal factual/veracity of her statement. But that's NOT why she's getting roasted by brehs. She's getting roasted her humble bragging. If a man was talking to a woman one and one and she was like "Men wanting to fukk me is not the end all be all. Honestly it doesn't do much for me." That's one thing. But going online and saying it how she said it and saying to move on is a different thing entirely.

Trust me on this one. I'm the number 1 humble bragger on this site and I dont even try :heh:


Feb 12, 2015
You love to state the obvious huh

Point is again, she's lacking self awareness
I don’t think so at all. In our world with our beauty standards, you think she just frolicking through life unaware that dark skin, big noses ain’t deemed attractive? I think she knows exactly what a lot of dudes consider her physically. I also think she’s been tried by a lot of dudes who think that because she not a dyme, she should be happy to take some dikk.
But she’s saying nah.

And dudes can’t handle it. People should have respect for themselves even if they not the best looking in the world. She didn’t lie and is exactly the right messenger for this message because a lot of people want to use those considered unattractive females as slumpbusters or unattractive dudes as sources of validation (males).
These people got the right to say “fukk ya’ll, I ain’t flattered by your bullshyt. I see you.”

And I respect it.:hubie:

Black Steph Curry

Lines are being drawn in the sand.
Jan 3, 2017
Huntsville, AL
Elaborate on the assumptions you're seeing. :jbhmm:
Alot of assumptions about what compelled her to make that post to create a strawman equivalency.

So are we just going to ignore the fact that a lot of women associate sexual attraction from men with genuine interest in themselves and thus end up being strung along over and over? That false equivalency is what she's talking about.

It's not a he called her cute and she responded "Duh, I know" situation.
Well then she should peep game and move accordingly instead of crying on social media. I'll just say I hope she don't wear her insecurity on her sleeve irl like she do on Twitter cuz that's just gon make nikkas even less interested in anything beyond fukkin.


Aug 25, 2015
It wouldn't work because women usually don't sleep with anything that moves to get a nut unless there's something in it for them and that typically isn't sexual gratification. She's either sleeping with you because she's attracted to you specifically or there is another kind of gain in it for her whether it be directly financial or for connections etc.

So for a guy to make a similar statement to hers would have to say, "I don't feel flattered by women simply......" I can't even come up with a scenario on the spot, anyone who can feel free to fill in the blank. :pachaha:

Women absolutely state that they're physical attracted to men... which is what she said in the tweet :skip:

She didn't say fukking or getting a nut, you're extending this beyond what was said:skip:

Whole thread is weird. Its like ya'll are trying really hard to not understand it


Feb 12, 2015

I'll be more succinct this time cuz I dont think you understood me.

You are focused on the literal factual/veracity of her statement. But that's NOT why she's getting roasted by brehs. She's getting roasted her humble bragging. If a man was talking to a woman one and one and she was like "Men wanting to fukk me is not the end all be all. Honestly it doesn't do much for me." That's one thing. But going online and saying it how she said it and saying to move on is a different thing entirely.

Trust me on this one. I'm the number 1 humble bragger on this site and I dont even try :heh:
I don’t think she humble bragging. Men may think so because they can’t imagine a chick looking like her getting attention. And if she does, many think she should just be happy to get anything. Which actually proves her point. I think she has probably gotten roasted before and knows where she stands with many men, but refuses to let that make her easy or permissive.


Kairi Irving

Here Comes A New Challenger
Nov 21, 2016
dudes still try her probably thinking that her self esteem is low so she should be humble and be happy to be used sexually. There are PLENTY who think that way. I’m glad she ain’t fallin for the nonsense.

True, but I hope she realizes the guy that will want her for her is the same dudes she isn't attracted to

It's gonna be difficult for her :yeshrug:


Feb 24, 2015
I don’t think so at all. In our world with our beauty standards, you think she just frolicking through life unaware that dark skin, big noses ain’t deemed attractive? I think she knows exactly what a lot of dudes consider her physically. I also think she’s been tried by a lot of dudes who think that because she not a dyme, she should be happy to take some dikk.
But she’s saying nah.

And dudes can’t handle it. People should have respect for themselves even if they not the best looking in the world. She didn’t lie and is exactly the right messenger for this message because a lot of people want to use those considered unattractive females as slumpbusters or unattractive dudes as sources of validation (males).
These people got the right to say “fukk ya’ll, I ain’t flattered by your bullshyt. I see you.”

And I respect it.:hubie:

Please stop with that bullshyt

She is just unattractive not because she is dark or has a big nose

Taylor Rooks got a bellpepper and she is fine


Aug 25, 2015
I don’t think she humble bragging. Men may think so because they can’t imagine a chick looking like her getting attention. And if she does, many think she should just be happy to get anything. Which actually proves her point. I think she has probably gotten roasted before and knows where she stands with many men, but refuses to let that make her easy or permissive.


The bolded explains all your other answers. That's why you dont understand the reaction.

Btw, men think any woman who says this is humble bragging, regardless of their looks. Its just that men let woman who they find attractive off the hook for shyt that they would never for women they dont find attractive. Its that simple.

Kairi Irving

Here Comes A New Challenger
Nov 21, 2016
I don’t think so at all. In our world with our beauty standards, you think she just frolicking through life unaware that dark skin, big noses ain’t deemed attractive? I think she knows exactly what a lot of dudes consider her physically. I also think she’s been tried by a lot of dudes who think that because she not a dyme, she should be happy to take some dikk.
But she’s saying nah.

And dudes can’t handle it. People should have respect for themselves even if they not the best looking in the world. She didn’t lie and is exactly the right messenger for this message because a lot of people want to use those considered unattractive females as slumpbusters or unattractive dudes as sources of validation (males).
These people got the right to say “fukk ya’ll, I ain’t flattered by your bullshyt. I see you.”

And I respect it.:hubie:

It's not even about dark skin and big noses, her features specifically just don't go together well

Breh's on here can post a bad chick with a big nose and dark skin that looks good because her face has cohesion

You can post white people both ugly and attractive with the same features, the structure of the face is what makes you ugly or not, but black women love to throw out "euro standards" nah YOU are just one of the ugly people in our race