It depends. I’ve found that my FB hunts, on average, can last anywhere between 1 day to 2 years before making the kill. I have holla’d at chicks on FB that I didn’t really “know” but saw around campus or had a class with, get the messages popping, then end up smashing eventually. It’s hard to put an average on it. When I was staying in Eagle Landing at NCCU, I can recall many, many a night I smashed a girl who was just, there, in mu suite. She’d be there on account of her friends being there on account of my suitemates, and when the fun dies down and the lights start going out and ppl start peeling off with each other to rooms, she ends up in the room with me. This type of random p*ssy happened a LOT during my junior year when I got put into a suite and all my suitemates were freshmen. Can’t remember why it happened like that, but it was a great year. Every squad of girls they brought to the room were wide eyed easily impressed freshmen as well and it was just an absolute fukkfest for me at times.
I’ve smashed women the same night I’ve met them in the club also, but that I can literally count on one hand. The rest of my club hunts- I’d say averaged about a good week to a month before I made the kill. I clubbed almost every weekend(still kinda do) since 2004. Unless i was in a relationship. And every time I go out it is with full intention on getting numbers. And again, I play the numbers game. I holla at every single chick in there that i am attracted to(as long as i can holla somewhat discreetly). You holla at 7 of the clubs finest dimes you’ll get 4 numbers, 1 of which will be fake. That leaves 3 chicks you then spend the next few days texting/talking to until that rendezvous happens with one and I smash. One of them generally on average just wont work out for whatever reason, the last chick probably be a case of too drunk to remember you from that night and so that pursuit fizzles out.