Damn I been outta comics for a minute! Iceman is a G and can't be killed? Red Hulk? And what's up with that map that looks like the country is divided in 4 parts?? AOA Iceman was killed by Nightcrawler? AOA Nightcrawler? Did they bring the AOA back? Last I remember they found the M'Kraan crystal and restored the world to the way it was supposed to be. Last time I collected comics on the reg, The Onslaught saga just ended, the Bastion story started, which pretty much ended if I recall with Iceman powered down and barking on Bastion while wearing blue speedo's. And Bastion was like Ok fukk it I'm done you win. Somebody bring me up to speed. And uh, I liked Wolverine Origins. Even bought the DVD. I'm skeptical about this movie tho. Wolverine been my dude since most of you were babies. And in comics, I always found his stories boring when he fought ninjas and samurais in Japan and shyt. I was in jr high when the mini series this movie is based on came out....and I didnt like that shyt. I liked my superheroes to do superhero shyt. fukk ninjas.