Here is it. End Credit Scene
I thought the movie was a mess
There were a few good scenes. But it got a little comic booky by the end. And that female viper villain was pretty corny, I thought I was watching Poison Ivy from Batman Forever
I have a hard time swallowing the fact that he couldnt tell it was mysterio who tricked him into killing off his whole crew, The Hulk Family in Old Man Logan I could see as a possibillity in the future one day bruce is just going to say fukk it then hook up with she hulk to create some hills have eyes trailer trash hulk offspring
It's a comic book movie about a comic book character
This isn't Inception or Shutter Island or Citizan Kane.
Movie was way better than Ironman, that at least can be said
Movie was way better than Ironman, that at least can be said
I did sum quik research and saw Jubilee was a damn Omega Power Mutant or w/e...sounds like sum made up shyt to allow less fortunate mutants to shine who wouldn't shine otherwise...folks talkin bout what he got potential to do I can't imagine too many scenarios where wolverine can die...freeze him in a glacier if you want to,ice man will get old and die eventually,wolverine will just be discovered or released by global warming not lookin a day older.
This x100I want my Cyclops, i want it. I just want my militant, 5 steps ahead, back against the wall Cyclops dammit. Movie was dope tho, cant front.