I read the title as 'I'm challenging Charli XCX to a debate about flat earth' 

Video 3: The reason why I wanted to save the lunar eclipse for a different discussion is because it has a whole other set of inconsistencies attached to it.
To my knowledge, shadows are black. I've never seen a shadow that's any other color than black. The supposed earth’s shadow being cast on the moon supposedly always produces a black shadow, up until the moon is completely in the earth's shadow, then the shadow turns red??
Please explain how the earth goes from casting a black shadow on the moon, to a red one
Ok, then take that up with the countless biblical scholars who maintain the same thing. This isn't me trying to troll anybody, it's the widely held scholarly consensus.
Biblical cosmology - Wikipedia
The Firmament of Genesis 1 is Solid but That’s Not the Point - BioLogos
To insist that the description of the sky in Genesis 1 must conform to contemporary science is a theological problem. It is important to remember that God speaks in ways that people can understand.biologos.org
Not to mention the countless references and visions throughout the Bible that support a flat earth, and wouldn't make any sense if they were talking about a spherical earth.
“The pillars of the earth are the Lord's, and on them He has set the world” (1 Samuel 2:8, ESV)
The firmament is repeatedly described as a bowl or a tent over the earth.
It's disingenious as fukk to claim Ancient Israelites thought the world was spherical because of Kabbalhists writing thousands of years later, when the actual scriptures and those who study it all clearly say the opposite. Mf'er just wants to maintain this 'divinely inspired text' bs which is incompatible with modern science, so he's trying to retcon history.
Literally google image "jewish cosmology diagram" they're all the same, he's the one being insane going against thousands of years of established history and it's bullshyt you're holding me to some level of scholarly critique that this fukker just bypasses while disregarding all the other evidence to the contrary.
you shoulda also found thisI GOOGLED WHAT U SUGGESTED
I would really appreciate it if you actually typed out words instead of making these videos so that I can respond point by point
Posting these videos seem a bit disingenuous to me because you're acting like the case is closed at the end of each video, but I'll go through them
@Th3Birdman I repeat, please type up your words and post them so that I can actually respond to each point
Debate in good faith like I'm doing
Video 1: There are more than 2 phases of day, there are 4. Day, night, dawn dusk. 1/4 of the plane experiences each of these phases 1/4 of the time, throughout any point of the day. It's odd that you would leave dawn and dusk out of the equation, since their factually observable phenomena
Video 2: You're entire line of "logic" in this video is completely incorrect. There is nothing in that gif that would dictate that areas of the northern and southern hemisphere would experience the same seasons. The areas that the sun is furthest from, experience winter. The areas the sun is closest to, experience summer.
And also, with respect to argentina and THE EQUATOR IN GENERAL, because that area exists at the halfway point of the circle, it experiences THE LEAST AMOUNT OF TIME WHERE THE SUN IS FAR AWAY FROM IT. The sun moves almost twice the distance away from Toronto as it does from any random city in Argentina. This is simple thermodynamics. The longer a heat source is fixed on a point, the hotter that point gets
Video 3: The reason why I wanted to save the lunar eclipse for a different discussion is because it has a whole other set of inconsistencies attached to it.
To my knowledge, shadows are black. I've never seen a shadow that's any other color than black. The supposed earth's shadow being cast on the moon supposedly always produces a black shadow, up until the moon is completely in the earth's shadow, then the shadow turns red??
Also, while you're at it, please explain in detail how a circular object can cast a shadow that is not an ellipse??
VIdeo 4: Please provide proof that the Southern Cross is visible at all of those points at the same time
Video 5: I didn't contradict myself at all. You can only see the stars above you. Once they cross the horizon they're out of sight. If you COULD see across the plane, you would see the stars on the opposite side of said plane rotate 180 degrees as the REVOLVE TOWARDS YOU. You can't see those stars because of PERSPECTIVE aka THE HORIZON
The sunset video you posted was disingenuous, but you know that. The angle of that video was not parallel to the direction of the sunset.
Here's a TRUE example of a person looking due west towards the sun
Buddy got yall in yall feels
I'm only interested in these PM'S from @Neo The Resurrected ONE
@xCivicx post them or are you fukking around?
He's a lying, disingenuous, mathematically/logically impaired troll.
There's plenty of religious, non-nihilistic people who don't believe the earth is flat, where you going with this?There's nothing gained from the truth
What's gained from the lie is a general lack of self-worth
When you "believe" that you're an insignificant nothing spinning on a ball of randomness, then you don't care about any of the decisions that you make, because they ultimately "don't matter"
That same mindset is why maniacs shoot up schools, malls and churches
This is you attempting to build-in a reason for you to place me on ignore and run from this smoke. No, I'll reply how I feel the need to reply![]()
You know what a dog is because you see dogs every day of your life
You don't need a composite image to tell you what a dog looks like
You've never viewed the earth from space, so any picture of the earth from space that you see, you're CHOOSING to believe that this image is real, because all current images the earth from space are COMPOSITES
That means that they are images that YOU can never view with your own EYES
Don’t bother these idiots think only a spherical object can be round"He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in." - Isaiah 40:22
The heavens are the top of the inside of the "tent", while the floor is the Earth. A circle is flat.
"He unleashes his lightning beneath the whole heaven and sends it to the ends of the earth." - Job 37:3
Spheres don't have ends. Flat circles/planes do.
"He set the earth on its foundations; it can never be moved." - Psalms 104:5
Earth is spinning on its axis at 1/4 a mile per second. orbiting the Sun at over 18 miles per second and being pulled by its mass around the Milky Way at around 124 miles per second.
Do you believe the Bible is scientifically accurate"He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in." - Isaiah 40:22
The heavens are the top of the inside of the "tent", while the floor is the Earth. A circle is flat.
"He unleashes his lightning beneath the whole heaven and sends it to the ends of the earth." - Job 37:3
Spheres don't have ends. Flat circles/planes do.
"He set the earth on its foundations; it can never be moved." - Psalms 104:5
Earth is spinning on its axis at 1/4 a mile per second. orbiting the Sun at over 18 miles per second and being pulled by its mass around the Milky Way at around 124 miles per second.
@Th3Birdman bro I'm not trying to fukk up your thread but he's not going to listen. You definitely should be doing something better with your time outside of this lopsided debate.
You had me up until the Encino Man slander![]()