I'm amazed society has no way to fix HOMELESSNESS


OG Moma Coli....dat bytch Thowd!!!
Sep 7, 2012
Itz coming slowly but surely....I was homeless and for 2 years until 1 note I was digging on the innanet and found a HUD funded housing program for people with mental disabilities.. like section8 for crazy people but.much much better the.program was so new when I 1st applied....the referral agency who puts in the application had never heard of it.. then they were BIG MAD when their psych patient(me) is the 1 to tell them about the program....then they had take days 2 b trained on the problem lol....by then I had already built a repoirte with the program director in Austin b4 I even applied due 2.me. always emailing her about the application process.........I wasn't really homeless at the time nut I was couchsurfing at my retarded ass uncle thats.much younger than me house.....and the housing program had people find me cuz I didn't have current contact info . .I came home to a sticky note on my pillow on my bed from my psych doctors case manger that said call these Apartments immediately they r looking 4 u n waiting on ...I went n applied at the specific apartment property on a Wednesday by the following Monday I had signed my lease n moved

Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
In high COL areas, the focus really should be on moving them to low COL areas. It's gonna be hard as hell for a broke, homeless person to get on their feet in expensive places like New York or SF, but maybe not so hard in Cincinnati or Chattanooga. Give them a bus ticket, and a few grand for first and last months rent in a new, cheaper town. If they are homeless, it's not like they likely have a bunch of family or friends they will miss, or who will miss them.
Some places have done this only to move their homeless problems to other places. Displacement is not really a realistic or viable solution in the long run.


Secretary of Defense of #catset
Apr 7, 2017

For the past 18 years, I have not understood why either.

There are some people who really do like "living off the grid" , some dont even want to give me their name to give them a shot or to store their vitals.

But there are others who really would like to do better in life but they cant because once you're down, society and the stigma behind homelessness makes it harder for you to get back up.

I've spoken to 100s of different people and most stories are different from the next so it's hard to pinpoint how to prevent it from.happening in the first place , but we do need to find a way to house families in a safe manner.

The shelter I work at, there is a section with bunk beds. So if you've been there a long time, you get a bunk bed. They are being "rewarded" for being on the streets for too long. The director said he does this because, these people have been coming in for years and he wants them to have a sense of home.The other 100+ men get sleeping bags. We convert the dining area by removing the tables and chairs and they sleep on the floor using their backpacks as pillows. Some do not want to sleep inside and rather sleep outside ( we keep the gates locked so no one can come in or out).

The women and children are separated and they all have bunks, but they have to be in the same room as a single lady or someone that has a mental health issue. Not healthy for the youngins, because sometimes when their father is there, he cannot sleep in the same area.

I'll add more later gotta finish this shift.and sorry for the long read.
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Dec 15, 2019

For the past 18 years, I have not understood why either.

There are some people who really do like "living off the grid" , some dont even want to give me their name to give them a shot or to store their vitals.

But there are others who really would like to do better in life but they cant because once you're down, society and the stigma behind homelessness makes it harder for you to get back up.

I've spoken to 100s of different people and most stories are different from the next so it's hard to pinpoint how to prevent it from.happening in the first place , but we do need to find a way to house families in a safe manner.

The shelter I work at, there is a section with bunk beds. So if you've been there a long time, you get a bunk bed. They are being "rewarded" for being on the streets for too long. The director said he does this because, these people have been coming in for years and he wants them to have a sense of home.The other 100+ men get sleeping bags. We convert the dining area by removing the tables and chairs and they sleep on the floor using their backpacks as pillows. Some do not want to sleep inside and rather sleep outside ( we keep the gates locked so no one can come in or out).

The women and children are separated and they all have bunks, but they have to be in the same room as a single lady or someone that has a mental health issue. Not healthy for the youngins, because sometimes when their father is there, he cannot sleep in the same area.

I'll add more later gotta finish this shift.and sorry for the long read.
No problem at all with length. You have echoed a lot of my own sentiments. So do you think the issue is at the shelter level?:ohhh:

From a few of the other responses, I'm getting the vibe that the homeless are no longer treated like adults once they opt into these programs. Id imagine it would be terribly difficult (once you are 28-40) to live under the same rules your parents imposed at 16yrs with lockdowns, weird sleeping arrangements, and restrictions on comfort.

Could simply changing the conditions at the first step of rehabilitation curb the problem?:jbhmm: On comfort, maybe something along the lines of an actual twin bed for singles and a queen for parents and kids. Maybe a balance in restrictions could be met also:patrice:.

@froggle mentioned that Singapore chose to make no differentiation between the housing conditions of normal folk and the homeless. I wonder if a similar approach could fix US issues.


Secretary of Defense of #catset
Apr 7, 2017
No problem at all with length. You have echoed a lot of my own sentiments. So do you think the issue is at the shelter level?:ohhh:

From a few of the other responses, I'm getting the vibe that the homeless are no longer treated like adults once they opt into these programs. Id imagine it would be terribly difficult (once you are 28-40) to live under the same rules your parents imposed at 16yrs with lockdowns, weird sleeping arrangements, and restrictions on comfort.

Could simply changing the conditions at the first step of rehabilitation curb the problem?:jbhmm: On comfort, maybe something along the lines of an actual twin bed for singles and a queen for parents and kids. Maybe a balance in restrictions could be met also:patrice:.

@froggle mentioned that Singapore chose to make no differentiation between the housing conditions of normal folk and the homeless. I wonder if a similar approach could fix US issues.

Sigh....I dont know man. It's better to have people get a sense of home to get their bearings, wash they ass , and clean their clothes ( I've done this and whew its rank) but they get too comfortable because they have a semi-nice place to stay and it's cool or warm depending on the weather. They can get all the supplies they need (toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, feminine products etc) , when I was younger I would take the request sheet to grab different sizes of clothes that people needed for everyday and for job interviews.

It really depends on the individual person and their motivation level. Some stayed for 1 month and got a job, some have been there for since I started.

There are also people with mental illness, for example, the cook is a Navy Veteran, he cooks soooooooo goood!!!! He taught me a lot on how to make something out of nothing in the kitchen, but hes bipolar so sometimes he gets out of it and cant cook for a few days and then we have to figure out how to do it ourselves or ask a church to come in and help. Some people just cant live on their own and getting free healthcare (the best me and the doc can do) and free prescriptions is their way of staying safe. They cant get that on the street.

It's also not a good idea in my opinion with the people I work with to be bunked up together, then we have pregnancies and newborn babies in the shelter. We move the mom and baby to a motel for a month for the health of the baby which costs money that could go towards other things. People may lie and say they're together but really all the wanna do is shack up. Plus STDS and more medications to treat said STDS,:merchant: I'm tired of seeing nutty butty penises and vaginas:bryan:
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May 13, 2012
Too difficult. You can't help somebody who is talking to themselves. Yelling out crazy shyt to themselves. They are too far gone


Secretary of Defense of #catset
Apr 7, 2017
Too difficult. You can't help somebody who is talking to themselves. Yelling out crazy shyt to themselves. They are too far gone

They CAN be helped, but who's gonna pay for it and the facility they have to stay in. I understand where you coming from, I really do, but just because someone has a mental illness doesnt me they dont deserve love ,recognition, and a chance to have a decent life....even if they have to be on disability. Mental illness takes a toll on your brain, your synapses are either over firing and under firing and some people are in a constant state of "flight" its not healthy and I wouldn't wish it on anyone

yung Herbie Hancock

Funkadelic Parliament
Dec 27, 2014
doesn't matter if you are in Mumbai, Buenos Ares, Atlanta, humanity has NO way to fix homelessness. How did this happen?:jbhmm:

On another thread someone on the west coast mentioned that most cities(Reno, SF) ignore them, while @SourPowerStraws mentioned that new york puts them in a building AND THEN ignores them. He seemed to be describing high-rise shelters. I hand never thought of it that way.:ohhh:

How is it that we can go to the moon, but we cannot rehabilitate our own? :mjtf:

I understand that the prisons do not fix broken down people, but is there another way? Why can't modern people fix homelessness? Are we just selfish, or is their scientifically no why to fix a broken mind?:patrice:

Please discus....
I love capitalism for the technology and efficiency it brings. What i do hate about capitalism though is that, when taken to extremes, it's a zero sum game where if you aren't competitive enough you're left to rot. Ending homelessness would require us to increase the tax rate on the rich and create more housing. A lot of baby boomers block cheap housing developments because the value of their property would go down. More affordable/available housing = the price of houses goes down. Baby boomers whose wealth is mostly in their home equity do not want that to happen.


Secretary of Defense of #catset
Apr 7, 2017
I wish this wasnt the internet, I would show you where I work sometimes and pictures....but you know.....


Feb 12, 2017
Brooklyn keeps on taking it.
I love capitalism for the technology and efficiency it brings. What i do hate about capitalism though is that, when taken to extremes, it's a zero sum game where if you aren't competitive enough you're left to rot. Ending homelessness would require us to increase the tax rate on the rich and create more housing. A lot of baby boomers block cheap housing developments because the value of their property would go down. More affordable/available housing = the price of houses goes down. Baby boomers whose wealth is mostly in their home equity do not want that to happen.

yea exactly I tell people all the time that rich people aren’t the only problem. Middle class and working class people have their own greed and selfish ways.

American is big with NIMBISYM.

People are ok with everything as long as it’s not in their neighborhood.

sometimes this is why I fukk with Asia. Lots of times they don’t give a shyt about the opinions on their people if the project they are doing is common sense

Kairi Irving

Here Comes A New Challenger
Nov 21, 2016
They can they just don't want to. All it takes is putting funds in social services.

Adding on to this: it also disrupts the illusory of social status

If they help the homeless, they'd have to help everyone else in some way, making everyone equal. They don't want that.
May 15, 2012
Nobody wants to be homeless. Anybody saying that is lying.

I was homeless in 2015. That shyt sucked. WHo wants that life? Not knowing where you're sleeping at night? Wasting hours of the day bouncing around from burger king to mcdonalds to the park to the coffee shop to whatever bar I could hang out in from 9 to 4 in the morning cause I had nowhere to stay with my backpack on my back? sleeping on the roofs of apartment buildings that you could get into? trying to get stuff for free or next to nothing cause you had no money? Having to pawn your laptop so you could have money to have a place to stay? Making enough money to get that back to find work on to get money to financec an apartment?

Some of y'all think everybody that's homeless is some druggie or mental inefficient...most of the homeless people I met in NYC were people that got kicked out from a living situation that ended up homeless after they lost a job...

This let's me know that Americans really don't know what adversity is....do you think ANYBODY is passing up having a roof over their head? Especially in the rain or snow?

Tyler Perry was almost to at on point now he rich

Stop using outliers, yeah they are people who went through a bad patch and ended homeless, but those type of people don't stay homeless, you not homeless now are you
The fact you smart enough to sleep on a roof of apartment building shows you have a different mentality then most homeless people, if you go to San Francisco its literally people sleeping on mattress ON THE SIDEWALK chillin with they feet up in the middle of the day

Real homeless people have given up on life

I've seen able bodied men don't even look like they missed a meal standing in front of places begging, I gave all the change I had in my pocket to this women in a power chair because she was an old woman with a disability, then some bum ass nikka come up to me asking what about him, I almost beat his ass, ain't nothing him he just not shyt

When you don't have any family or friends, to go to when you hit rock bottom, what have you been doing your whole life

unless you was some kind of orphan who was abused in foster care and abandoned or some shyt, you got plenty of time to build relationships and work multiple jobs

A grown man should never be homeless, you can rent a room in somebody house, or in a roach motel

There is always jobs available like being a dish washer, working at a car wash, you can get jobs like this damn near instantly

A mental sound individual can be homeless and not even look it

You can get a gym membership before covid to shower, sleeping in the park in a tent if he are somewhere warm, or sleep in a storage unit a night

The type of people see out here in this day and age on skid row and shyt, are in the bay area, them people are BEYOND HELP

They are mentally broken and most of them belong in a mental facilities, not body in their right mind will be comfortable living the way they do natural survival