
Feb 16, 2017
airbnb Hack on some of the most popular countries especially around high demand holidays start looking at Airbnb's months out around 4 months or so.

Apollo Creed

Look at your face
Feb 20, 2014
Handsome Boyz Ent
I'm literally texting with a breh in medellin now who got robbed in Cali by some chicks who literally just met him and offered him a threesome.

This same dude got drugged last year and almost died. I told him being super backed up by not dealing with US women at all clouded his judgement. That's the only reason I could see how this makes any sense. I had to have a buddy send his ass a cheap phone because this guy didn't even have a back up phone.

Did I mention that the dude is a parttime digital nomad?? He's a contractor and we wonders why his company always tries to pull him into the office because his Nut ass lost his computer the last time.

nikkas be beleiving passport Proganda and lose all common sense.

nikkas look like and act Like Grandad Freeman in Costa Rica trying to "Do it Big""

These freaky ass nikkas stay getting robbed and killed from "threesomes"


Feb 16, 2017
The easiest way to get a Bank account in Colombia>

Go to a Bancolombia is the largest and most trusted bank I also like ScotiaBank but it's harder to set up an account with them.

Open a CD (they call it a CDT( in Colombia for about 2,000 USD use your passport as ID but ensure that it' has 3 months before it expires.

Use that to get things like post paid phone plans and Internet in your Name I dislike Tigo but Tigo is the easiest to deal with in Colombia and the easiest to deal with in Tanzania.


Feb 16, 2017
Home buying abroad protips?

If you're gonna be living there to supervise the build then Building is better if not buy already established.

Foreign Realtors are basically scammers not scammers in the real sense of the word but they don't have any special qualifications other than experience and they can't judge home value because there's no Zillow that regulates prices really all they do is do the same thing you could do is look around for properties then charge buyers a fee.

The only thing useful for buying a place is using their websites to gauge the ball park price for houses in an area.
You have to go around and gauge what land her square feet or per acre is yourself.

If you don't have an idea I guess you could charge a dude to have you look at homes then make the deal yourself.


Feb 16, 2017
how to get a RUT/ Colombian Tax ID number

Why would you want one? Do but business in the country establish credit open bank accounts etc.

Steps to get you colombian RUT​

Updated: Sep 7, 2023


The document that we know as RUT - Single Tax Registry - is becoming fashionable at this time when the calendar for taxes opens, but we must bear in mind that it is not only important for this, but is our identity card on tax issues since our information is registered.

The RUT is a mechanism administered by the DIAN (Direction of National Taxes and Customs), assigned to identify, locate and classify the function of individuals and entities within the tax system. It takes into account the economic and commercial activity, the value of the patrimony, the contributions and the consumption.

The data reported in the RUT are: name, identification number that can be a citizenship card for Colombians, a foreigner card or passport, address, email, telephone number and the economic activity that is carried out.

It is important to keep in mind that it is mandatory to update the information contained in the RUT whenever there is any change in the taxpayer's information, or in case there are regulatory changes arranged by the DIAN.

Failure to update can generate financial penalties. In addition, if it is not updated and tax statement is going to be presented, inconsistencies may be generated.

Taking into account the pandemic caused by covid19, DIAN has enabled the online system to obtain the RUT. The steps to follow are:

1. Enter the scheduling system Módulo de primer contacto - Ciel Ingeniería and click on the button "Request Appointment" and record the required information:

a. Document type

b. Document number

c. Names and surnames

d. Landline

e. Cell phone

f. E-mail

g. Address

h. Residence department

i. City of residence

2. For RUT Natural and Legal Person procedures, you can request an appointment at any Contact Point in the country that has an agenda available, regardless of your municipality or city of residence.

3. Once the appointment has been assigned, you will receive a confirmation email, indicating the procedure, the service conditions and a link to identify the requirements, supporting documents and the email account of the contact point where you requested the appointment.

4. To the email account of the contact point where you requested the appointment, you must send the request for the procedure with all the supporting documents required, the same day of the appointment, at the latest, at the time it was confirmed the agenda.

5.The request must be sent from the email account reported in the RUT or from the one you reported in the scheduling


Feb 16, 2017
One thing they don't tell you is that anyplace you're likely to live abroad you're more likely to get robbed over a local

Here's some hacks

ou don’t need to spend a fortune to theft-proof your home and keep burglars at bay. Here are some inexpensive (yet very effective!) DIY home security ideas.
Our editors and experts handpick every product we feature. We may earn a commission from your purchases.
Learn more.
 Window Alarm
Everyone needs to think about security and making their home as theft-proof as possible.
Law enforcement officer and Clearsurance home security expert Rick Musson says, “Your home is your retreat. It should be your safe haven. Keeping your home secure on the outside ensures you’ll be safe inside.” Musson explains, “Bolt locks are stronger than door knob locks in most situations. Ensure that your doors have good locks and that you use them.”
Trial attorney David Clark also advises, “The level of security in your home can affect your home insurance. The more you secure your home, the more likely for insurance companies to see you as low-risk.”
We’ve rounded up an affordable list of theft-proof home measures you can take to ensure your safety and peace of mind.


Feb 16, 2017
been researching Home security tips pretty heavy

  • Register all your families cellphone numbers with your local 911 dispatch center so they know EXACTLY what your address is, and not spend half hour triangulating cellar towers to find a general location to find your body, the majority of US municipalities use Smart911, so it will work away from home if you include your vehicle descriptions in your profile.
  • Also research if your local dispatch center has e911 to accept SMS texts to 911 in case you need emergency help but can't speak or make noise.
  • Quality Deadbolts, just changing the lock blocks everyone who had a prior key, and you can get a strong lock for $25 far superior than the cheap $10 locks. Personally I recommend Schlage Encode Deadbolt (BE489), it has 100 individual user codes with different authorization levels for each, you get notifications with time stamp & the user every-time the door is accessed. With forced entry audible alarm & notifications, and adjustable Auto-Lock timer ensures that door is ALWAYS locked if forgotten, full Google/Alexa/Apple support. But those features are expensive, a $25 Schlage deadbolt is good enough if you always lock it and don't give out keys!
  • Schlage makes a nice reinforced deadbolt strike plate that comes with long hardened alloy steel screws that will grab the King and Jack studs. It comes with all their deadbolts or you can purchase it separately.
  • Ensure you DO NOT have 1/2in screws in your door! Or cheap brittle drywall screws. Get longer hardened alloy steel screws in the door hinges that will grab the King and Jack studs, and Reinforced Steel Door Jamb strike plate should stop any smash & grab burglary.
  • Fix broken window locks, most popular window bands offer replacement parts. Even if it's a rental you don't own, you can find 3rd party window lock parts online fairly cheap, sometimes a cheap wooden stick cut to fit inside the track works temporarily. (If it can't be repaired, read about laminated glass below if you need it to replace the entire window).
  • A Charlie Bar work best on sliding glass patio doors.
  • Primus lock cylinders if you're worried about lock picking, find a licensed locksmith that can do the conversion to prevent picking.
  • Add more Exterior Lights I use and recommend dual brightness. Burglary statistics prove eliminating the dark hiding is a deterrent. They prefer dark spots where they can spend a minute climbing into a broken window or kicking a door. The vast majority of burglars want to avoid the risk of being noticed or any conflict with an occupant. 65% of burglars flee when they find/hear someone inside.
  • Clean up bushes around the house so they can't hide while attempting to break a window. (DO NOT leave tools or ladders laying around the property! Unless you want to see your own garden shovel used to pry open the door or break the latch off a window)
  • I moved PoE Security Cameras with AI Person/Vehicle detection up my recommendation list, because they have replaced traditional home alarm systems (with their recurring subscription service contracts). Locally owned PoE security cameras (no monthly contracts or payments) will send specific notifications directly to you, about a trespassers before they come near the house. You can call 911 yourself with those camera notifications, and get immediate response with a description of the suspect(s) from your camera, far better than traditional alarm systems, which is more likely Law Enforcement will ignore traditional systems 95% false alarms, waiting for a verification callback before sending Law Enforcement.
  • Camera warning sign so opportunistic trespassers leave before making any attempts on your property.
  • Get a reflective 911 address number sign out by the street to help emergency crews respond faster. Your County might offer them if you ask. The faster they find your house, the less time you'll have to spend defending yourself. PLUS less chance the criminal escapes because Law Enforcement got lost.
  • Security Systems (ATD, SimpliSafe, etc) have become recurring subscription "scams" in modern society. New wireless alarms are a huge vulnerability, being knocked offline by easy to obtain "WiFi jammers" (RF Broadcasters), that overwhelm everything wireless in a home.
  • Commercial grade LED Emergency Battery Backup Lighting, are surprisingly affordable, and the benefit of immediate light in your hallway after an outage is wonderful, saves some family members (kids, elderly, Nyctophobia) need for a flashlight just to sleep or use the bathroom. They greatly improve situational awareness, do a threat assessment, and make informed tactical decisions. Potential deterrent to criminals looking for easy targets but you still have light, despite the current outage, criminals might hesitate about what other security preparations are awaiting them.
  • Great little flashlight that stays charged and will automatically turn on during an outage, cheap and easy to keep near your bedstand, kitchen, basement, or anywhere you'll need a fully charged flashlight in an emergency.
  • Replace old broken windows with new laminated hurricane glass models. When you're already purchasing a new window, the upgrade to laminated security glass is very cheap (~$50 per window when I did it). Retrofitting film onto standard 1/8in annealed glass window is not as strong as a factory made 1/4in laminated security glass windows, and might be worthless if the film is installed incorrectly (must be sealed to the frame). The majority of opportunistic criminals will run away when the window doesn't break. The longer violent criminals can't gain entrance, cutting up their arms, the more time you have to be fully awake, gain situational awareness, get kids and family to safe shelter, call 911, and get the best self defense weapon. Not a rushed decision in a panic with crusty sleep eyes because weak 1/8in annealed glass broke immediately.
  • Battery backup power supply for your PoE security cameras and internet equipment. Natural disasters bring out desperate opportunistic criminals. Will prevent critical security equipment from rebooting while a generator is starting.


Feb 16, 2017
Pro Tip for dudes going to Colombia.

Maybe hanging out in Parque Lleras alone isn't the smartest idea but if you're going to do that maybe you should have some sip safe on deck

maybe it's a good idea in america too * shout out to cardi B in her hoin' drugging and robbing days*

Obviously this is essential for women going to festivals

another thing that works well for hangovers and scopalmine attacks is activated Charcoal
Again far far far better to be safe than sorry.


I walk around a little edgy already
Jul 1, 2012
The H
You know any.guys who have secured investor visas out there?or in the Dominican Republic?
How painless was the process?


Feb 16, 2017
You know any.guys who have secured investor visas out there?or in the Dominican Republic?
How painless was the process?
I know a guy who opened a business in Cali

The process is quite easy if you have the right lawyer in Colombia.

The Process in the DR is way more complicated

Greg of Flip Flop's bar in Sosua has been in the DR for 18 years got Dominican kids but no Visa

Frankly the way the DR is set up you really don't need a visa there they kinda don't want you to have one.


I walk around a little edgy already
Jul 1, 2012
The H
I know a guy who opened a business in Cali

The process is quite easy if you have the right lawyer in Colombia.

The Process in the DR is way more complicated

Greg of Flip Flop's bar in Sosua has been in the DR for 18 years got Dominican kids but no Visa

Frankly the way the DR is set up you really don't need a visa there they kinda don't want you to have one.
The last part is wild
I hear they ain't charging people who overstay that much
It makes no sense



Feb 16, 2017
The last part is wild
I hear they ain't charging people who overstay that much
It makes no sense

I think it's a broke country thing The GDP of Colombia is 386 Billion

The GDP of the DR is 128 Billion

I guess the thinking is if they let any and everyone in the DR like that they could easily dominate the economy * They just shut down an illegal chinese factory in Santo Domingo* So they let you do business even easier than in Colombia "illegally" but since you're not official they could just declare you an illegal and shut you down at any moment.

Colombia shyt is more official but it takes longer Because you are Legal and as a citizen they can't just shut you down willy nilly.

Since you're talking maybe a small business catered to foriegners neither country wouldn't really mind since both Flip Flop and Rico Rich's bars cater to foreigners not locals so you're not competing with them.