
Feb 16, 2017
I see a ton of interest in travel and being an expat and I'll expound on who would be the best candidates for an expat or halfpat lifestyle:

Buisness people especially those in marketing and sales who can sell things globally. Depending on luck and hustle ability you could easily make a multii million dollar business this way.

Also traditional entreprenuers who have expeirence in running businesses again there's one guy in Cali that has an american style BBQ restuarant and Calenos love Parrilla ( the spanish word for grilled) so it's just using slightly different spices. My Girlfriend used to live in the states so she made her fam some french toast and they loved it. Colombians fukk with belgian waffles she could open a breakfast spot selling friench toast and pancakes.

Early retirees without much family obligations. Even if you did good as an retiree you could outlive and outspend your money early retirees military, Police Firefighters, Railroad and Longshoremen should defenitely consider living overseas.

People who have been sued no government gives that much of a fukk about who you owe money to in another country especially if you're spending it in their economy.

Super Pro Bllacks who don't want to give their money to the white establishment and also want to transfer white dollars in to Black hands. I love the fact that I spend american tax dollars directly with Black people

Super redpilled people. If you're a Man and a net tax payer you're subsidizing mainly women and children some of those women will give you the screwface, again you generally don't go to jail for no reason just because a bytch goes full karen on you. No #Metoo laws without evidence no alimoney and no fault divorces no ridicoulous child support claims. and no feminism. Women generally act right

People into sustainable lifestyles. Obviously there's plenty of land in the states but it costs way more and generally you don't pay property taxes on farmland in most countries in the global south. You might not have to pay any taxes at all. I don't.

Less GMO food no actually organic food is cheaper less chemicals everywhere. Easier to aviod plastics.

Incels. Theres a ton of dudes that is bunless at home and just can't get right. You can tell an incel that women will fukk with you if you fukk with yourself but they tend to not beleive Men they need validation from women. iike I said I know a dude who sets up online meetings and is a total wierdo he beleives in weird consipracy theories and is a scientific Black pilled guy and Feels the need to tell it to everyone. Duke could barely hold down a fast food job in Toronto now he's working steady and even has a local girlfriend willing to put up with him.

Also people are wierd again a dude who couldn't get a girl to save his life in Canada had a girl take care of him and married him in Mexico and has girlfriend in Colombia, now she is a single mother which is something he would find hard to accept from a Black woman but some how is a-ok with a spicy white women but hey it works for him.
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Feb 16, 2017
I'm sorry, breh, but my imagination is running wild right now :laff:
Yeah I get it but what I mean is she has that strong Spanish accent and she'll say stuff that makes sense in Spanish like when we stand in line she'll say Make the line the spanish word Hacer means both to Make or do something so that's why she says Make the line When a Native american would say Stand in Line

The reason why I'm not fluent is becuase I do the same thing, I use the literal english translation instead of what they would say.

For example you'd say Who farted? and they'd say Who threw the Fart?

If you said Gracias they'd say De Nada which literally means It's nothing.
Apr 3, 2014
Yeah I get it but what I mean is she has that strong Spanish accent and she'll say stuff that makes sense in Spanish like when we stand in line she'll say Make the line the spanish word Hacer means both to Make or do something so that's why she says Make the line When a Native american would say Stand in Line

The reason why I'm not fluent is becuase I do the same thing, I use the literal english translation instead of what they would say.

For example you'd say Who farted? and they'd say Who threw the Fart?

If you said Gracias they'd say De Nada which literally means It's nothing.

I get you. I think you were making the point early on in the thread that folks always have a "slang-ish" way of speaking their language, and even if you know the language, it can make it hard to follow because they're not speaking formally.

I assume it would be like if someone from overseas who had learned English heard Black people talking. A lot of our slang would be hard for them to understand.


Feb 16, 2017
I get you. I think you were making the point early on in the thread that folks always have a "slang-ish" way of speaking their language, and even if you know the language, it can make it hard to follow because they're not speaking formally.

I assume it would be like if someone from overseas who had learned English heard Black people talking. A lot of our slang would be hard for them to understand.
Yes but not just slang If I said I'm Queing would most americans know what I mean? In England a line is called a Queue.

You don't get arrested for Drunk Driving you get Nicked for Drink Driving.

Drink Driving
isn't slang it's another way to speak english.

In Spain and Argentina they use Vos they don't use that in the other countries in Latin America.

Not slang different spanish.


Feb 16, 2017
Other people who would be good candidates to be expats:

Do gooders with a special set of skills, i.e Doctors, engineers, HVAC guys, etc. You know how to do anything like that and you could come broke you can write your own ticket.

Techies. If you're computer nerd then you already know needless to say the fintech market in Africa is blowing up. There was some white boys who created Jumia the Amazon of Africa and some other ones who made Smart Boda an Uber for Motos. You could easily make millions.

Tricks, I mean if you're the type to make in rain in the strip club you could dollar cost average anything 'nuff said.

Hopeless romantics. I wouldn't go to the most popular countries to find a wife but going to the countryside might get you a gem. that being said I know this joker who brought a Brazilan back to Houston and the bytch gained 100 pounds and cheated on him.

Preppers, I mean if there's a nuclear war or a nuclear explosion you want to be as far away from the fallout as possible. And you get three to four growing seasons in the tropics to boot.

Dreamers. I always assumed I would live outside of america since I was a kid, I lived in heavily immigrant neighborhoods so It seem natural to me to see people who left their country and I spent a fair amount of time living outside of the country long before the term "Passport bro" was invented.

If you've been thinking about it, give it a shot, If it doesn't work out just go back to the states.
Apr 3, 2014
Speaking more on research especially for Repats take anything said on Youtube with a massive grain of salt. Usually any expat or repat channels are trying to sell you something. But even so the information can be good and you can ask questions that no one ever asks (like my medical post)

But If I had to recommend a Repat channel I'd say the overall best one is the Kenganda channel:

Again no channel covers everything but Oshay's channel is one of the realest repat channels out there.

One of the worst is Dynast Amir's channel. Again if he was promoting Travel to West Africa not Repat shaming (from a guy in Atlanta) I wouldn't have much of a problem with him. It's the Repat shaming tactics (from someone not even living there) for me. He promotes other goofies who live in Non African countries who also shame people for not dropping everything and moving to Africa even though we seen several people do this and fail at it.

I'd be super leery of any ADOS female living on the continent with a youtube channel but there can be some gems if you look past the rapat babble. Low key a lot of ADOS females are basically sexpats.

Maybe you speak on it later in the thread, I'm reading from the beginning... but if not, can you speak more on ADOS women being sexpats? I've never heard of this. What's the situation there?


Feb 16, 2017
Maybe you speak on it later in the thread, I'm reading from the beginning... but if not, can you speak more on ADOS women being sexpats? I've never heard of this. What's the situation there?
Depends on how you define the term "sex pat" The ones in the clubs in Jamaica yeah they're certified passport hoes. The old white bytches going to The Gambia absolutely Passport hoes. But the ADOS women expats? They find an African dude and take care of them.

A very very few marry some elite Africans Like the woman from Afro American in Africa who married a local businessman

And my girl Traveling Sista who married a local business man in Tanzania:

But most ADOS women can't dead the western feminism enough to submit so they find a weak guy that they can control with money until they can't.

I had to tell one aspiring ADOS expat in Colombia that she has to choose between submission or getting with a fellow expat or tricking off on a local.

Never saw her after that.


Feb 16, 2017
More game on getting the best rate on accomodations anywhere.

Don't Assume that Airbnb's are cheaper They usually have more fees based on regulations designed to help Hotels. Unless you're staying more than a month check Priceline.com

However you can negotiate discounts easier with Airbnb hosts just send them a message and make a deal.

Google flights gives you a rough ballpark figure for hotel stays too but Priceline, expedia and booking.com are generally the best.

Trip advisor.com has a little known fee breakdown of several decent hotels so you know the exact costs of a Hotel stay.


Feb 16, 2017
This will be a two parter. Always Be yourself and no matter what problems you have with your country don't overly shyt on it to the locals They won't understand and it makes you look wierd to them.

That being said you don't want to stick out like a sore thumb one sure fire way to get pinged as a foriegner is to wear shorts. Rich people in the 3rd world don't wear shorts outside of the beach and gym and almost never at night. No matter how hot generally they wear Jeans and or a business causal look Think Polo tops.

In the tropics they generally wear a "dressy" Hawaiian Shirt and slacks or a Guaybera

Guayabera - Wikipedia.

A guayabera can be considered formal wear especially with a Fedora or a Trilby hat.

That being said an actual Safari Suit would be too much especially in Africa unless you wanted to look like a Colonizer.

Baseball hats and Tees are ubiquitious so it's fine to wear them. White sneakers are Ok but Jordans are a bit much and indentifies you as food to wolves.

Trail runners and casual shoes are preferred.

High end G-Shocks and Garmins are fine Gold watches and especially "bussdowns" are not.


Feb 16, 2017
Don't assume that expats are your friends generally speaking if he can't tell you why he's living there in two sentences watch out.
I met this goofy in Medellin while hanging out with two travelers who were newbies to Medellin:

DC Born Rob is a good dude and a good resource, I know people that know him.
Apr 3, 2014
Well I haven't been to Medellin (yet) but Cali blows the DR out of the water, I'm talking about Riots and barracades Cali shyt is dirt cheap compared to the DR. even with gringo priing Airbnb's are 100 to 120 dollars cheaper than Santo Domingo The current exhange rate is 3700 TO A DOLLAR!!!! that shyts on the DR's 58 to 1 rate. Food is cheaper here, but the DR has almost everything that the US has Cali doesn't But an Arizona Green tea is like 88 cents in Colombia and it's like 3 dollars in the DR Islands are usually more expensive.

Obviously you lose the beach unless you go to Carty. But Cali isn't as Hot as the DR especially the south coast gets in the dog days of summer. the Dr started to get hot when I left last month it's less humidity here.

Where the DR wins is in english speaking and the cooperativeness of the women. As you may know you can easily "import" a girl to the North coast from the south and vice versa meaning she'll hop a bus, But buses only take a maximum of 4.5 hours. But that being said non hoes are very meh here meaning you have to do more swiping to holla at regular girls. Chicks at work aren't gonna talk to you like they would in the DR bytches here don't speak. You just have to put more footwork in here to holla.

But in Meddy facebook is on fire. but bytches might scope and rob you in Meddy, not saying that couldn't happen in the DR that's pretty unlikely because the DR depends on Tourism way more than Colombia does.

Bro this might be a stupid question but I've never traveled internationally and so I don't have a full understanding of how the exchange rate works except for the basics. But here it seems as if you suggest that if the exchange rate is lower, then things are a lot cheaper in terms of usd. Am I understanding that correctly?

If I'm in a country where the exchange rate is 58 to 1 usd as opposed to a country where the exchange rate is 200 to 1 usd, the price of a bottle of water will be cheaper?

I guess I always assumed that the price would still be the same. For instance maybe a bottle of water would cost a dollar. Then if I go to the 200 to 1 usd exchange rate country, then I would still pay that 1 dollar or the 200 in that country's currency.

What am I missing?


Feb 16, 2017
Bro this might be a stupid question but I've never traveled internationally and so I don't have a full understanding of how the exchange rate works except for the basics. But here it seems as if you suggest that if the exchange rate is lower, then things are a lot cheaper in terms of usd. Am I understanding that correctly?

If I'm in a country where the exchange rate is 58 to 1 usd as opposed to a country where the exchange rate is 200 to 1 usd, the price of a bottle of water will be cheaper?

I guess I always assumed that the price would still be the same. For instance maybe a bottle of water would cost a dollar. Then if I go to the 200 to 1 usd exchange rate country, then I would still pay that 1 dollar or the 200 in that country's currency.

What am I missing?
It depends mainly local things are cheaper but they do try to raise prices when the local dollar tank for example I couldn't find any decent Airnbnb for less than 550 a month in the DR I found similar airbnb's for 437 in Cali and quickly and easily made a deal for 400 a month, Which was 1.5 million Pesos. When the Peso went to almost 5000 my rent remained the same in Pesos but I paid 360 in US dollars for the apartment. The Peso went back up but because it was down the landlord upped the price so this month I'm paying 408 US Dollars for an apartment that raised to 1.7 million pesos.

That's the gist of it because it's harder to raise rents ( and they'll never lower rents when the local dollar raises against the US Dollar) For stuff like food at restaurants a dinner for two in a really nice place in Cali would run you 155,000 pesos which is 37,50 right now in US dollars but because the Colombian peso crashed it might be around 174,000 pesos for the same meals but now that the peso went back down to 4100 pesos from 5000 pesos to 1 They kept the same higher prices so the dinner date costs more in both dollars and Pesos.

I hope I explained it well if not ask again and I'll try again.

One thing I don't like is wild swings in the price of a dollar on the exchange rate because they always raise prices to account for this and never adjust downwards went price of US dollars are lower. Generally the Domimnican peso stays in the 52 to 60 to 1 range so although that makes things automatically higher than the same things in Colombia the prices are more consistent in the DR meaning they don't raise as much.


Feb 16, 2017
In news you can use at home or abroad Lock down your phone;

Really lock it down. Iphone theft is rampant overseas I used to wonder how they could prevent the phone from being bricked here's how they do it:

They can change your Icloud password.


Feb 16, 2017
I left mainly because I lost my job and I either had to retrain for a new career or just retire. I choose retirement.

I rack my brain on going back, I can't do it there's no real incintive at best I'd like to get some kind of side hustle just to stay busy but going back to the rat race after living in perfect weather nah.

The white women are mainly in the hostels. Low key if you act like you're a local the white hoes would pay to fukk you. People talk about Brehs down here tricking but white folks trick heavy down here and always with the darkest person they can find.
When I go back I think i'll have to renew my license especially since my US address changed.

I was just talking to a buddy about the I-95 accident in philly. I owe an EZ pass ticket, I thought about Tickets, Taxes and Parking fees and for that reason alone moving back to the states and getting a job is out of the question.

I literally forgot about how much extra it costs to live in america, Can't do it.