
Feb 16, 2017
Retirement Visas / Passive Income

Many countries will give you residency if you can prove you can support yourself through passive income or savings. These are usually called retirement visas, and they generally forbid you from working, even remotely or via freelancing. You may also be interested in checking out r/expatfire for more information.


Feb 16, 2017
Student Visa

Going to school overseas can often be cheaper than doing so in the US, and many countries will let you stay afterwards for a limited time (6 months - 5 years depending on country and degree type) to look for an employer to sponsor you for a work visa. You can occasionally find programs taught entirely in English even in countries that don’t have it as an official language, though this is usually at the Masters or PhD level.

Keep in mind that many countries do not count years spent as a student towards residency for citizenship requirements, though there are exceptions. For Czechia, Estonia and Spain, your student time counts for half – so, for instance, four years of study would count as two years towards the residency requirement. For more information see here and here.

Do note that many countries do not consider American High School diplomas as proof of college readiness without several Advanced Placement credits, so it may be a good idea to do an associates degree in the US first. If you do choose to study within the US, doing a study abroad program can be a great way to check a country out to see if you would like to start planning a more permanent move there. You may even be able to do this in high school if your school has a foreign exchange program.

Language Learning Visa

This visa allows you to enter the country for the express purpose of enrolling in a language emersion school. You are required to attend a certain number of hours per week, and prove that you have enough money to support yourself for the duration of your stay. If you have a country that you are considering, this is good option to see if you would like it long term.

Work Visa

One of the easier ways to get into a country is to have a job on their skills shortage list, and usually at least 2 years of professional experience in that field. These occupations are often in healthcare, education, or STREAM (science, technology, research, engineering, architecture, mathematics). Having an occupation on the skills shortage list will often enable you to go that country to look for work without first having a sponsor. Search "[country] skills shortage list" to find out if your job qualifies.

If your occupation is not on the skills shortage list for your desired country, you will need to find and employer to sponsor you. This can be difficult as most countries require companies to prove that they could not find a qualified local candidate first. You will also likely be subject to salary thresholds to ensure you will not be reliant on welfare.

Some countries also have an ineligible occupations list of professions they will not issue a work visa for under any circumstances, as those fields are already oversaturated there. If you have a profession on this list you will need to emigrate through your spouse, change careers, or change your target country.

Another way to move abroad via work is through inter-company transfer. If you work for an international company and have some experience, see if they would be willing to transfer you to one of their overseas locations. They will usually also help with moving costs and relocation expenses, so this is a great option for those that have it available to them.

Digital Nomad Visas

Digital Nomad visas allow you to work remotely or freelance while in the country. These types of visas are usually not renewable without a reset period, meaning you would likely have to keep bouncing between countries using this method (hence the “nomad” part). If this is something that interests you, r/digitalnomad is a good sub to checkout.


Feb 16, 2017
Teaching English Abroad

If you have a Bachelor’s degree and are willing to get a TEFL certificate (teaching English as a foreign language) this can be a great way to live abroad. Many schools will pay for your room and board in addition to granting you a living stipend. Keep in mind this is much harder to do in Europe as they already have plenty of English speakers, and are usually required to hire EU citizens first. If you want more information on this path, check out these subreddits:










Working Holiday Visas

Working holiday visas are designed to allow those age 35 and under who are in college or have graduated within the last year to spend up to a year working abroad. You cannot bring your family with you, and they are not designed as a path to citizenship. However, they can make it easier to get your foot in the door by finding a company to sponsor you, or a partner to marry. US citizens can get working holiday visas in the following countries:

-Australia (ages 18-30)

-Canada (ages 18-35): Americans can only do this through international experience Canada via GO International or SWAP Working Holidays

-Ireland (ages 18-25)

-New Zealand (ages 18-30)

-Singapore (ages 18-25)

-South Korea (ages 18-30)

Dutch American Friendship Treaty (DAFT)

The Dutch American Friendship Treaty (DAFT) allows self-employed individuals with their own business to move themselves (as well as their spouse and minor children) to the Netherlands if they are willing and able to have a business in the Netherlands that serves Dutch customers, and keep at least 4,500 euros in a company bank account at all times. You cannot have any one client make up more than 70% of your total income. The residency permit is good for 2 years, and can be renewed for 5 years. If you want to become a citizen, you will need to speak Dutch. Do note that the Netherlands generally does not allow dual citizenship unless you are married to a Dutch national.


Svalbard is unique in that ANYONE can live and work there visa free. However time spent in Svalbard does not count towards residency/citizenship in Norway, and the climate generally makes it an inhospitable place to live.

Non-profit work / volunteer organizations

Nonprofit and volunteer organizations can be a great way to “test the waters” in a foreign country before deciding to move there. There are also certain organizations like WWOOF that allow you to work in other countries for a brief period of time. These are usually not permanent solutions to emigrating, but rather more of a way to get your foot in the door or “test out” a country if you don’t have the means to take an extended vacation there first. Some people also do this via the army or military.

Global Talent Visa

Australia offers a global talent visa for those have an internationally recognized record of exceptional and outstanding achievements, are prominent in their field of expertise, and have a current or potential income of AUD $153,600.

China offers the Talent R visa to those that have accomplished achievements in professional fields recognized internationally, including Nobel Prize winners, scholars from the Academy of Science or Academy of Engineering in foreign countries, professors and vice professors taking a position in the world’s top 200 universities, etc. You must also be under 65 years old, have a doctorate obtained outside of China, and not be ethnically Chinese.

The Netherlands offers a orientation year visa to those who have graduated from a Dutch University or obtained a masters or PHD from a top 200 global university within the last 3 years.

You can apply for a Global Talent Visa to work in the UK if you’re at least 18 years old and a leader or potential leader in arts and culture, digital technology, or academia and research. You must also be from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland.

The UK also has another similar option known as the high potential individual visa. It lets individuals who have graduated from a top global ranking university in the past 5 years to work in the UK without sponsorship. This work can be in any field, even one unrelated to your degree, but working as a sportsperson or sports coach is prohibited.


Feb 16, 2017
If you're going to Sosua on a smash out sexcation I'm not judging you.

But try not to be. complete goofy

nikkas going down there for the superbowl extensively check the Ho fax.

How do you check the Ho Fax?

By joining all the what's app groups, discord channels, Telegram groups and Facebook groups.

You can find the official ones by joining one and getting an invitation to the others

BMT Travels and BlackMAN's Travel are good starter groups, They drop all kinds of game on their facebooks.

There;s a lot of non fukkery related information too like were to stay and what to eat etc.


Feb 16, 2017

I lived in the DR and Colombia and I prefer Colombia in some regards and the DR in others.

Outside of Medellin there's way more Americans in the DR than in Colombia. You'd be surprised at how important this is. Most people dream of being away from Americans try being the only foriegner in a neiborhood not knowing anyone not knowing the culture and see how that works out for you.

I also like the fact that the US is closer and you can buy 90% of the things that you buy in the america in the DR, Can't say the same for Colombia. You'd be surprised at what you miss. More people go back and forth to the DR so they can bring things to you.

You're generally way safer in the DR than in Colombia, way less likelyhood of being killed or even robbed in the DR. But Colombia is more security conscious. In fact speaking of Laureles in general I don't see Viligantes (security guards) on every corner like it is in Cali. Cali is way more dangerous than Medellin but in upscale neighborhoods it's more locked down cops are everywhere and there's plenty of security I see less of overt security in Medellin.

Even though the DR is much smaller you can holla at a greater variety of chicks than in Colombia, They are way more open to dating foriegners seriously than Colombians are.

Dominicans are nicer and more welcolming in general, but I will say that you get stronger friendships over time in Colombia than in the DR. But it's way easier to intergrate into Dominican society than in Colombian society.

I'm not really fond of how influential Mexican culture is in Colombia versus how influential it is in the DR. You're not gonna hear much ranchero music in clubs and bars in the DR.

That being said there's more money fflowing in the DR, and less in your face corruption in Colombia than in the DR. Theres also more varied things to do. Basically in the DR a lot of expats just go to the beach and chase girls all day.

It's not as humid in most of Colombia than in the DR. The infrastructure is better and the power almost never goes out in Colombia. If you decide to live in the DR you better bring a couple of backup solar generators.

Colombia is actually way cheaper than the DR. In the DR you can live good but with all those extra expats the price of housing and food is way higher than Colombia..

There's a less scammy culture in Colombia in regards to tourists/ expats and things are built better.

Way more BBL's in Colombia than in the DR.

Healthcare is better in Colombia than in the DR.

Any more questions just ask. I really like Kenya too.
I forgot to add. You can more easily get a Girlfriend in the DR and you can more easily get a wife in Colombia.

If you live in the DR chances are no matter where or how you meet your girl you won't be the first gringo she's met. Frankly your chick will be a little ran through (this is also the case in the States or anywhere) but the difference is gringos that you know may have fukked your girl.

That might hit differently (or not depending on how secure you are). the vast majority of Dominican women are always waiting for the other shoe to drop so they ask for more stuff mateirally and there's a good chance that a Dominican dude is fukking your girl.

The vast majority of Dominicanas are not Chapiadoras (gold diggers) or sex workers but on an Island of 11 million people (less than New York City) every Dominican chick knows someone who came up after meeting the right gringo simp and they have experienced the gringo leaving said chick and or fukking other women so Dominicanas will protect their heart and be cynical than most other kinds of women.

Outside of Medellin there's a good chance that a Colombiana has never even met a gringo so they don't know how to finesse a Gringo.

There's also more brotherhood in the DR among gringos especially amoung the p*ssy chasing passport bro tricks. That's another up is down that's weird about living overseas, The not tricking expats especially women are super judgemental, clannish, and prententious. They think just because they got someone to agree to pay all their bills that they're special when they might not even be special to the person their taking care of.

As I explained to @Balla trickin' is a funny word and doesn't mean the same as in the states. In the states dudes trick off on going to RuthChris's and taking her to Miami. In any third world country you will buy groceries and pay household expenses. You start tricking when you buy Iphones and paying for motocycles for extended family members. Dominicanas have tons of experience in getting you to trick off on unecessary clothes, electronics, and money for extended family and even local boyfriends.


Feb 16, 2017
Think you can expand on this point a bit? I’ve heard something similar from a friend regarding making friends in Colombia.
The DR is hugely dependent on Tourism. They have agriculture, some mining but very little industry so the vast majority of Dominicans with any money got it from a foriegner either a relative living overseas or a trick sending money through Western Union or doing business or scamming a tourist.

I read a report saying that 90% of all housing built in Santo Domingo is not built to code which could mean some janky structure that might collaspe in a hurricane or Earthquake.

Basically you'll never get something for nothing from a Dominican everything requires a propina (tip) so people will be more superficially nice to you in the DR than in Colombia where there's less friendships but the friendships are more genuine.

Think thrice before buying any good or service in the DR but the upside is it's way easier and more effecient to get US imports than in Colombia

That being said class is extermely important and outside of Africa unless you have several million US Dollars you won't be clicked in with the professional class in the DR or Colombia you will associate with the local working class.

If you want to hang out with and date Doctors and Professors it's way easier to do that in Africa.


May 1, 2012
@Wiseborn damn…I’ve been to DR once, went for about two weeks and had a decent time but I definitely felt what you’re saying as far as everyone trying to get what they can from you. I was thinking about revisiting for a longer period of time but you making me wanna say fukk it and just go back to Colombia lol

Which parts of Africa have you been to? And how would you compare those places to Colombia?


Nov 17, 2017
I forgot to add. You can more easily get a Girlfriend in the DR and you can more easily get a wife in Colombia.

If you live in the DR chances are no matter where or how you meet your girl you won't be the first gringo she's met. Frankly your chick will be a little ran through (this is also the case in the States or anywhere) but the difference is gringos that you know may have fukked your girl.

That might hit differently (or not depending on how secure you are). the vast majority of Dominican women are always waiting for the other shoe to drop so they ask for more stuff mateirally and there's a good chance that a Dominican dude is fukking your girl.

The vast majority of Dominicanas are not Chapiadoras (gold diggers) or sex workers but on an Island of 11 million people (less than New York City) every Dominican chick knows someone who came up after meeting the right gringo simp and they have experienced the gringo leaving said chick and or fukking other women so Dominicanas will protect their heart and be cynical than most other kinds of women.

Outside of Medellin there's a good chance that a Colombiana has never even met a gringo so they don't know how to finesse a Gringo.

There's also more brotherhood in the DR among gringos especially amoung the p*ssy chasing passport bro tricks. That's another up is down that's weird about living overseas, The not tricking expats especially women are super judgemental, clannish, and prententious. They think just because they got someone to agree to pay all their bills that they're special when they might not even be special to the person their taking care of.

As I explained to @Balla trickin' is a funny word and doesn't mean the same as in the states. In the states dudes trick off on going to RuthChris's and taking her to Miami. In any third world country you will buy groceries and pay household expenses. You start tricking when you buy Iphones and paying for motocycles for extended family members. Dominicanas have tons of experience in getting you to trick off on unecessary clothes, electronics, and money for extended family and even local boyfriends.
What place do you recommend for brehs to travel dolo for their first time? And do those women in the countries you visited actually like black men or is it just a wallet? Do they actually like the person?

And paying for bills to me is still tricking, groceries, maybe not.

There has to be a line drawn when it comes to spending money on women. It’s not about being cheap or whatever you’re buying being cheap, it’s about not being seen as a wallet.

Women don’t respect wallets because if you run out, what good are you?


Feb 16, 2017
What place do you recommend for brehs to travel dolo for their first time? And do those women in the countries you visited actually like black men or is it just a wallet? Do they actually like the person?

And paying for bills to me is still tricking, groceries, maybe not.

There has to be a line drawn when it comes to spending money on women. It’s not about being cheap or whatever you’re buying being cheap, it’s about not being seen as a wallet.

Women don’t respect wallets because if you run out, what good are you?
For you a good first trip would be to Canada.

I'm not sure that you should ever go to a country that's not a G-7 country


Feb 16, 2017
@Wiseborn damn…I’ve been to DR once, went for about two weeks and had a decent time but I definitely felt what you’re saying as far as everyone trying to get what they can from you. I was thinking about revisiting for a longer period of time but you making me wanna say fukk it and just go back to Colombia lol

Which parts of Africa have you been to? And how would you compare those places to Colombia?
I've lived in Kenya and Tanzania.

Kenya is in some areas flyer than even Colombia, South Africa is way better from what I heard.

That being said for a short trip I'd still choose Santo Domingo for the average casual Coli breh on there first trip


Nov 17, 2017
For you a good first trip would be to Canada.

I'm not sure that you should ever go to a country that's not a G-7 country
You mean because of the money thing? Is it like that in Africa too?
Feb 12, 2015
What place do you recommend for brehs to travel dolo for their first time? And do those women in the countries you visited actually like black men or is it just a wallet? Do they actually like the person?

And paying for bills to me is still tricking, groceries, maybe not.

There has to be a line drawn when it comes to spending money on women. It’s not about being cheap or whatever you’re buying being cheap, it’s about not being seen as a wallet.

Women don’t respect wallets because if you run out, what good are you?
Travel for the main purpose of travelling as a leisure activity: To learn about new cultures, new perspectives, different perspectives on life that you haven't been exposed to.

The last thing on your mind when going abroad should be p*ssy. That's the mistake too many brothers make. Your first trips anywhere should be about getting a "lay of the land". That means being clear minded and learning how folks operate where you're going. All that getting p*ssy stuff can come after.

The main purpose of travelling somewhere new should not be just to fukk some new p*ssy. If that is the only motive for going then head to one of the traditional sex tourism spots: your Sousua, etc. But be clear you are nothing more than a trick to the girls in one of these places nothing more nothing less. Not you specifically but nikkas like to lie to themselves and say they not trickin and the girls truly loves them for them.....the only authentic thing underneath the whole facade is that there is a transaction ocxurring.


Nov 17, 2017
Travel for the main purpose of travelling as a leisure activity: To learn about new cultures, new perspectives, different perspectives on life that you haven't been exposed to.

The last thing on your mind when going abroad should be p*ssy. That's the mistake too many brothers make. Your first trips anywhere should be about getting a "lay of the land". That means being clear minded and learning how folks operate where you're going. All that getting p*ssy stuff can come after.

The main purpose of travelling somewhere new should not be just to fukk some new p*ssy. If that is the only motive for going then head to one of the traditional sex tourism spots: your Sousua, etc. But be clear you are nothing more than a trick to the girls in one of these places nothing more nothing less. Not you specifically but nikkas like to lie to themselves and say they not trickin and the girls truly loves them for them.....the only authentic thing underneath the whole facade is that there is a transaction ocxurring.
Nah I’m not a sexpat. Of course I would want to fukk some women, but I’d like to travel n see all the shyt in the world.

If it’s in those spots that passport brehs usually go, then I’ll mostly go for the food and just to have my money go further there, low key live like a king.

I won’t lie and say women aren’t high on the list as well.

It’s all combined to me, but I’m not focused on just women and tricking.

Idk why brehs lie to themselves, it really makes me sad.

I seen one old head, I forgot what happened to him, but he had an interview with Ace Live and dude got finessed and was so broken, I felt so bad for that dude, mostly because he thought she really liked him.

That’s why I’m not for tricking no matter how cheap, these brehs can’t see they’re being used.


Feb 16, 2017
@Wiseborn damn…I’ve been to DR once, went for about two weeks and had a decent time but I definitely felt what you’re saying as far as everyone trying to get what they can from you. I was thinking about revisiting for a longer period of time but you making me wanna say fukk it and just go back to Colombia lol

Which parts of Africa have you been to? And how would you compare those places to Colombia?
The DR is a compact country and they know what people are there for. For example there's a guy who might have a jet ski in Boca Chica (the nearest beach to the largest city in the country) but there's not hundreds of Jet skis available for rent. I've seen way more Jet skis in Lake Calima a random lake in Colombia than the beaches of the DR.

You can only do wind surfing in Caberete partially because the water is best for that but no kite surfing again it's a big thing in Mombasa Kenya and Africans are not known for there love of water sports.

The DR is set up for dudes (and dudettes) on short vacatons looking for Sun Sand and Sea way more sexpats in the DR so there's spots where you select hoes sorted by cost on certain streets out there. But other than the countryclub there's no place to play Golf in the city.

One thing is you're not gonna get overwhelmed by not speaking spanish or get lost in SD you certainly might in Medellin or Bogota or whereever.

The DR has CESTUR tourist police in the Tourist zones available to help you they don't have this in Colombia


Feb 16, 2017
You mean because of the money thing? Is it like that in Africa too?
You'd have to leave the western mentality in the west. These Youtube travel trick bums are lying to you. If you're spending zero money then you'd be better off getting ass in Miami than Medellin.

Even in the DR there's not a pleathora of chicks giving up free box like that, Can you meet someone cool possibly but If you're trying to go to the club and leave out with something and your wallet full London is better than anyplace in the 3rd world.

Understand YOURE NOT EVER NOT COMMING OUT OF POCKET IN THE THIRD WORLD!!! There's no wefare, wic section 8 or easy ass office jobs given to women a chick has to get help from her family or her boyfriend.

I know a 65 year old dude who matched with a bytch on tinder she looked like a Fitness Model I looked at the match and I said Aw Hell Nah but homie is mad at me for crushing his dreams so I left it at that. He met her at a coffee shop. She went to his room but didn't fukk. She texted the next day saying she needed money for supplements and a personal trainer. He was surprised.

I asked him what would've been the likelyhood of his old ass matching with a 25 year old fitness model in the states?

Same dude went to the club with my coked up (by way yonnger) white buddy and was jealous that he got more attention than him. He could stand a vacation in Vancouver too.